ON BANEFUL MAGIC: Pause and Reflect First

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ON BANEFUL MAGIC: Pause and Reflect First

Post by Kassandra »


Note: This is kind of aimed at the teenagers here (I know those hormonal mood swings can be overwhelming), and/or people new to their magical path regardless of age, and/or people who tend to act out of anger without thinking first, even in their non-magical lives. For those of you with cooler heads out there, the following is just preachin' to the choir, lol, so it's not meant for you.

Hair-trigger Magicians

I've noticed that a lot of people who study and practice magic are really quite quick to try to "bind" this person, or curse that person, etc., anytime someone says or does something they don't like. Girl at school made them the butt of a joke? They (try to) bind her. Grocery clerk was rude or short changed them accidentally? They curse him. Boyfriend said they look fat in that dress, he gets a curse...magical folks can be some of the most touchy, emotionally-fragile, hyper-sensitive people you ever meet. I've seen some spend the majority of their waking hours cursing anything that moves, and I'm not exaggerating on that, unfortunately. It's evident they may need to put the magic aside for a while and run, not walk, to the nearest therapist.

And some can be incredibly impressionable. Some, namely younger ones, saw cool baneful stuff done in a movie or a video game and think, "Ooo, I wanna' do that!" Or they read posts on some message board written by some magus-wannabe boasting how powerful he is, how "banefully magical" he truly could be, and they think that's the way all practitioners should act. They are easily-influenced by any and everything they read and see. Ugh. Follow your inner wisdom, your intuition, and don't be easily influenced by nonsense around you. Conduct yourself with maturity and common sense.

A Matter of Perception

I often wonder if folks ever consider it an option to look inside themselves to see what may just need binding in there. I wonder if they ever question their own perception of a situation, or if their perception is "always right," and anything opposing it is "always wrong." I'm not saying defensive work is not needed sometimes, I'm just commenting on how baneful work is seemingly the automatic go-to, without consideration of other possibilities. I wonder how often practitioners ever consider that maybe they've looked at things the wrong way, that the ill motives they thought were behind someone's words or deeds, were a misunderstanding in perception on their part.

Or do they consider that someone's actions toward them may be an understandable, warranted reaction to something they did to that party, in the first place? I've seen people come on this message board asking for binding spells to use against someone, without fully disclosing the whole story, only to find out upon digging for details that the requester did some pretty messed up stuff to said person, and really should just apologize and straighten up, not use a spell them! Funny how they "accidentally forget" to tell us that part. That kind of stuff is just unethical, and to be quite honest, rather cowardly. If you want help with something here, honestly reflect your situation first before asking, and when you do ask, tell the whole story, not just half of it.

Step back from the situation. Consider the possibility that rather than wasting energy trying to control others, or "get even" with them, maybe a better investment of your energy might be to just transcend the circumstances. We can't change another person's basic nature, but we could always change our perception of their behavior, and gain some clarity on our own. This leaves us "clear" to take whatever actions we need to take to resolve the situation, still do what we need to do, without an energetic ball and chain (i.e., anger, resentment, grudges, etc.) weighing us down and distorting our perception. If we let them, these emotions tend to snowball out of control.

Some grievances are not trivial, and need to be addressed. Go ahead and have that important talk with that person, or file that complaint, or move out of that house, or begin those court proceedings, whatever you need to do. But as much as possible, it's a good idea --for your own mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being-- to at least try to transcend your bitterness with the circumstances, and create good will within...for your own sake. Don't be a hair-trigger magician and automatically reach for baneful magic as a way to solve all your problems, because it won't.

[Joe Pesci Voice:]Hey, You Wanna' Piece a' Me?

It's always worthwhile to check your ego as to whether what you're about to do is actually necessary, vital to your survival, or if it's just a matter of your poor little feelings got hurt and really you're just trying to save face, basically operating from a place of sheer ego. It's always good to pause and reflect. Magic is nothing to play with. This isn't a level in your favorite magical video game that you need to pass, or an episode of your favorite witchy TV show that you need to act out. This is real life, with real consequences for your actions...

Know that experienced people tend to be psychically sensitive to someone attempting to do a working on them. You may think your clever binding, jinx, curse or other spell is silently flying beneath their psychic radar, but think again. It may be making noticeable energetic waves, and you don't know what somebody may be packin.' Binding spells and the like may be considered "attacks" by some experienced practitioners. Do you really know which spirit helpers may be working with someone, tipping them off to your intentions and actions? And do you really know how those spirit helpers may otherwise be acting on that practitioner's behalf? You may find one day that your working was turned back upon you...along with "added extras" you weren't expecting, and your life would never be the same again.


Listen. I'm not a Wiccan, and this post is not a reminder to follow the Threefold Law, nor a reminder to Harm None, nor a warning that you'll receive Tenfold what you've put out there, none of that. And though I do believe there tends to be karmic "balancing" of sorts in the universe, this is not a reminder about that either, because hey, maybe that's not your thing. This is just a call to carefully consider a situation before acting on it...

