Blogging The Shadows

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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

The gods of disorganization were most kind. The Samhain decorations weren't in the bottom of the closet. That's a nightmare for a different sabbat. :roll: I don't know when I'll decorate though. I've spent most of my time playing Diablo 3, then when I'm not on the computer, I've been crocheting a stuffed reindeer for Mom for Yule. So far so good, except I'm a bit mystified as to how to make the back of the head. My model is a picture in a catalog and it doesn't show the back of the reindeer. :(
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Upgrading the Shadows AKA Week 49

I fancy myself a techno witch. Technology goes haywire, and I curse it. :lol:
I'm certainly a modern witch. I have several e-books on witchcraft and more spells and rituals saved to my computer than I can count. The radio is never too far from hand, whether I'm writing my own spells, up to my elbows in books, celebrating the seasons, or whipping up a meal. I can wield a debit card as easily as I can a wand. I've had both physical and virtual altars. But there's something that I've never done until this weekend.
Confession time. Please scoot closer. Whispers: I've never used a touch screen phone before.

I've spent the weekend learning how to use our new phone. Can I listen to good music while reading? Yes. Good! That's all I need. Thank you phone. :P
I've been wanting an e-reader or something to read my books on. I've got so many e-books on the computer, but I just don't like reading from the computer. I hope that by having something in my hand to read from will sort of put more fun into the experience.
This also solves my little problem with not being able to focus during sabbats because of noise in other rooms. You want to listen to the crappy radio station, dear? That's fine. I'll be in the room calling the quarters and invoking You Tube. halfsm
My first goal is to try to get back to writing the weekly blog. I don't miss coming up with goals for myself, but writing this blog was keeping me on track with Goddess time. I realized the other day that I haven't really connected with the Lord and Lady much lately. I don't grouch at Them in the kitchen much any more since I got Pickle. Having him in the kitchen lessens my grumpiness.
Mabon is the week. ....I can't think of anything to say about it. :oops:
This week I would like to take pictures of my Mabon altar to share, and I like to write down my ideas for a new tarot spread.
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Week 50

This week I celebrated Mabon.
The end.

Great week, huh? :lol:
This year I should probably ask the Oak King if maybe perhaps he could slip one of those Dragon speech recognition programs into my stocking. It would certainly make my life easier. For heaven's sake, I couldn't even spell dragon right just to Google the damned thing! If I've said it once, I've said it dozens of times: I have soooo many ideas in my head, and no patience to sit and type it all out. I've got two tarot spreads and a spell just sitting there in my head, not to mention the magickal craft idea that I wrote and took pictures of, that just needs typing.
It's not very expensive, Mr. Oak King. Just look on Ebay. Free expedited shipping is the way to my heart. The price tag gives me goose bumps. Just think Mr. Oak King, it'll help me become a better witch. Or at the very least, a more efficient one. XD
Even though I've ignored all of the typing that's been piling up, I did manage to take pictures of my Mabon altar. I went through the boxes of Samhain decorations hoping to pick out decorations for my altar that said "fall," but didn't necessarily scream "HALLOWEEN." That idea went over like a lead balloon. At one point I thought I found some cute Hello Kitty object at the bottom of the box. It turns out that the box had a hole in the bottom and it was sitting on top of my Hello Kitty slipper. :roll:
My goal... god, do I really have to torture myself with this? I could say to stop procrastinating, but that's not necessarily a witchy goal. Maybe no more Tumblr before bed. You know, there's an app for darn near everything, why ain't there one for setting goals?
Hey reader, you're not too busy, are you? How are your goal writing skills?
How about some art? My New Year's resolution was to make more things. The Photoshop icon on my desktop is getting dusty. :P

