What if I Don't Have an Ingredient or Tool that I Need?

Frequently asked questions about witchcraft, Wicca, magick, paganism, and the occult. Subjects include love spells, Ouija boards, curses, Law of Attraction, and what to do if you don't have the needed tools, ingredients, altar, etc.

How do you feel about Correspondences?

Magical properties belong to the item itself - naturally.
All that matters is the spellcaster’s intent - No ingredients/items necessary
Just props- Aids focusing your intent
Not needed but preferred
Necessary to use Correspondences
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Re: What if I don't have an ingredient or tool that I need?

Post by Lillady »

I use tools (mainly crystals, herbs, oils and candles) in my works but ideally in order to get my spell to work I focus on the need/situation. The usage of tools for me is for simple amplification of the process. So for example if I am stating a prosperity chant to help with bills and financial needs of my family, I will hold my bloodstone and may light a green candle. While I speak to the deities I focus on the need solely. I actually did this last night as my bills are behind and in order to get caught up fully I will need to work some overtime, which I do not mind but tired of having to do so. I just want the bills paid, and a little cushion because I am tired of our family struggling as it seems whenever everything is on track financially something pops in and takes any cushion we may have. Using tools helps me because it can help amplify the power of the spell/chant.

In my mind, tools are not always needed. I like using them, but typically if your mindset is on the need and the result you want it will/can still happen.
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Re: What if I don't have an ingredient or tool that I need?

Post by Vervain »

There are as many magickal theories as there are magickal practitioners.

My personal theory is that for spellwork, correspondences are just for focusing your energy toward your goal. However, centuries of tradition of people thinking that certain herbs have certain magickal properties is a pretty strong lens for focus. I like to use correspondences when I can, but don't think they're necessary.

But then, it seems that plants do like to grow with the lunar cycle, and some plants definitely do have very specific healing properties, so for that sort of thing there is evidence that correspondences, or correspondence-like things, do matter.

Experiment for yourself. What works for other people may not work for you. What works for you may not have worked for other people before you.
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Re: What if I don't have an ingredient or tool that I need?

Post by DPhoenix »

vervain wrote:There are as many magickal theories as there are magickal practitioners.

My personal theory is that for spellwork, correspondences are just for focusing your energy toward your goal. However, centuries of tradition of people thinking that certain herbs have certain magickal properties is a pretty strong lens for focus. I like to use correspondences when I can, but don't think they're necessary.

But then, it seems that plants do like to grow with the lunar cycle, and some plants definitely do have very specific healing properties, so for that sort of thing there is evidence that correspondences, or correspondence-like things, do matter.

Experiment for yourself. What works for other people may not work for you. What works for you may not have worked for other people before you.
As crazy as it may sound, they've found that plants release certain pheromones to speak with each other. They've also done studies that have shown that quartz tipped needles increase the efficiency of acupuncture buy over 10%. Magnetic copper is reputed for helping to heal joint pain and sterling silver does have some anti bacterial properties (silver is a symbol of the moon & protection).

I believe in animism. That everything living and 'non living' thing has a spirit or 'living energy'. I believe that this living energy is lended to spells, feng shui and other forms of physical manipulation to achieve manifestation. It's funny to me how we assume something doesn't have a consciousness unless it can interact with us.

Have you ever tried starting a car... asking it and begging it to start with every fiber of your being... and then it actually starts? Why talk to it? What purpose does it serve? I think that unconsciously we know everything has a spirit/energy but we've been programmed to believe only human and animals have consciousness. I'm not alone in this, lots of shamanic paths teach that inanimate objects have a life, a spirit.

I also believe in the power of the law of attraction... so imo being able to incorporate the intangible (mental focus/energy) and the tangible (elliciting the help of the tools around you, herbs, candles etc) is a sign of a skilled witch.

>.< I think I'm just rambling on at this point but hopefully someone finds it useful or at the very least thought provoking. :)
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Re: What if I don't have an ingredient or tool that I need?

Post by loona wynd »

There are many different correspondence tables out there. You have your herbal correspondences, your astrological correspondences, your color correspondences, Celestial correspondences, Crystal correspondences, animals & Birds, spirits, deities, angels, ect. There are many people who believe that you need to include as many correspondence as possible in a spell and there are others who feel that you need only a few. There are some witches and magicians out there who work with only one or two sets of correspondences and leave out others.

