What do we do for our deities?

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Esaru Kun

What do we do for our deities?

Post by Esaru Kun »

Hello guys,

Can you share what you like pertaining to how you repay any bestowals, gifts, blessings, favours, honour your deity/deities or generally make them feel appreciated for their help, support and aid either its magical or mundane. Do your deities have specific requirements or expectations of you?
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Re: what do we do for our deities?

Post by Holdasown »

Outside of standard offerings, I dedicate all my housework to Holda and she expects regular wight offerings to be made. I read to Odin thought that tends to be scattered and not consistent. I made a hex sign for Ullr.
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Re: what do we do for our deities?

Post by Herzen »

I honor Artemis on each full moon, I often try to bake a little something for the occasion and I put a piece of it on the altar. I also buy fresh flowers for each Sabbat and Esbats to honor the gods :)
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Re: what do we do for our deities?

Post by Seraphin »

Well for Baal, Ashtaroth, Dagon, K'mosh (Chemosh), M'rodakh (Marduk), Nergal and other Ancient Near Eastern Deities which is my main pantheon, I make monthly offerings (animals, foods, drinks, etc.) accompanied by sincere prayer, meditation and spiritual return.

My offerings aided the reparation process for any spiritual injuries I consciously or "unconsciously" inflicted and despite of that, They are still there guiding, supporting and bestowing me blessings and provisions. This means, there's a great deal of trust and honor that builds up with regular offerings, and the depth of the relationship is something special. But we should not mistake my offerings for more than what they are. They are aids to reparation; they don't cause reparation.

For many years of experience working with my Deities, I learned that They aren't actually appeased by gifts and offerings. My Deities repair myself and my life if I sincerely desire to fix my ways and I do something in return -- in that sense it's a very reciprocal relationship. That's why my offerings are always accompanied with the will to get closer to Them (prayer and meditation) and a promise or vow to observe or obey Their demands and statutes more carefully (spiritual return), and concern for their gifts and provisions. I also do this for some of my Gods if I feel I need to make some reconciliation or amendment.

As for Yemaya, Oshun, Eleggua, Babalu Aye and other Yoruba Orishas, I make animal sacrifices too but sometimes, They prefer talismans and votive sacrifices: any items or works that can be put on display at their shrines such as these:


The offerings are called "ashe". I bought these lovely pieces of magickal jewelry from a lone merchant. They are preserved scorpion with carnelian, shark's tooth pendant for Oggun/Yemaya, skull and serpents for Santa Muerte, buffalo horn dreamcatcher with amethyst for Oya.

Also, these kinds of offerings are signs of my gratitude. At the time I open up to the trait of gratitude, I see clearly and accurately how much good my Deities are in my life. These offerings that I put in my altar ans shrine affirms. Those things I'm lacking are still there, and in seeing these little symbols of gratitude, it's reminding not to focus so heavily on the deficiencies in my lives that I barely perceive the good.

Same goes for my other of my Deities which belong to Celtic, Greek, Hindu and Goetic pantheon.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: what do we do for our deities?

Post by AdastraJunction »

My 6 deities are mated pairs and are the balance of the other. I give the twins rain water and soil. Their parents receive and item from my past and a written dream of the future or as one is life the other is death and get something associated with birth and death or their representations which is a falcon feather and the skin of a snake, it depends on my need of them which items I give. Their parents I give my passion of movement in dance. It all depends on what my need of each of them is at the time. Sorry to be so vague but its a long drawn out explanation of each of them.
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Re: what do we do for our deities?

Post by valerian moon »

For Bridgid I usually light a candle to honor her, or I will paint a creative self-expression picture. I also draw and write poetry for her, not necessarily dedicated to her, but just in general and she loves it, I assume. Im not really sure. I really should honor her more often so I would know if she likes it or not.
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Re: what do we do for our deities?

Post by Nykti »

Lots of offerings. Mainly physical things like food and drink, flowers, some votive objects such as candles and incense. Also offerings of prayers, hymns, I sing song for some local spirits, I dance (badly!) for Dionysos. My other half has a connection with Hermes and so devotes his time in the gym to Him and any sport he gets involved with. I really like doing things that have a direct association with a deity as a devotional act as well, for example viewing theatre for Dionysos, etc.
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Re: what do we do for our deities?

Post by narveya »

Weekly rituals, offerings on festival dates and simple morning walk under the sunlight, stay healthy and write short poetry/prose, all for Apollo. A new ritual I make is "discover a new less known musician, explore the songs and write a small essay". I devoted almost everything related to music, health and knowledge for Him. Pretty basic and simple, cause yeah college stuffs.
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Re: what do we do for our deities?

Post by XxStarrySkiesxX »

Seraphin Murmur wrote:
As for Yemaya, Oshun, Eleggua, Babalu Aye and other Yoruban Orishas, I make animal sacrifices too but sometimes, They prefer talismans and votive sacrifices: any items or works that can be put on display at their shrines such as these:
I'm sorry, but of what need is an animal sacrifice? How does that work?
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Re: What do we do for our deities?

Post by Seraphin »

Hiya StarrySkies!

Before anything else, I would like to point out that topics such as animal sacrifices are banned on discussion on public since this particular subject tend to attract members who are dark and disruptive so I'm going to be brief in my explanation.

The animals that I sacrificed to the Deities, most of the time, are already in their meat form, and they are ways of helping me to come closer to the Higher Realms like the Ancient people did in their time. Eating animals offered to Gods is a very spiritual experience for me since they're raised from the level of animal to that of more spiritual, by actually becoming a part of me and the Gods and by being the vehicle for the entire process.

Unfortunately, at times the opposite is true. Everything that has a value and has the potential for sanctification/ascension/elevation and has also the potential for abuse. People can be so involved in these sacrifices that they forget all about its higher aspects.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

Re: What do we do for our deities?

Post by XxStarrySkiesxX »

You had me concerned :P Thanks for the clarity. I'm not a fan of sacrificial animal killing.
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Re: What do we do for our deities?

Post by Naudia Threng »

I usually just pray them and tell stories of their greatness. It does get repetitive though. I also burn tea bags.
O Goddes, all praise to you. Ta em hotep, anekh hrak. Lady Isis, I adore you. Nebet aset, tu a atu.

Re: What do we do for our deities?

Post by Morr »

Candles burning, sweets, wine or beer, items I find in nature as appropriate to the specific Deity (ex. sea shells, flowers, seasonal items).

I have Tarot decks dedicated to The Morrighan.
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Re: what do we do for our deities?

Post by Nightwatcher »

narveya wrote:Weekly rituals, offerings on festival dates and simple morning walk under the sunlight, stay healthy and write short poetry/prose, all for Apollo. A new ritual I make is "discover a new less known musician, explore the songs and write a small essay". I devoted almost everything related to music, health and knowledge for Him. Pretty basic and simple, cause yeah college stuffs.
That sounds lovely! I really like that idea of looking at lesser-known musicians; I may give that a try (I'm an Apollon devotee too.)
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