Silversong's Crystals (A couple of which I don't know)

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Silversong's Crystals (A couple of which I don't know)

Post by Silversong »

I have a gazillion, so here's a quick-reference as much for me as anyone else.

Amethyst I'm going to use for my staff. Somehow.

Assorted amethysts with no current charge or purpose aside from their own inherent ones. All given to me by one of my best friends, along with the other two amethysts here.

So, there's actually a kinda cool story behind this one (and why it's in the bag). My family and I went up to Leavenworth, Washington, which is this tiny little town that makes half its money off the Mayday festival in the spring, one Beltane, for obvious reasons. While packing for the weekend, I felt the sudden urge to grab this tiny chip of amethyst, which is no bigger than my thumbnail, and bring it with me. I've learned to listen to these things, because they're usually right, so I tucked it into the case for my flashdrive, which I carry on my belt loop at all times. I kept it there for the whole weekend and honestly kind of forgot about it. While we were there, I became aware that humans apparently aren't the only ones who travel to Leavenworth for the festival - I could sense other presences there, too, although I'm still not sure exactly who all was there. I know at least some sprites and other fae were present. I just enjoyed the music and the dancing and the food (oh my dear gods they had a shop entirely for cheeses and I kind of went nuts) and the magic (and magick!) of it all. But when we got home, I remembered about the amethyst again (I think I went to go get my flashdrive and went "Oh hey I remember this"). I pulled it out, and wow I almost dropped it because of the surge of energy I felt from it. I immediately set it faaar away from my other crystals, at the other end of my dresser, and sat there staring at it and laughing for a minute. It felt almost like an electric shock. From then on, that little tiny chip of crystal was kept far away from my other crystals, until I eventually acquired a bag for it. I still can't hold it for more than a second or two without getting so much overload of magickal energy from it that it actually hurts my fingers and arms a little. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.

Moss Agate, bought.

I actually don't know what this one is. I think it might be green calcite, but I'm not sure. It's a little transparent in a few places, but for the most part it's pretty much opaque.

Citrine. I found this actually while I was mowing the lawn at the wildlife center my mom runs (the AWF), behind one of the pens. It caught my eye, so I had to stop and go get it. There's a pebble embedded in it, though.

Citrine. I don't remember where I got it. Possibly that same friend gave it to me. He gives me a lot of crystals 'cause he knows I adore them XD

Citrine. This one scared me a bit, because I have no idea where it came from. I only had the second citrine above at the time, and it was sitting on my dresser with my other crystals. Had been for ages. Anyway, I came into my room one day and glanced at my collection of crystals, and stopped and frowned at it because there was a second little piece of citrine next to the first. I've no idea where it came from... faery gift?

Honey Calcite, bought. Could someone tell me any properties of honey calcite they know, please? Because I can't find any, for one reason or another. All I know is it's a very comforting stone to me, and it makes an excellent handwarmer. I was holding it in my hand as I was walking around the little store where I bought this, the agate (above), and the rubilated quartz (below), looking for anything else I wanted, and had to put it down after a few minutes because my hands were starting to sweat because it seemed to be absorbing and amplifying my heat. I say 'amplifying' because my hands are always, always freezing cold, unless they're literally submerged in hot water or something similar. The rest of my body can be sweating like a horse, and my hands and feet will be cold. (Makes me popular in summer, though, haha.) So a handwarmer is a very good thing. That little stone is coming with me to the football games I play in band for next year.

Jet, bought. Protection stone, yay. I was feeling in need of it at the time. For some reason when I first bought it, I sat rolling it between my hands for several minutes with no real purpose, probably just absorbing the energy from it.

Clear quartz. The only clear quartz I have, and it's in bedrock. Naturally. XD This was also given to me by that same friend I mentioned earlier.

I used to have a boatload of these, but now they're all mysteriously gone... *glares accusingly at Mother* *cough* Anyway. Find these left, right, and center on gravel paths.

Rubilated quartz, bought. The second pic is me holding it up to the light attempting to show off the "hair-like" structures inside, which range from white to pale gold in this one. Rubilated quartz is an intriguing stone, and I can examine this one for several minutes. You can probably find better pictures online.

Selenite, bought. Bought this one with the jet, and nothing else, after spending almost an hour walking extremely slowly through a crystal shop (if you blink, you'll miss it) and picking up almost every single one I could to get a feel for it. Mom was watching me and when I came to the counter, she asked me (and I quote), "All these crystals, and you pick a black one and a white one?" I was just like, "Yep," and paid for my crystals. XD I bought this selenite at a time when I was trying to understand someone, another best friend's boyfriend, actually, who made me nervous and gave me a really, really bad feeling in my very core from Day One. Despite the fact that he claimed we used to be pretty close friends, I had absolutely no memory of him and wouldn't have been able to pick him out of a lineup. The scary thing? He knew things that no one should ever know outside my very closest friends, and I would have remembered him if I'd told him those things - not that I would have in the first place. No, his girlfriend didn't tell him. She would never, for her sake as much as mine. There were other things, but that was a big one... I won't go into it further than that, though. Suffice it to say that I did at least two tarot readings and prayed a LOT for guidance with the help of the selenite, trying to figure out him both and the way he made my scales itch (so to speak; the tarot readings both freaked me out because they did NOT bode well, which now I know why). The relationship did not end well, no not because of my interference because I tried to stay out of it for the most part despite myself, only making sure that she wasn't going to get hurt. (Although I will admit that I acted like her mother for a little while there. Then again, I frequently do.)
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Re: Silversong's Crystals (A couple of which I don't know)

