Your Path

Discussion of Christianity and other religious systems. How can we explain our faith to Christians? How can you merge your faith in Jesus with your belief in the metaphysical?
Kapitan Prien

Your Path

Post by Kapitan Prien »

I love that this forum has a place where we can share and discuss other paths, faiths and beliefs. I personally love to talk about my beliefs and path and also listen to other's paths as I always feel that I don't know everything and that our jobs here on Earth are to learn.

Please share a convo with me on this and share what is your path consists of. I would love to hear them. Hell I don't have a life I have a few hours out of my day to converse on spiritual or religious matters.
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Re: Your Path

Post by Seraphin »

Spiritually, I am a pagan, and tend to hold some principles and beliefs of certain traditions and worship certain Deities from different cultures and pantheons such as Ancient Near Eastern (Canaanite, Mesopotamian, Egyptian), Celtic, Hindu, Greek, African and Caribbean traditions (Yoruba, Lucumi/Santeria), and Daemonic (Judeo-Christian, Goetian). Though, not because much of what I've experienced seems to mesh with Hindus and other pagan traditions does not mean I'm on any of those specific religions.

I also practice magick. And basically, I described myself as chaos magickian and Gnostic. If you're familiar with this particular magickal discipline, then you'd know we could basically just delve into any magickal practices we fancy such as Enochian Magick, Kabbalah and partially, the Western Mystery Tradition in my case.

Sorry I know it's a bit confusing but that's my path. :mrgreen:

I am also a Hardcore Polytheist which means I believe in many Gods, Goddesses, Great Spirits and Celestial Beings -- not as aspects of "Deity" or of the masculine and feminine principles, but as individual sentient Divine Beings. I am also an Animist, I believe that everything has spirit and life force.

As for my beliefs, it would be very difficult for me to list a set of beliefs; like so many of the folks here at EUTM (including you), I am spiritually aware, so I experience life a little -- well, a lot -- differently from those who are not, but I don't view folks who aren't spiritually aware as any 'less than' anyone else; it's just not their path this time round, far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, I guess my basic outlook is this: I am a multi-dimensional being, having a presence in this physical universe but also in the astral, mental, spiritual and other worlds or dimensions of existence. No aspect of my life is more or less real than any other, although the physical aspect -- this body of mine -- is finite, so I rather cherish it simply because it's not mine to keep forever. Just as I'm aware of my energetic connections with other physical beings, I'm aware of my energetic connections with other spirit and etheric/astral beings as well. Although I did incarnate here for a specific purpose, the bottom line purpose for any incarnation (of mine) is to experience the many aspects of existence, teach me life lessons and attain my Higher self.

I believe... well, I believe it's lunch time and so I'll stop here. *grin* I'm looking forward to what others share here; thanks for starting this thread, Prien.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

Re: Your Path

Post by Lightbringer »

I'm a Solitary Wiccan whose path is primarily based on the writings of Doreen Valiente and the Farrars. I don't consider myself eclectic, even though I know there are people who think all solitary Wiccans are eclectic by default and I won't try to change their minds (to spare both of us the headaches).

I don't know what else to say, so I guess I'll go off of Seraphin's nicely detailed post :)

I currently lean more toward Western occult and ceremonial-type magic than "low" magic. My first book about learning magic was Franz Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics and I think it's influenced me heavily. I'm interested in some Golden Dawn and Enochian stuff too, but I've only done casual research in them. I guess I'm not a very skilled witch, but I'm always learning. (I also think I just focus on strictly Wiccan books a lot.)

I believe in Gods and Goddesses as distinct beings, but simultaneously as facets of one great Divinity. I don't know what you would call that. I don't think they're "just archetypes" but I also don't think they're completely independent and separate from one another. I guess I think of humans and living creatures the same way...we each have our own minds, desires, preferences, and appearances, but are also connected by the same single source. I know not everyone feels this way, but that's how I view the world.

I'm at a loss of words again. This is a really loaded question!
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Re: Your Path

Post by Firebird »

My path is the Earth... and all her green growing goodies. Animism in all things, (yep, even the car!). I am ordained in a Celtic tradition, I partake in Shamanistic trance activities. I am of Native American heritage, (among other things) and follow the good red road while I walk it.
BB Firebird
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Re: Your Path

Post by loona wynd »

Lightbringer wrote:I believe in Gods and Goddesses as distinct beings, but simultaneously as facets of one great Divinity. I don't know what you would call that.
Soft polytheism.
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Re: Your Path

Post by Holdasown »

I currently am a hard polytheist, animist and Germanic/Norse pagan. I consider myself Vanatru though I am not anti-Asa or Rokkr. I also reference Urglaawe into my practice though I not part of that faith and I find Waincraft interesting but don't follow it either.

I also consider myself a witch. I tend to focus on folk magic, conjure, hoodoo. I work mostly with herbs and Frau Holda is a goddess that is flexible with my magic as well as my faith. I am a if it feels right do it kinda thing. I don't do seidr which is Norse, but I do use runes in my spell work but I only use cards for divination.

No one in my family as far as I can tell has been on either path for a few generations at least. I think my paternal grandmother and great grandmother my have been cunning folk. In other words they followed some old ways but were staunch Christians. I am still looking into my ancestors. Honoring the dead is also a part of both practices.
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Re: Your Path

Post by seawitch »

My path is magick. I was baptized Catholic, but I don't really have an organized religion. I'm not by the Bible, and I believe that God and Jesus Christ are a lot more laid back than most people like to say they are. I have a one on one relationship with them, and they have shown me over and over they are real, and that I can always count on them. I have always felt that I was meant to do magick. So, I'm a solitary witch who is trying to gain more knowledge, and I work with God and Jesus.

