Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by SnowCat »

Firebird recommended forgoing use of the word "no." I agree, although for a different reason. I read a fictional tale once, of a man summoning a demon. Somewhere in the summoning, the word no was used. The demon was able to make the wax from the candle being used, drip onto the word no, thus obliterating it and changing the spell. Granted, this was fiction, but it illustrates how changing a word can change everything. Firebird's suggestions would do away with that problem.

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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »


Thank you for that illustration Snow. :wink:

When one speaks out using their voice they are sending vibrational messages through the element of Air which in turn transfers to Ether, the place where Spirit resides. Spirit is found in those places unseen, it would stand to reason air is one of those. Speaking words or chanting tones are excellent ways for Spirit to become alive from within and without. Tones transfer through the unseen veil of air directly to the God and Goddess.
I have found that phrasing things in the positive, really does work much better. You leave the Universe no choice but to hear you clearly. When any contraction of the word "no" enters into a prayer, the message gets confused.
1. Goddess of printable material!, don't let that thief steal my newspaper anymore!
2. Goddess of printable material! steer that thief far off and away from my daily news, that he may find his own to read, perhaps at the library...
thank you...
In example number 1 the underlined is a contraction of "no" says, Do and Not, the Universe is thinking what the fuh...? are they trying to say here...?
you see what I mean? Talk about confusing.
It is terribly hard to phrase things in the positive. Keep practicing, catch your self... try again. Until you can form the words that shine in one direction.
With sample number 2 the prayer could have ended after the word news, however in hopes that the thief isn't just diverted to steal a paper somewhere else, we add a bit more, in hopes of sending him the proper direction.
And as always, thank your deity for listening.

Blessings, WordBird
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »


Many things can be considered tools of Air, in the feather craft finding creative ways to use feathers is some of the ways to find connection with the elements we are so closely entwined with.
Different traditions have slightly different correspondences to their quarters, but most use the Blade or Athame in the East. The idea is that the double edge of the Athame blade can cut both forward and backward through the Air and the thoughts of ones mind, able to cut through binds that tie and move swiftly through the Air parting the way for new thought forms to enter.
The blade is also an extension of our own energy, as in focal point to send a charge out of as in casting a circle or a directional to send a cone of power through when raising energy for work or to bless the chalice.

Some other commonly used Blades are

Other associations and tools of Air can be but not limited to:
scourge, feather, wand (also fire) whip, pen/pencil, paint brush, bow/arrow, censor (also fire) flute/ all wind instruments.

all for now,
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »



We just psat through the dark moon of April a couple days ago.
Using the quarters of the year as your template for study helps one to focus more clearly on the element and energy. We typically have our study periods and practices at the dark moon, and celebrations, work and offerings at the full moons. There are usually 3 dark moons and 3 full moons per quarter.
We will soonly be turning away from the Air element and the quarter of East.
Bealtaine (May Day) approaches and we will turn our attention to Fire and South.

I would like to take this time to invite others to contribute to the Air and East correspondences, and why you feel they belong there.

bb, correspondbird
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Aceso »

I do feel that I belong there, I od feel connected. I seem to always have a feather droped around me. I take as a sign that I am being watched over.
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »

Aceso, does seem as if the Gods and Goddesses of air are speaking to you. :fairy:


So as of Bealtaine, May 1st...we have turned into the quarter of South and of Fire.

One of the best exercises for fire is to build one. If you have never done this, now is the time to try. If you don't have a fireplace at home, or a yard sutible for this, you may have to get yourself to a park, picnic ground or campground that has barbecue pits or rings. OR you can bring your own mini Weber bbq ...then after, throw a few coals in and have a bbq!
To build a fire start with a softball size clump of fallen pine needles, dry leaves, or a little newspaper crumpled into a ball. On top of that place several dry twigs about pencil size, then place a few shightly larger dry branches on top of that. This should be enough to get the gist of it. If you want a larger or longer lived fire, place a couple logs on the very top. That may be too much for a mini Weber though. Light the smallest particles of your set fire, called kindling, the needles leaves, or paper.
If you have good dry ingredients it should catch right away.
Have a bucket of water at the ready, (just in case) and DO NOT attempt on a windy day.
Enjoy the flickering flames of your fire, observing the changes, adding more wood when needed, skry or release wishes into the fire, cooking something if you like, but be mindful of the heat, and careful in this exercise!
When you are done let the fire die home remove the ashes when cold. At camp or in your Weber, let the fire die out, then add water and stir, making sure the fire is completely dead an it isn't sizzling when you add water stir again. Deposit in ash can if they have it or dig a hole and bury it, or bring home and dump in trash... It can be composted if no coals were added. In a fire ring, pour on water and stir untill completly out.
bb, FIREbird
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Aceso »

Does setting my oven on fire count? Haha. Just wanted to laugh. I am going try to get out and build some kind of fire.
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »

Ha ha Aceso, :shock: OOoops, ...I wonder if fire is trying to get your attention? Something you need to burn through?

Or Create?
bb, Firebird
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by SnowCat »

I remember the night I was trying to make some hot cocoa after taking a sleep aid. I nearly set the kitchen on fire. It was the wrong time of the year though. The night before Thanksgiving.

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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »


Oh dear Snow! Well thankfully (or not so much in that case) fire is avalible to us all year long.
Lovely fire in its finest hours during the quadrant of South.


Full Moon in June energy Boon Swoon
the June Moon ...Ooo, that's 2 days.

