Is there a way.....

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Is there a way.....

Post by Purewitch22 »

Is there a way or a ritural, I can do to 'see' myself? Now I believe in Reincarnation so I'm believing someone else Reincarnated is ME! Is there anyway I can find if that's true?
Blessed Be!
If you look around and think the world is missing something, it is probably the gift you were
supposed to be bringing." — Julie Cuccia Watts

“When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” —
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“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, /
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"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all
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Re: Is there a way.....

Post by Traumwandlerin »

I don't even understand the question ^^

Do you think reincarnation is not linear in time and therefor one of your incarnations could be your best friend?
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Re: Is there a way.....

Post by Purewitch22 »

Yeah I do! BUT I've been.....NOT ME latley...Lets say THAT! So i'm wondering is there a way i can see like the past?? See if there IS a reincarnated person?
Blessed Be!
If you look around and think the world is missing something, it is probably the gift you were
supposed to be bringing." — Julie Cuccia Watts

“When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” —
Margaret Drabble

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, /
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” — William
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all
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Re: Is there a way.....

Post by Traumwandlerin »

Still don't get your question. Maybe you can try to elaborate yourself a bit more?
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Re: Is there a way.....

Post by shadowx »

I too am confused...

Being "not yourself" does not mean reincarnation or anything similar.
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Re: Is there a way.....

Post by Ravencry »

Not being you means, well, hormones. Puberty. Getting your period.
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Re: Is there a way.....

Post by Purewitch22 »

Raven!! I'm not talking about that! Good Goddess!! (Sorry!) I mean, is there maybe a Ritual, or Meditation to see my ansesters?
Blessed Be!
If you look around and think the world is missing something, it is probably the gift you were
supposed to be bringing." — Julie Cuccia Watts

“When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” —
Margaret Drabble

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, /
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” — William
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all
the difference." — Robert Frost
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Re: Is there a way.....

Post by Traumwandlerin »

PureWitch, in order to help you, it would really help us, if you would say more than three sentences about this topic. Like 10 or 15, perhaps? And those sentences should contain informations about the problem and more precisely what you expect us do to.

Re: Is there a way.....

Post by FireWolf168 »

I think i know what Purewitch is trying to say as ive felt this many times

Is there a ritual where you can see your past lives, such as a previously reincarnated self.

Sure theres times where theres the sense of De ja Vue but the feelings i sometimes get is like i am more than i should be if you get my meaning, living 2 lives in 1 so to speak and occassionally they collide with dramatic effects.
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Re: Is there a way.....

Post by Purewitch22 »

Well, there is ONE women I see over and over! I also dream about her! I've never met her though, until one day at school! I was doing an Aura Strengthening Spell when I had free time, and I saw her! Nobody else did though.. She wanted me to curse my enemy..I refused! Then she turned into a bright blue light, and the light moved towards me and hit me! I was warm! Then I got sick! I'm thinking either she is bad news-a bad spirit? OR she is me from before! I saw some traits that are the same that I have, well a LOT of traits! Fire is right, that is what I wanted to know!
Blessed Be!
If you look around and think the world is missing something, it is probably the gift you were
supposed to be bringing." — Julie Cuccia Watts

“When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” —
Margaret Drabble

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, /
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” — William
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all
the difference." — Robert Frost

Re: Is there a way.....

Post by FireWolf168 »

Glad to help
Experienced this mAny times and been able to judge for myself what is and what is not. Basically it comes down to experience and what your willing to accept however on that note dont always trust what you feel to be right as this takes alot of practice and care. I recommend deep meditation before contemplating the other life.
I have learnt the hard way and lost many opportunities for my ignorance this route of a given path really needs to be controlled and treated with respect.

Remember what happens comes back to you 3 fold. If you need any advice just ask ive been walking between for years and i have proof of that. Remember the best course of action is ask the Goddess for her advice.
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Re: Is there a way.....

Post by Purewitch22 »

Ahh! Thank you!! One more thing-since the inncident with the woman at school, Cinnamon (My familiar) seems more cautious and uneasy.....Would that be normal? Also it seems like she isn't seeing me, when I talk to her......Do you get what I mean by that?? The weirdest thing I noticed is that-I have been in love with Paris, France forever.Always wanted to learn French......I've been saying French and I do NOT know what I'm saying..........Its freaky!!! I didn't know which language until the school's French Teacher asked why I was talking in fluent French.....
Blessed Be!
If you look around and think the world is missing something, it is probably the gift you were
supposed to be bringing." — Julie Cuccia Watts

“When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” —
Margaret Drabble

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, /
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” — William
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all
the difference." — Robert Frost

Re: Is there a way.....

Post by FireWolf168 »

Im sorry but i cant help with familiars, as i dont have one.

French and France, you sound like me.Lol
France is my ideal home i lived in Paris near La Opera. I feel that the country is magical and steeped in alot of Witch history, though you will have to dig deep.
One of the most moving places in Paris is Pere La Chaise Cemetry (famous for a lot of famous people buried) there but also a deeply grounding place. I used to meditate there alot and that helped me find what i wanted to achieve.
As a child i used to walk with my mother to school via a church yard (here in England) and i was always drawn to one area though i had no reason to know, it turned out that a child was buried there and i used to speak to her spirit. I found this out by way of my mother who looked into it as she thought i was nuts!!!

You really need to Ground yourself in a safe place where you feel comfortable to start what i think your trying to do. I will pm you a good meditation for you to practice. To this day i can walk around with my friends (mainly woman) and i can sense everything which isnt always good and can leave me very drained and ill.
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Re: Is there a way.....

Post by Zili »

This women you mention wouldn't be you from a past life she seems more like a spirit but i beleive you getting sick has nothng to do with her. Flu and some other illnesses are going around pretty bad right now.

But you're previous self cannot perform magick anymore, its a life long since gone.
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Re: Is there a way.....

Post by Purewitch22 »

Okay! Firewolf thank you! :) I appriciate it! :D
Blessed Be!
If you look around and think the world is missing something, it is probably the gift you were
supposed to be bringing." — Julie Cuccia Watts

“When nothing is sure, everything is possible.” —
Margaret Drabble

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, /
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” — William
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all
the difference." — Robert Frost

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