Post by Kassandra »


Thanks for sharing this. Ugh, your crystal pics are ta' die for. And your anecdotes are a fun read.

I especially found the comments regarding the calcite seeming to warm your hands of interest. When I used to work as an intuitive consultant in a new age store, I used to lurk the crystals between client appointments. Sometimes I would just hold a yellow calcite sphere in my hands. It was so soothing, so healing, I don't know why. I would hold it at my solar plexus chakra, close my eyes, absorb the serene music drifting from the speakers overhead, and just groove. It felt like the crystal was "repairing" things in that energy center, like metaphysical surgery of some sort. As it did for you, this came to me instictively, as I had not read this procedure anywhere, nor been told by anyone to do it. And it was only with the spherical stones that I would experience this energy flow. It did not work with raw or tumbled stones. After about 20-30 minutes, I would feel like I just had a Reiki session. It was a nice experience.
honey%20calcite%20sphere7.jpg (9.34 KiB) Viewed 4009 times
Yellow calcite looks like a little sun to
me, when shaped into a sphere like this.

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Re: Silversong's Crystals (A couple of which I don't know)

Post by Firebird »

Hi Silversong, cool stones :D
you asked about the green one unknown, maybe calcite. I think it may be fluorite that green is the most common
..calcite does have a certain "feel" besides being warm and delish
(musta been a sweet time Kass! Honey calcite is one of my favorites too it looks like you could eat it!). . It has a distinct soapy kind of feel.
I also believe the stones you call citrine are actually carnelian which are pretty common in Oregon, mighty fine specimens I might add :D I really like the top one with the little pebble in it, I have one very similar with a sandstoneish type pebble.
nice pics thanks,
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Re: Silversong's Crystals (A couple of which I don't know)

Post by SnowCat »

If you can get your hands on a short wave UV light, you can check a lot of crystals for fluorescence. Some will fluoresce under long wave, which is the standard black light, but more of them will light up under short wave. Unfortunately, I don't know a good source for short wave lights. My grandson has one that a retired miner friend gave him. He used for his science fair project.

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Re: Silversong's Crystals (A couple of which I don't know)

Post by Silversong »

Thank you, Kassandra; those were all taken with my cellphone so I'm happy they turned out XD It's easier to upload them direct from my phone rather than going through the whole upload process with the real camera, since I have to do that on Mom's computer... blech. I'm glad my little notes are entertaining XD

Oh... entirely possible XD I threw out a guess. Either way, still cool. (I have a citrine on my wall and the two looked similar, so I guessed.) I just researched the differences, and due to the structure I think it's actually green calcite. But I could easily be wrong. Thanks, Firebird!

I did know that about crystals fluorescing (did I spell that right?), but unfortunately I don't have a UV light that I know of. (There might be one floating around the house somewhere.)
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Re: Silversong's Crystals (A couple of which I don't know)

Post by SnowCat »

A regular black light bulb is long wave, and will identify some minerals as fluorescent. The short wave UV lights will show more. I remember the days of my black light posters. 40+ years ago.

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Re: Silversong's Crystals (A couple of which I don't know)

Post by Firebird »

Haha Snow! I still have mine from the poster era! Ummmm you may be able to get one at home depot. They also sell the violet "party" bulbs but I don't know if that works on rocks blue_flee
bb, Firebird
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Re: Silversong's Crystals (A couple of which I don't know)

Post by Silversong »

Look, I got more! I went to the beach and there was one really nice little store in Astoria, The Gypsy's Whimsy (which I would recommend visiting to anyone who's in Astoria), plus there was a gem and mineral show going on in Seaside. ^_^ Updated the first post accordingly.

Edit: Or, rather, I would if I could...? The edit button isn't showing up on that post, or any of my other ones on this thread.

Fluorite. Most of the crystals from the booth I got this from (at the gem/mineral show) were WAY overpriced, but the fluorite wasn't too bad, so I snagged one. This is tumbled, or was, except almost instantly after I bought it I dropped it and one end shattered -.- Fumblefingers. Fluorite is apparently very fragile XD Ah, well. Most of it's intact, and now it has a flat end for me to stand it up on! Look at the bright side, right?