Cast a simple circle, or tools needed except a small cotton bag with a drawstring. You can do it with all the accoutrements but it isn't necessary. This is an exercise in connecting to energy as well as a spell bag. It could also be done at Summer Solstice.
I'm doing this one on Monday. I really need some extra energy to acomplish a few things throughout the year. I have a small bag, it's cotton for my pure intent. I wish to gather some herbs and 6 stones (small pebbles of any kind, they represent the sixth month) and charge them in the light of the Goddess. This moon is called Time of Brightness as it falls on the waxing side of the Solstice and has the potential for great power and creative energy.
The herbs can be anything you find out in the moonlight. A leaf, a dandelion, a seed, a petal of a flower, few pine needles that sort of thing. The fun part is taking time to communicate with the plants smell them feel them taste it if you know it is not toxic hold it in you receptive hand and sense it's energy to see if the are a good match for your bag of mojo. Don't get too much or you will end up with a moldy mess. Be mindfull of the great energy behind each herb as you place them in the bag. Now find 6 pebbles that speak to you, not only will they represent the moon (month) of June but you will charge one pebble at each quarter, the center and one for yourself. Asking that the most creative potential from each element be present within the stone, then go to the center and request that the creative force within spirit imbew the stone, and finally hold the last one to your heart, state that when the bag is in your possession extra energy will be yours. Place them in the bag as you go around the circle.
Charge the whole package under the moonlight in anyway you see fit. Thank the powers that be and
close your circle.
Carry the bag with you when you know you will need the extra strength and willpower to carry out a task.

blessings, Energybird
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »


Some thoughts on Summer Solstice
...We are nearing the apex of power in the cycle of the year. The Sun God was born at Yule and has traveled through infancy at Imbolc, wonderment of youth at Ostara, sown wild oats at Bealtaine, and now has reached maturity at Solstice. He is at the peak of his energetic potential. Not so say his potential is over after this holiday, no...but like a burst of fireworks, you have a spark, there is ignition, lift off, sailing up into the air, then POW, they make a beautiful spray, and all the little sparkles trickle down until you can't see them any more. Yule, the spark, Imbolc the ignition, Ostara the lift off, Bealtaine sailing up into the air. The POW at solstice is as a bright flash of white light in the explosion of the fire cracker, Lughnasadh the beautiful spray , Mabon the sparks trickling down, and finally Samhain as the sparks disappear from view.

The time between the Holidays meld together much the same as layers of the rainbow. The way they bleed together. There is no defined line. Recently I have looked at the wheel of the year like a color wheel, with black at Yule. Red, orange and yellow on the energenitc waxing side of the year. White at Litha, followed by green, blue, and purple on the reflective waning side of the year. I know it isn't like your typical color wheel, but it has inspired my creative mind. Which is what Litha also embraces. One's full creative capabilities.
The color wheel of the year, by Firebird
The color wheel of the year, by Firebird
Being creative isn't about being perfect, it's about tantalizing the brain. I hear folks say all the time, oh...I'm no good at crafts/art. The healing it has on one's self is not in the outcome but in the process. Sure that's great if it looks, sounds, smells, feels, or tastes wonderful in the end but it is the journey in the process that gives us power.
When you think of Litha, there is the literal creation of new life as in procreation ...sure, but we were born to create not ony new life, but all the beautiful and amazing things we have in life. Talents will remain latent unless exercised. I would encourage all to explore the arts and at least try dabble in the wide variety of options and perhaps in the process even finding you excell in some area.
A small list, ...drawing, singing, painting, baking, sewing, construction large scale or small, writing, get the idea, the point is the more you try the more options you have open to you.
The Sun of Litha, work in progress by, Firebird
The Sun of Litha, work in progress by, Firebird
With this in mind Solstice is a good time to recharge our creative tools. Magical tools and mundane tools. Get your athame, wand, cauldron, or pentacle as well as your paintbrushes, cameras, mixing bowls, chisels, guitar etc.. etc..into the ritual space for a charging with the bright rays of the Summer Solstice.

Some tratitional activities are :
Fairy sightings, as they are particularly active at Litha.
Fertility dances much the same as the maypole....but
Bonfires are probably the most common, this is to mimic that great energy associated with this time, by the way, ash left from the Solstice bonfire is protective and ash worked into the earth makes for fertile ground. There are many in the plant kingdom that cannot sprout without the help of fire. Frequently these fires are held in the fields so the fertile ash is right there. There were Bone-fires in which the effigy of man is assembled then burned. Barbeque, feasting and merry making around the fire is a great Summertime activity and our ancestors liked it too!
This is the backyard firepit, Fire is one way I celebrate Solstice
This is the backyard firepit, Fire is one way I celebrate Solstice

Wikipedia has a nice variety of different cultures celebrating Summer Solstice

Many blessings,
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Aderyn »

Those are beautiful paintings!
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Lainara »

Oh I love the painting!!! Thank you for this!
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Aceso »

I love the bluejay as well.
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Re: Working with the elements and quarters, A year and a day

Post by Firebird »

Sorry to be slacking, (things are going on), still thinking of you all though
This is the last full moon before we move into to west and it's a blue moon.
a rare occasion.
We are stirring up a brew over here... ... 6-135.html
and making a talisman that has the God represented in the tip personified by the antler (or wood) for ultimate focus,
designed to complete a task. I think it will work well for a great fire spell. Get the fire of focus in your mind!
Think of that tiny beam a magnifying glass makes and that high point of oncentration needed to burn through to completion.

Blessings, Focusbird

EDIT to add is the spell all in a nutshell ... ml#p231217
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