I guess you can say I'm eclectic since I'm not following a certain religious path, and take what works for me.
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Re: Your Path

Post by Lilith333 »

Well my family comes from an older line of Satanism. Before Leyva. Unlike Leyva and most modern Satanists. We do believe Satan is real but we don't think he's evil. Satan has been around before even Christianity. He has been worshiped as a God since the beginning of time. It wasn't till Christians came along that he suddenly became evil. :annoyed:

He has always fought to keep man free. He is the morning star. He is mankind's bearer of light. He steers us away form the false Gods who seek to subjugate us and keep us dumb to all that we could be. Other Gods fear what we could become. But Satan wants us to eventually take out place among them. Every man and woman is a star. For we are all Gods.

At least that's what I've been lead to believe my whole life and for the most part I do. But I'm at a stage in my life that I want to look at what else is out there and see who I really am and what I really believe. After doing some research it seems like Wicca would be a good place to start. It's new but not to far outside my comfort zone. :)
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Re: Your Path

Post by manshin »

I participate in my culture's indigenous tradition (mugyo). I am a manshin (eg korean sorceress/shaman). I do rituals and worship korean gods. My spells tend to focus on korean folk magic since I am not professionally trained (instead I learned through my family and ancestors).

I am also a Shemsu with Kemetic Orthodoxy. I am a divined daughter of Sobek-Ra, beloved of Wadjet, Djehuty, Bast and Aset-serqet. I do heka work as well.

I keep the two religious practices separate.
Korean Sorceress/Shaman 만신; witch; Kemetic Orthodoxy
*I do not follow any (Neo)Wiccan beliefs.
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Re: Your Path

Post by Nyd »

I'm mostly influenced by Hermeticism I suppose. Though I became this way naturally before studying it.
Other than that I extract wisdom from whatever seems good to me...whether it be Old World Witchcraft, Asatru, Wicca, Shamanism, Christianity or Islam.
I see it like the Vikings did - the more the merrier :lol:

Other than that my interests lie with reincarnation, spirits, angels and spirit guides, herbalism, healing, natural medicine and diet, dreams, psychic abilities.
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Re: Your Path

Post by narveya »

My family is Catholic, but we're quite open-minded and slightly 'eclectic'. My father often mixed Hindu, Buddhist and Chinese philosophies into his life, which I followed. I'm quite interested in Confucianism, Taoism, and ancient Chinese wisdom. I also take cultural norm and wisdom of Indonesia into my practice and honestly witchcraft in Indonesia is still common. I can explain a lot about it although I'm not practicing it. Science also play a good role in my views and practice.
I'm a solitary, eclectic witch with slight leaning to green witchery and I'm not really good at working in groups haha :P
I sing and listen to the hymn of the light.
Solitary, Secular Witch • Science-Techno Witchery • Graeco-Roman leanings • Devotee of Apollo
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Re: Your Path

Post by Firebird »

loona wynd wrote:
Lightbringer wrote:I believe in Gods and Goddesses as distinct beings, but simultaneously as facets of one great Divinity. I don't know what you would call that.
Soft polytheism.
In actuality I believe it is called "polytheistic monotheism" ha ha talk about oxymoron. ..but it is what my trad teaches, God Goddess forms are like the multi facets of a fine cut diamond, yet all boil ddown to one stone, or like the many colors of the rainbow that are generated from one source...the sun.
bb, Firebird
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Re: Your Path

Post by RosieMoonflower »

firebirdflys wrote:
loona wynd wrote:
Lightbringer wrote:I believe in Gods and Goddesses as distinct beings, but simultaneously as facets of one great Divinity. I don't know what you would call that.
Soft polytheism.
In actuality I believe it is called "polytheistic monotheism" ha ha talk about oxymoron. ..but it is what my trad teaches, God Goddess forms are like the multi facets of a fine cut diamond, yet all boil ddown to one stone, or like the many colors of the rainbow that are generated from one source...the sun.
bb, Firebird
I love these metaphors! It describes perfectly how I feel!

Rosie Moonflower

Re: Your Path

Post by Hamish »

This is more an emerging path, I'd say I have a lot of sources. Currently I have almost a sort of trinity of deities. The Morrigan, Dagda, and Brigit. Sort of a Mother, Father and Daughter orientation. Though obviously historically it is hard to exactly establish WHO is Brigits mother as stories and genealogies vary. Other deities exist but they sort of sit as the focus of worship, veneration, and prayer.

What is deity is a difficult concept to tackle? Essences of the world around me? Somehow a projection of things within? Theologically I guess I stick to a soft polytheism.
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Re: Your Path

Post by onyx208 »

seawitch wrote:My path is magick. I was baptized Catholic, but I don't really have an organized religion. I'm not by the Bible, and I believe that God and Jesus Christ are a lot more laid back than most people like to say they are. I have a one on one relationship with them, and they have shown me over and over they are real, and that I can always count on them. I have always felt that I was meant to do magick. So, I'm a solitary witch who is trying to gain more knowledge, and I work with God and Jesus.

I guess you can say I'm eclectic since I'm not following a certain religious path, and take what works for me.
Love this! I have close relationships with Epona, Artemis...and Christ. There are people who say "you can't believe in Christ and be wiccan." I say that's bull. However, I don't believe in the Bible and perhaps that makes all the difference in the anti-christian/wiccan argument. I believe the concept of a jealous god is incorrect and that we put a human emotion onto Christ in order to scare people into Christianity. I simply seek a personal relationship with a loving creator I view as Jesus. My own conception is what matters in my spiritual path.
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