where to start doing magic - broom closet

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where to start doing magic - broom closet

Post by saianalyd »

i would like to know 2 things

1) how to start doing spells and practicing magic,. what spells should i try first?how do i use them? ya know, stuf like that

2) my mother would not want me doing magick (though my dad would not mind at all) and my sister would make fun of me. I dont really want them to know.....which spells are discreet
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Post by hedge* »

Multiple posts are a bit tedious you know :wink:
I just copied and pasted what I've already said
Hello and welcome ( again )
I would advise against doing any spells if you're new to this path, simply because unless you understand the process and what's involved and have spent a lot of time learning, spells ain't gonna work.
I would also advise that you read up as much as possible, the internet is great for this, and also discussing things on forums like this
Ask yourself what you think magic is, why you want to practice magic, what you hope to acheive from performing magic.
You may have to spend a while thinking about these, write them down - that can be your first entry in your BOS!
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Post by gingerkitty »

Hi there,the best way to start is to Read every thing and anything,If you pick up a book and you read the back and you get excited,put it back and try again.You need to find some thing with step by step stuff.Scott Cunningham seems to have what you need .GOOD LUCK.remember its a life style not a game.
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Re: where to start doing magic - broom closet

Post by SpiritTalker »


🗝 On-Line Study Suggestions
1. Elements manifest intentions - 💨 air, 🔥 fire, 💦 water, 🌎 earth
2. Wicca for Solitary Practitioner PDF https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/religion.occult.new_age/Magick/Wicca,%20a%20Guide%20for%20the%20Solitary%20Practitioner.pdf

Your Workspace-
. Meditate & fill your space with good vibes to create a clean slate to build on
. DIY Spray: mix a pinch of salt, 1/2 tsp lemon juice & 4 Tbsp water in a spray bottle
. Prep tray or table - damp-wipe with DIY spray, dab & wipe with oil, charge 🙌🏽
. Supplies: DIY spray💨,🕯LED-candles,🧂salt, ⚱️olive oil, 🧶twine, 📝pencil, paper & ✂️

. Put your gear inside your planned workspace; start & end at north
. Easy circle: cleanse with light aerosol mist while walking 🔄; then load-aim-shoot to 👆🏽cast circle↩️; it dissipates when walked through

Discreet Spells
. Know your intent - to attract, to repel or to empower something
. Charge with intention - Pull power on the breath to the belly; think the goal; push from the belly 🙌🏽 & out the hands

. LED Candle Spelll - the battery creates electricity which is the fire element, and the visual symbolism is obvious. Charge the candle to support all spells you bring to it. Rather than anointing the candle for each spell thereafter, you’d place an anointed and charged sigil under the candle. Set the candle’s timer if it has one, or use a kitchen timer. The spell is done when it times out. LEDs can be reused this way.

. Sigil - write your intent in a short phrase on plain paper. Cross out vowels (a,e,i,o,u) & duplicate consonants, then scramble the remaining letters into an artsy hieroglyph. Draw a containing circle around it & ✂️cut out the encircled design. Anoint with with dabs of oil (:-:) to hold psychic charge. 🙌🏽 Magnetize. Place paper under LED candle & when it times out you shred the sigil & let the pieces scatter into the waste basket. By destroying the word-sigil you symbolically transform your words into action on the etheric plane. This is a very old magical concept.

.9-Knot Spell - use twine or yarn as long as your arm. Loosely tie 1 knot for each phrase of the incantation. The knots can be untied in the same session or later. Undoing the knots releases the power. Dropping the knotted strand into flowing water will cancel it.

By knot one the spell's begun - By knot two it comes true - By knot three so shall it be
By knot four the power is stored - By knot five the spell's alive - By knot six the goal is fixed
By knot seven it is given - By knot eight it is fate - By knot nine it is mine

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Re: where to start

Post by Kaelie111 »

There are alot of spells that are discreet. Candle magick spells are usually pretty discrete if you open a window in a closed room so that the candles (or the sage) won't smell. I use apps that has rituals and spells that I can do, and usually they are discreet. Here's one super simple and is very hardly noticeable:

1) Hold a penny firmly in your left hand.
2) Make a wish, and visualize it coming true.
3) Chant three times: " Penny, penny in my hand, bring to me my heart's demand."
4) Transfer the penny to your right hand, and kiss it.
5) Toss the penny over your left shoulder and let it sit there for a few seconds.

I found this spell on tumblr.Image
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Re: where to start

Post by barker »

saianalyd wrote:i would like to know 2 things

1) how to start doing spells and practicing magic,. what spells should i try first?how do i use them? ya know, stuf like that
This is how I picture Wicca, specifically the use of the mind. Intelligence has productive (or maybe seductive) behaviours.

Light side:

A) Get clear on what you want - eg I want ...
B) Write down what you know - eg every morning is so beautiful
C) Synthesise! - eg greet the new day and all the fun-loving faeries
2) my mother would not want me doing magick (though my dad would not mind at all) and my sister would make fun of me. I dont really want them to know.....which spells are discreet
Dark side:

A) Analyse relationships and write down - eg I am alone, insight is alone, but person x doesn't see it that way.
B) Clear and raise energy - eg meditate for 20 mins and visualise a silver bubble at the finish
C) Compromise! - eg take a bath in black tea to let your working insight restore for a period of time

The above should leave you with a heart that can manifest any choice.
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