Echo's Mabon

I didn't perform any rituals for this sabbat, didn't eat any seasonal foods or call upon any gods.
Doesn't sound like much of a sabbat, does it?
This fall did get a magickal start, just not in the usual way. For me, Mabon took place over the course of two nights. On the first night, I reaped a symbolic harvest. It was nothing fancy. I downloaded a bunch of free books to my Kindle app. I'm a huge book worm. :P On the second night, I tied up a couple loose ends from recent rituals. Also pretty seasonally symbolic if you ask me. ^.^
While I was out in the yard completing these tasks, I grabbed those extra long branches that have been out there. It was fun trying to get them in the house, especially since the one was taller than the doorway and the living room. I seen something pretty on Tumblr that I'd like to try to make myself, so that's where the sticks come into play. Now it's a matter of getting myself away from the electronic devices for a while. :roll:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Week 51

I completed my goal this week by making an avatar for Samhain. I've had an adorable little picture that I've been waiting to use for months. It turned out so cute. ^.^
I also made a little more art. I have a picture on my computer that's a scanned copy from a Sailor Moon manga that I'm coloring in. I haven't worked on it in a while, and I didn't really intend to start back on it last night, but I was rather irate over something and just started coloring in order to calm down. Gamer rage. :evil: Sigh.
I did get one spell typed and posted. I'm quite proud of myself for that. :D
This week my goal is simply to be calm and at peace ...or at least as much peace as I can muster. There are some really crappy things going on here in Mushroom Valley. If things improve or if the depression subsides enough, I do have a new project I'd like to complete. It won't be too hard, I just need a couple goddess names and a pretty background to put the words on.

Look at what I found!
Another Hello Kitty tarot deck
Another Hello Kitty tarot deck
Totally adorable & completely out of my budget. :cry: It costs about $64, which is more than the price of both of my decks put together. blue_shocked
However, if the Sailor Moon sheet came with it, it would be a different story. :lol: [/color]
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

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Week 52
Happy Birthday Weekly Blog! :woot:
Technically, my weekly blog started in July, the 27th to be exact, but since I stopped it for a while, and only recently started back up, the one year mark is here in October.
This week I finished my new project. I think "Psychic Chant 2" looks pretty. loveface
I made a couple dolls this week that I'm thinking of sharing in my grimoire like I did last Samhain. There's a photo I'd like to put up as well, but I've got to actually go and take the picture. XD
I cursed someone this week. ....sort of. I seen someone on Tumblr ask for help getting a particular effect out of their page's HTML codes. I have a similar effect on my blog, so I sent her instructions on what to delete. Not only did she not take my advice, she unfollowed me. How ungrateful. :x The stupid bubbles can stay on her blog for all I care! :twisted: Maybe I'll write her URL down on a piece of paper and draw a bunch of bubbles on it, then dunk it in bubble bath. Stay bubbly friend. halfsm
Now that everything is back to being all daisies and rainbows here in Mushroom Valley, I get to make a new goal. blue_flee I tend to procrastinate when it comes to leaving offerings out in the yard. I need to place an offering out there for my latest wish being fulfilled. I hope the Lord and Lady don't mind that I'm giving them something different that what I said I would. I got something better than what I asked for, so I think that the really yummy snack I picked up the other day would make a better offering. I would love it if people left me that snack all the time. :lol:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

It's that time of year again.
No, I don't mean that we're preparing for Santa. Cuz you know we are despite the pumpkins and black cats. :P
It's the time of year that someone from my past has moved into my neighborhood and wants to wants to rekindle friendship. Go look at Week 13, I'll wait.

