For Burns

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For Burns

Post by AnuChild »

I'm not sure where to put this, but I figure here is best. It's just a little recipe I use for minor burns and sunburns. It works like a charm.

Several teaspoons aloe vera gel (you can also use any kind of post-sunburn gel, but I like the pure aloe vera myself)

4 drops of hyssop oil

5 drops of lavender oil

A dash of rose water

A dash of lavender water

Mix them all together (I usually use a large tupperware container so I can have it on hand) and let it sit and steep at least overnight. Then apply it as a thin coat as needed to the burn.

(Sometimes, if the burn isn't too bad I'll add a single drop of peppermint oil, but that tends to hurt if the burn is still causing pain. I figure that the lavender oil can help with the antiseptic properties on harsher burns without further hurting.)

Hint: Keep a lot on hand. My friends have begun to insist on using my concoction on their sunburns because it heals faster and I seem to run out of it as soon as I make it.
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Post by Azure*Skye »

Another GREAT one for burns is

When you burn yourself, immediatly run the area under cold water.
Take enough All Purpose Flour to create a Cake like substance on the burn.

The flour will absorb the heat and in the morning you will have (depending on the sevirity of the burn) a much better injury.

Good Luck

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Post by _Cheshire_ »

The flour remedy is very interesting, never would've thought of that. I don't remember the reason why, but butter is a very common treatment too. Thanks for posting that. :)
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Post by moonlit »

Vinagar takes the sting out of a sunburn.
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Post by mystickitty »

Hello, aloe vera plant works great too, you have to reapply a few times but it takes the sting out.. :)
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Post by _Cheshire_ »

I went to a tanning bed, laid under it for twenty minutes.

I'm burnt from my face to my butt, and I mean BURNT. I've never had a sunburn be so painful.

Now let me tell you last night I took a cool bath, added aloe and vinegar. The vinegar didn't help me in the least bit, and aloe doesn't do much for pain.

If I had flour, I would've tried that remedy. My skin isn't heated like it was last night, so whatever damage is done is just there to stay.

I had a nasty fever, chills, the whole nine yards. So I went to walmart today and bought some burn spray with a numbing agent, Noxzema (since it has that menthol cooling), and some Nyquil to bring down the fever and knock me out.

And I also bought Banana split ice cream, cause ice cream is always nice after injury. :D

The burn spray is temporary relief, Noxzema does a body good - Problem is rubbing it in. Ouch!And it's only a matter of time before I take my Nyquil so I can just sleep it off.

So that's my whacky sunburn adventure! Have fun!
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Post by Elem »

I've no idea what it was, but when I had some nasty third degree burns on my arm, the doctor slapped on a load of this special cream and wrapped my arm in a gauze, with a bandage over the top.

It stopped the pain / itching almost immediately, and after a few weeks I took the bandages off to find the burn had all but dried up (allbeit leaving some nasty scars).

I'm tempted to think it was some kind of hydrocortisone cream.. but don't quote me on it, just in case.

Perhaps some research is in hand *ponders*..


Post by Arianna »

Cheshire wrote: I don't remember the reason why, but butter is a very common treatment too.

As far as I know it's NOT a good idea to use butter on your burn. I don't know about sunburns, but if you've burned yourself in the kitchen its not a swell idea. Now i know aloe works wonders on sunburns as well. But I was also told at one point that cold water doesn't work all that well.

I don't have any herbal remedies, I just speak from experience... I had many siblings and we all injured ourselves often.

Though I do seem to remember when my finger got caught in the door jam or something like that, mom used baking soda and warm water to help take the pain away.

Does that count as some sort of an herbal remedy?
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Post by naudica »

I take aloe and frankincense cream is works great.
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Re: For Burns

Post by SpiritTalker »

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Post by Firebird »

_Cheshire_ wrote: Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:25 pm I don't remember the reason why, but butter is a very common treatment too. Thanks for posting that. :)
DO NOT EVER PUT BUTTER ON A BURN. Not only does it not work but it can cause an infection.

A strong decoction of black tea in a cool bath will help sunburn pain.

Aloe vera gel is a wonder plant that is very soothing for all kinds of burns.
I had a pretty severe burn on the bottom of my foot when I stepped on a bbq charcoal. I taped an aloe leaf to the bottom of my foot and changed it frequently (cut one side of the skin off) For maybe 2 weeks I had that gooshy bandaid. That helped the pain and it healed with barely a scar.
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Re: For Burns

Post by Hazel Moon »

One thing I found that works good on burns is applebutter. I read about this in one of my books on natural remedies, and tried it after a minor burn in the kitchen.

Turns out the applebutter takes the redness out and helps with the pain and swelling. You just dab a little bit on like a paste and leave it there for an hour or two. It really helps, and you can reapply if it starts to get dried out and crusty.
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Re: For Burns

Post by Firebird »

There is no actual butter in apple butter though is there? I have never made it, only really thick applesauce! The pectin in the apple must be the healing agent.
Thanks for the tip!
Bb, FF
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