In my view and experience correspondences do add power to a spell. They add not only symbolic energy but also psychological energy and vibrational energy to the spell. These things when added with personal intent, visualization, and spell technique can allow for a powerful spell or ritual to occur. Some correspondences may not be appropriate for all work. Some correspondences may not work for all witches and magicians. This is why it is important for each with to develop their own correspondence systems.

The original question sparked in the topic thread is an excellent question and is one that I have been asked elsewhere online. The honest answer I have for this is that you improvise. In many books there are lists of alternatives for herbal or crystal correspondences in spell and ritual work. Often times a well stock culinary cabinet will have any and all herbs that you would need for a spell or a ritual. If you are tight on cash and don't necessarily have the funds for buying new herbs and supplies look at what you personally have on hand in your house. You will be able to find something that you can work.

One key component to spells and rituals has always been the intent and will of the caster. If all you have for spell materials is paper, pencil, and a lighter you can cast an effective spell with out the use of any herbs or crystals. So long as you focus intently on writing the desired out come on the paper, draw any symbols that come into your mind and focus on what it will be like when that desire comes into your life, rip the paper up and burn it focusing on those actions distributing the energy into the universe the spell will work.
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Re: What if I don't have an ingredient or tool that I need?

Post by valerian moon »

I didn't have any white candles (say whaaaaaaaat???) so I went searching through my house. I came across birthday candles from my brother's birthday in September.
yeah why the hell not.
so I used those little candles instead. Burnt my hand red. But I think the Goddess will take pity on my burnt hand and guide me to not do any more stupids.
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Re: Magical Correspondences

Post by valerian moon »

-Dark-Moon- wrote:They're all pretty much props in the same sense that ritual is psychodrama.
hmm... Never thought of it that way.
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Re: What if I don't have an ingredient or tool that I need?

Post by Firebird »

Oooo I miss the Dark Moon, she hasn't been here in awhile...
To add to this lovely thread I would like to say, the correspondences and symbols are strong images that the brain can identify with...remember our brain hasn't evolved as fast as modern man has, and it responds to imagery...we are a visual breed and the symbols we see have deep roots that go so far back they are one with our DNA. This is why most folks feel they have "come home" when they first discover this path...it feels so normal, natural and right.
So when we have the symbols relating to the magic we are tying to accomplish, this digs grooves or pathways in the brain that says... oooh ya, this is good! and this will work!
Ritual is part of that, when you have done a ritual a certain way for a length of time, you can do it without thinking, like you are on auto pilot. These are the grooves in the brain that make it manifest....this is also creating muscle memory...the reason you can do some things without much thought. When you add new symbols you are creating new pathways. When we add correspondences that have meaning to us, we create the patterns in our brain the effects the change.
Blessings, Firebird
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Re: What if I Don't Have an Ingredient or Tool that I Need?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Improvise and substitute 🙂.

We can substitute unavailable tools with "like" symbols by elemental correspondence. Using mist, LED candle, seashell & stone as air, fire, water, earth is still elementally balanced. Just holding a pointer of some kind in the hand makes the mind-eye-hand connection so energy projecting is more effective.

Re herbs, incense & oils - sweet 🌺 scents work for love, citrusy 🍋 for cleansing, forest 🌲 scents for prosperity & 🌶 spicy for protection.

Elemental Correspondence Mini Reference

☁️ E-Air - incense/aerosol; 🟨, intellect; chant, sigils; marjoram, mint, sage; feather, bell, bubbles; citrine,tiger eye
🔥 S-Fire - oil, candle; 🟥; vitality, partnership; 🕯or LED; bay, basil, rosemary, pepper; obsidian, red jasper
💦 W-Water - cup,bowl; 🟦; emotions, psychism; potion, bottle; lemon, rose, chamomile, thyme; shells, lapis, turquoise
🪨 N-Earth - herbs, stone; 🟩; home, prosperity; knots, grids; grains , mugwort, salt; hematite, aventurine, jade
✨ Ether - altar cloth, witch’s cord; 🟪; spirituality; meditation, trance; angelica, basil, cinnamon; amethyst, sugilite

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