*Makes tea for us while I wait.*
It's chocolate chai; hope you like it. :)

I think people move here because they're just dying to live next to a cemetery. :lol: Seriously, I live in a mobile home park that's next to a cemetery. ::coolglasses::
Any who, the situation is a bit different this time. This woman and her family aren't my frienemies or anything like that, but they were in my life during the time I hit rock bottom and then they left when I finally started to claw my way back up. It's not their fault, it's just kind of bad timing.
I don't know if I want to rekindle the friendship. She and her family are kind of a reminder of the bad time in my life, and I'd much rather bury those years as best as I can. I know that I've closed myself off from a lot of things, but it was my way of coping with what happened.
Long story short: I hit rock bottom, got taken advantage of, then stayed in a controlling, abusive situation because I had no way out. As soon as I got the chance, I finally left.
I guess I shouldn't be too worried. This family moves a lot. I'll just run around the house with some incense and make sure that my Gaurdian Grumpy Cat looks extra menacing. I should probably cleanse my witch's ball again. I did it for Imbolc, but I haven't done it again since I moved. Hmm, I hear the gears turning. Maybe this idea will make it out of my head. ;)

I need to put some focus on myself as well. I've been so worried and worked up over this I keep dredging up all the bad memories that I'm expecting everyone else to bring up. Bad Echo! :x I'm thinking of making some sage incense and puting it in the bathroom while I do some personal cleansing in the shower.
I'm going to go ahead and lump this stuff into my goal list for the next week or so. :mrgreen:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Week 53

Today I was handed an interesting opportunity. There was a nice present on my porch, an Avon catalog. At first, I didn't think much of it, but there was a little voice that said "Hey, you know who sells Avon, don't you?" "Nah, don't say that," I told the little voice. So I give Mom the catalog and she flips it over and reads the name of the representative.
"No, no, no, no!"
But it's all good. If we want to order, I'll go online. Behold the power of debit card! halfsm My point here is that I've got something that the neighbor has touched and signed her name on. I could rain down all kinds of hell if I wanted to. I shouldn't need to though. I doubt she can easily find me, especially given my current habits. I only leave the house once a month and usually after dark. If she harasses my boyfriend again about getting me to contact her, I'll come up with something. Maybe I'll put the catalog under the modem to keep her messages at bay. Free magickal idea. You're welcome. :mrgreen:
I came up with an interesting idea this week. I was thinking of my witch ball the other day, since I know I should recharge it. I'd like to open it back up (yes, I've opened it a couple times since I made it), and put in a sprinkle of my "All Purpose Herb Blend" and an extra pinch of sea salt. I think with the herbs inside of my witch ball, it'll establish a stronger connection between the ball and my house. Lucky me, I still have herbs left from the batch I made for blessing my house. Extra witchy points! :fairy:
I'd love to make some more witch balls if I can ever get a hold of some clear ornaments. I tried last year, but had no luck at all. I want one to go in the kitchen window, or to maybe hang on the inside of the front door. I can't hang anything on the outside of the door because we have no screen door. What kind of crap is that?! :x ...well, I guess it doesn't quite matter because our front door doesn't open all the way flush to the wall, so if we were to leave it open, it would block the hall. Whatever. :|
I started a new project. Don't I always? :lol: Actually, I started this last year, but I lost the bulk of the information that I had one of the times the computer crashed. So I've rewritten everything and added some stuff that I didn't have before. Now I need to write a bit of an introduction before I share it.
I finally got around to putting my offering outside. Good girl! :D
My goal for this week, in addition to what I mentioned in my last post, is to look online for clear ornaments. I don't know why I didn't think of that before. :roll: Amazon and Ebay are quite handy, so I'm crossing my fingers. :)
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

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I had an epiphany Tuesday while I was washing dishes. You see, I completed my goal early and had already looked online for clear glass ornaments on Monday. As I was washing dishes, I noticed a little glass bottle sitting on the counter right below my altar.
It was a spice bottle that I had recently emptied and decided to keep because it was glass and I figured that I could reuse it. Well, after that lightening strike of inspiration I realized that I could use that little bottle for a witch bottle. I think it would look cute sitting ever so inconspicuously on my secret out in the open kitchen altar. :wink:
Since I finished my goal early, I'm making a new one. ...and probably hate myself for not just leaving it for next week. :annoyed: This morning I downloaded a ton of new books. I need to go through them and toss what's not worth keeping or what's a repeat of what I already have. I'd also like to look around for a copy of "Principia Discordia." I've had an interest in Discordianism for a couple years, but I've had a crappy time trying to find decent information on it.
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Week 54