...or as Aretha Franklin used to sing:

"People walkin' 'round every day, playin' games and takin' scores,
tryin' to make other people lose their minds.
Well, be careful you don't lose yours! Think


Indeed. :wink:

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Re: ON BANEFUL MAGIC: Pause and Reflect First

Post by Xiao Rong »

What a fabulous piece! I think this should be mandatory reading, haha. I totally just linked to this post from another thread. Thanks Kassandra!
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Re: ON BANEFUL MAGIC: Pause and Reflect First

Post by Kassandra »


Thanks guys, it's fine on my end, feel free to use the article as you see fit, especially if you're just linking to it here on this website.

Phoenix, check with Starwitch to see what her request for format would be if it's posted on another site, though.

For instance, some site owners would rather only half of their site's articles posted, with a link provided so that the reader will be encouraged to visit their site to view the rest of the article. Sometimes this is a courtesy to the author, but sometimes site owners are depending on the foot traffic for income and that should be respected, too.

If you don't want to fully hyperlink, you could always remove "http//www" from the full address, and post the rest of the address, so people could just cut and paste it into their browsers.


Re: ON BANEFUL MAGIC: Pause and Reflect First

Post by WhisperShadowsong »

This is a great post. While I'm not an expert on magick yet, I'd like to offer my opinion:

One of the most important lessons I learned in life is that people are always doing what they think is right. When you learn to TRULY understand this concept, you let go of negative energy and better your self control.

Think of it like this:

When you discovered magick - were you not shocked? Unless you grew up around it, did it not make you feel like "oh how have I missed this my ENTIRE life?" What if I told you that there was a million dollars buried under your house, and you went and found it? Would you blame yourself for not finding it? Now imagine somebody who has wronged you. In their mind, they don't know that the million dollars exists (see below). And if you don't know you're ignorant, and everything around you has supported your beliefs, how can you go out and seek truth? This is how many wrongs occur. The person doesn't know they are messing up (Ignorance is the enemy). OR - they might know they are messing up, but still do it because they believe in their minds that a greater good will come about (ignorance is still the enemy).

Let's take a common example: an abusive person. Verbally or physically. Take time to ask yourself "WHY is this person doing this?" And you'll realize that deep down, that person is probably hurting so badly that they can't find another way out. They are IGNORANT of the ability to find help. The help being the million dollars. And if you were in their shoes, would YOU want that person to curse you? Of course you wouldn't. To curse is like saying to the person "it's your fault for not finding the million dollars." To heal is like saying "here is the million dollars. Ignorance is the enemy. Now you know, so go, and peace be with you." To add - you reap what you sow. If you sow mercy onto others, the universe will add a karma credit to your stash. For you who are interested in white magick - why not heal the hurts (ignorance) that a hurtful person is feeling? They feel better, the situation gets resolved, and ultimately YOU feel better because you were able to help somebody (unless you are a sadist). To me, there is no feeling better than helping somebody - ESPECIALLY somebody who hurt you. Kill 'em with kindness. See what happens :)
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Re: ON BANEFUL MAGIC: Pause and Reflect First

Post by Silus7 »



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Re: ON BANEFUL MAGIC: Pause and Reflect First

Post by dreadedpsychopomp »

This is a very useful, very important reminder to all and sundry. Good work! :)
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Re: ON BANEFUL MAGIC: Pause and Reflect First

Post by loona wynd »

I will use "Baneful magic" if I feel that it is necessary to defend, protect, and care for my loved ones. My own personal code of ethics and ideals allows for taking offensive actions when they have been taken against me. I will not swing or strike first. You come after my loved ones or me and I will return it. I have no qualms against it.

I look at it this way, magic is one of many tools I have to deal with situations in life. If I would not do a non magical action to deal with the situation I wont use magic for it. I also wont always jump directly to a hex or a curse to deal with a situation. If there are other spells that would work like a mirror spell to reflect something or the like I will use those instead. Binding spells are my second choice in situations.

If I can deal with the consequences of my actions magically then I will do the deed. If I question the consequences and are not willing to accept anything that could happen back on me then I wont cast the spell. Part of my ethical code is having personal responsibility for any and all actions or non actions I take. Applying this magically it means I accept the good and the bad that could come about from casting a spell.
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Re: ON BANEFUL MAGIC: Pause and Reflect First

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Also worth mentioning that if you intend to perform baneful magic, you have to get around that persons guardians first. Even non magical people can have pretty strong guardians. Even your own guardians might opt to teach you a lesson once in a while if they think its in your best interest.... Some guides are forces to be reckoned with, no matter how fluffy and harmless they may seem. Remember those big pointy swords of divine justice that some Angels carry.... :D
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