Rose quartz. Bought from The Gypsy's Whimsy in Astoria. I've never felt a particular attraction to rose quartz before, though I can recognize it on sight more often than not, but I figured since it's frequently used for its popular love/friendship vibrations, I might as well snag a piece. This one's tumbled, and it wasn't necessarily the prettiest one in the box to the eyes, but it felt right to the hands.

Serpentine. Bought from The Gypsy's Whimsy in Astoria, along with the rose quartz. I had never seen or heard of serpentine before I spotted this one and its fellows, and had not a single clue as to what it might be typically used for, but it drew my eye and my fingers gravitated toward it time and time again, so I picked it up and bought it. I was rolling it between my hands for a few minutes after I picked it up before I realized what I was doing. I have a tendency to do that with stones that I've just gotten that were calling to me; who knows why. (I certainly don't. Know why, that is.) If anyone happens to know what serpentine is for, it would be fantastic if you could drop me a hint ;3 (I prefer not to ask Google if I can avoid it; you get such varied answers so much of the time for anything that's not rose quartz and tiger's eye.)

Tangerine quartz. (I have way too many quartzes at this point, lol.) Bought from the gem/mineral show in Seaside. Again, I'd never heard of tangerine quartz before I found this one. However, it immediately cried out to me, and I tried to pick up a few of the other crystals, but my hands kept going back to this one in particular. It's the perfect size for me to hold in my palm and wrap my fingers around, and as soon as I did so, it... mm. The pull-feeling I get with crystals sometimes strengthened and eased at the same time, somehow. I could feel it calling out to me, for lack of a better term, and it felt like my fingers were calling back. I have rarely, if ever, had a crystal cry out to me as strongly as this one did. My mother, who was carrying all our money, happened to be across the room, so I had to put the crystal down to go get the seven dollars I paid for it from her, and I practically ran there and back. My hands were physically itching and aching from the feeling of leaving it behind, and all I could think was, Please don't let anyone else pick it up, please don't let anyone else pick it up, PLEASE Lord and Lady alive don't let anyone else pick it up! As soon as I got back to the table, I snatched it up quite literally like a drowning man, and clutched it so hard my knuckles were turning white before I could force myself to calm down and relax a bit. I don't think I've ever reacted that strongly to a crystal before, certainly not outwardly. As soon as I'd paid for it and knew it was mine, no one else could take it, the pull relaxed a good bit, though I admit I was still clutching the wrapped crystal to my chest as I walked (...might have skipped a little bit, but only a little bit) back to Mom. At least this one wasn't ridiculously overpriced like a lot of the tables, or I don't know what I would have done. That's a lie; I know what I would have done. I would have paid for it anyway. I couldn't leave that one behind.
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Re: Silversong's Crystals (A couple of which I don't know)

Post by SnowCat »

Fluorite is gorgeous, but one wrong move...

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Re: Silversong's Crystals (A couple of which I don't know)

Post by Silversong »

Tell me about it. Lesson learned.

Finished editing in all the pictures.
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Re: Silversong's Crystals (A couple of which I don't know)

Post by Silversong »

I had a crystal day today, tuning to all my crystals and them to me, and learned a few things:

- The red dragon's name is Rottan (row'-tan, which I know should be spelled Rotan, but he insisted it has two t's), and he's here to help me learn my own wants and needs.
- The green dragon's name is Aziren (ah'-zee-ren), Ozzie for short, and he's here to help me "open [my] eyes and see". I think he'll help me do visualizations, among other interpretations of that phrase.
- My honey calcite likes my galena, and requested to be placed near it. (I obliged, obviously.)
- My tangerine quartz used to be part of an abundance cluster, but it didn't want to be, so it let the people separate it from its cluster. There are a few tiny half-points still fused with it, however; it told me they needed it, so it held onto them and kept them.
- That green crystal, the one we suspect to be green calcite, has an almost-horizontal plane that's extremely shiny, almost iridescent, inside it just beneath the point. (Interestingly, it's always refused to stand upright, but after I tuned to it, it's now standing upright on my altar as if it's always been that way.)
- My tangerine quartz has a tiny flaw inside it that sparkles really bright iridescent if you hold it the right way.
- My fluorite seems to light up from inside at certain angles. It reminds me of the Northern Lights.
- That tiny chip of amethyst that I said earlier was ridiculously charged? It now allows me to hold it without problems, and I don't have to keep it in the bag anymore to protect myself and the other crystals. It said I've grown into it, and I can use it now. (It still has the energy within it, but it no longer gives me an almost uncomfortably strong spike of energy when I touch it - just a comfortable hum.)
- Oh, and my aunt sent me a tiny tiny tiny little blue coyote-spirit-ish carving, smaller even than that aforementioned amethyst chip, and her name is Kya (kai'-ah), "little One-Eared Kya," as she put it. She's a friendly, playful little spirit, and she wouldn't stand up either until now, and now she stands up just fine. She just adores Rottan XD She's sitting at his right shoulder now, doesn't even come up to the top of his wing, happy as can be. He doesn't seem to mind - at least, he made no objection - though I haven't asked his opinion on her.
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