I washed and dried my little spice bottle and it's all ready to go. :) I don't have anything planned for Samhain, so I'll use the time for making the bottle into a witch bottle and for improving my witch ball.
Goal out of the way first. It's a great week for me! :P
This week I found a Tumblr post that will help with my current project. Unfortunately, I've been restless lately, so I haven't accomplished much pertaining to that project or anything else. That's kind of interesting in a way. At this time of year, people talk about restless spirits of the dead. Here I am, very much alive, but my spirit is restless.
I also need to change my altar this week. I've been a little lazy and not changing my altar until pretty much the next sabbat. I guess that's not too bad since Mabon and Samhain share some of the same symbolism. I've got some decorative candles that I've used for Samhain for the last couple years, I bet they'd fit nicely on my mini altar. :) I'd still like to have a pastel/spooky theme, but I don't think I've got the stuff to do it. :( ...maybe I'll do spooky/sexy and decorate with my undergarments. XD
I went through my folder of newly downloaded books and eliminated the doubles. I was pleasantly surprised to find another book or two by Scott Cunningham. I'd like to look up a list of all of his books and see what I'm missing. It seems like I have most of them. The only one I'm positive that I'm missing is "Cunningham's Magical Sampler." Ugh, if only it hadn't got damaged in the mail. Heck, they could've sent it to me regardless. A book is a book; I'm not too easily discouraged by damage.
I think for Samhain I should play my favorite CD in honor of finding it last Samhain. Maybe I'll play doctor too in honor of that other Samhain. blue_laugh
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

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Dear Universe,
What lesson am I to learn from living a life where I watch my home town die around me? It's so sad. :cry:
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Week 55 & Echo's Samhain

I might as well squish these two subjects together since my Goddess time this week was spent on preparing for Samhain.

....writer's block....
....maybe a little procrastination....
Sigh. Brain kept me up this morning with ideas for this, as well as a post for an anonymous ask I received on Tumblr, and now Brain is quite.
I swear this time change is driving me batty. :vampire:

Samhain was nice; not only the time itself, but also the pleasant feelings I was left with afterward. I didn't do anything seasonally appropriate. And you know what? That's just dandy with me. It's a heck of a lot easier to just do whatever magickal things that need to be done than to do things that relate to the sabbats. Yeah, the veil was thin and I probably could've had a nice divination session, or maybe a dumb supper. Instead I charged my witch ball and made a witch bottle.
By the way, though these two are different things, I treat them as the same. I use the terms interchangeably. Your experience may vary. :D
Opening the bottle of my herbal blend is always a wonderful experience because it smells so good. I know I've said it before, but it's true: I could sniff that jar all day. I wonder if any of the herbs I used correspond to sleep. Oh those herbs would be lovely in a dream pillow! ...but then I'd probably never leave my bed. newangel
I filled my new witch bottle with some green, purple and iridescent yarn, salt, herbs, and a shiny penny. I also used a black sharpie to draw a custom sigil on the inside of the lid. I'm very proud of my sigil and the bottle. Both are cute. :mrgreen:
I came up with the sigil a couple days before Samhain. It's one symbol made up of three parts. The first part is a combination of the numbers represented by our last names (mine & my moms, and my boyfriend's). The second was a rune I felt was appropriate for all the things I want for my family. The third is a symbol I created from the word "family."
I finally got a chance to have the phone with me during a sabbat celebration. I could've listened to my favorite CD through YouTube, but I completely forgot about it. :lol: I listened to Pandora instead.
Decorating my altar and mini altar was a lot of fun. The hardest part was decorating the mini altar. Wrapping the garland and lights around the mirror frame were kind of a pain in the butt. :roll:
I don't know about you, but listening to "Free Bird" gives me the warm fuzzies. :D I know, it's off topic, but I'm listening to it right now. ^.^
Weekly goals:
  • I haven't looked up Cunningham's books yet, so there's that.
  • Tumblr post. You got a Tumblr account? I've got an ask box. Send me stuffs!
  • Herbal correspondences. I don't know if any of my herbs in my herbal blend correspond to sleep. When I came up with it I was focused on stuff I wanted for the new house. I think when I was writing down the list of herbs I wanted to use, I only wrote down the qualities I was seeking and not anything else. This one isn't too big a priority, it's kind of a background idea. If I do get around to it, I'd like to also see what kind of fabric I have. A dream pillow might be in order. ;)
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

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Week 56

I broke a nail earlier and it's hindering my typing; not mention driving me nuts. :x
Well it's a darned good thing I started Mom's reindeer back in September. I just finished crocheting it the other day, and today I finally got a chance to buy some poly-fill stuffing stuff for it. I would've been done sooner, but I pretty much ignored it through all of October. :oops: Now I just need to stitch on the eyes, fill it, and sew the head and body together. I'm so glad that I had the foresight to start making it extra early. halfsm
That Tumblr post: oh boy! :roll: I had three different drafts of it. The first night I tried writing it I didn't really accomplish much. Strange, because loud metal usually fixes everything. :? I had to try writing it again the next night. I was so proud of it and all was right in the world, but then an hour or two later I got another anonymous ask. The second one was much easier. A quick browse through "A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook" helped. :mrgreen:
My goal of looking up Cunningham's books is half complete. I have a website that lists all of his books bookmarked on the phone, but I haven't gone through and compared it to the list of his books that I own. That goal is staying on my list.
I did plenty of artistic things this week. I'm just about finished with the Sailor Moon manga scan I mentioned a couple weeks ago. I made two new avatars. I like the Thanksgiving one, but the turkey sorta looks like a cross between a penguin and a peacock. XD The second one is another anime version of myself. This time, her hair is a little longer and purple. I've been meaning to take an updated selfie with the purple hair to post on here, but I keep forgetting. Well actually, I've been taking selfies, but they've been really silly. My first one for example, looks hilarious because my face is nearly whited out from the flash and you can't really see my nose.
Wow, "Free Bird" for the second week in a row. :) I guess it should be my official blog writing theme song. :lol:
I've been sitting here trying to think of a goal and all the goals I can come up with aren't related to Goddess time. As I joke I was thinking "Maybe my goal should be to pray that I can find my glue." I went looking for it recently and couldn't find it. As I was thinking about the glue, I leaned over and started digging around on the shelf that's under the table and found the glue. :P So, my goal for the week is to spend my Goddess time on crafts. I plan to put the reindeer together and start making outfits for it. Now that I've found the glue, I've got an idea for ornaments that I'd like to try out. :)
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Week 57

I finally sat down and counted the number of Cunningham's books I own: 10 out of the 21 non fiction books he's written. I had to use a different reference though because I noticed that the site I had first bookmarked on the phone was missing a couple titles.
As I was going through my folder of PDFs, I came across a file simply labeled "Books of Shadows." Intrigued, I opened it up and found another copy of Gerald Gardner's BOS. The font used to type this version is just terrible on the eyes, though to be honest, the handwritten copies of his BOS that are floating about ain't too pretty either. Even if this was the only copy of Gardner's book in existence, I'd have to pass on the illegibility alone. The cover page of this book is why I'm bring up this BOS in the first place. The title is: "The Gardenian Book of Shadows."
Yeah that's right Gardenian.
Screen shot
Screen shot
I guess it does make sense in a small way. The guy's last name is Gardner which sounds like gardener. Gardenias are flowers, so I can honestly see Gardenian as a valid tradition ...of landscaping. :lol:
Somethings just thinking about something is magickal enough. For example, before I went to sleep Thursday, I was concerned about a package that still hadn't arrived in the mail. I decided that perhaps the next day I could draw a cute little picture on the computer and post it on my virtual altar. Maybe a box with a bow and wings. When I got up Friday, I checked the website I ordered from and found that my package had finally made its way to The States. I hope to have it this week. :)
I'm not good at drawing with a mouse. O.o
I'm not good at drawing with a mouse. O.o
the package.jpg (19.64 KiB) Viewed 3298 times
I worked on a couple crafts this week. The reindeer is done and is awaiting the completion of her dress. I'm trying to crochet a dress that will kind of look like one I had when I was a little girl. I started a new scarf. Walmart had skeins of Sashay yarn for only $2, and I couldn't say "no." I had been wanting to get some ever since I had seen that you could use it to make scarves on the round knitting looms. Sadly, I quit working on everything over the last couple days because I've been restless and sick.
I've purchased two new altar tools. The first is the knife I mentioned in August. It had freakin' epic delivery man! I got it in two days! It's so very pretty and I was rendered speechless when I first opened the box. I'll share pictures of it soon. My second purchase is going to take a little longer to get here. I bought a turquoise cat's eye crystal ball.
Where am I going with this?
So glad you asked! :D
My birthday is in just under 3 weeks. If my crystal ball gets here in time, I'd like to celebrate my birthday by finally having my rededication ceremony. Hopefully I'll be able to include both of my new tools. It's been a year since I started thinking about rededication and after the time I had first scheduled it came and went, I stopped thinking about it. I only starting thinking of it again just the other day. I thought it would be neat to have it on my birthday because that's around the expected delivery time of my crystal ball. Even if my ball doesn't show up on time, I'll just wait to have the ceremony when it does. You see, I'm waiting for the tools because they both kind of represent me in different ways, so I think it's a great idea to have them in my ceremony.
I made a Pinterest account this week. I've got a Witchy board that I'm slowly building up. Stop by some time. ...if not for me, do it for[/color] The Doctor. ;)
  • It's that time of year again, so I need to come up with a list of stuff to be grateful for.
  • ...on a similar note, I need to stop daydreaming about ham so much. Happens every November. :P
  • I'd like to take pictures of both of my athames together. It would be nice to have them on my altar with out my Samhain stuff, but I'm not counting on it because I procrastinate when it comes to decorating my altar. :roll:
  • Actually, I should dig out the Yule decorations because I think X-mas lights would look cute on my mini altar. :mrgreen: Hmmm...I wonder if my holly leaf ashtray would fit on my mini altar. blue_flee
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Re: Blogging The Shadows

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Dear Birthday,
What happened? We used to get along so well.
I can feel Mother Nature trying to intrude on our time like a kick to the gut. I guess I better wish for Midol. :evil:
Why is sleep the answer to everything lately?
Tired? Let's go to sleep. Hungry? Let's go to sleep. Just woke up? Let's go to sleep. I feel like I'm in the body of a grumpy old bear. :|
Come on Birthday, this will be my last year of my twenties. We should party and eat junk food. Oh, wait, that's the tradition anyway. :P
I think my birthday wish should be to not procrastinate. It's almost the fifth already and I don't have the tree up. ...the box is upright though. Maybe I can put a bow on it and call it good. blue_flee
Birthday, keep me around for the next one, eh? Maybe a few more after that. That's what's important: being alive. You may have to remind me of that a few times. My glass is often half empty, and there's some crap I would have rather not experienced, but it is what it is.
My final words to the age of 28 are the same as my first words to the age of 29: I love you.

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Re: Blogging The Shadows

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Hello, World! My name is Echo, and it's my twenty ninth birthday! :woot:
Wish me luck, I'm almost thirty. :surprisedwitch:
Actually, the luck is for me rededication ceremony tonight. I've got both my new athame and my crystal ball waiting for me on my altar. I'm excited! smiley_dance
Source: ... pizza1.jpg
Will you raise a slice with me and celebrate life?
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