Favorite Herbs

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Favorite Herbs

Post by Release.the.bats »

I was wondering what everyone's favorite herbs are and why.
I'm just getting into herbalism, it took me a little while because I could never decide what to get, how much to get, what to do with it etc.
I am however going to be buying quite a few different herbs online.
So tell me, what are your favorites and why.
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Post by Witch13 »

lemon balm (fresh) and mint remind me of a special person in my life so i am quite fond of them.
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Post by JackRabbitSlims »

Yeah mint is pretty amazing, but I'm a big fan of catnip, mugwort, and fresh basil.

Catnip because I can give it to my cats so they can get stoned in a healthy way :)
And also it has hormones in it to help with pms or cramps when used in tea or tinctures so that's a major plus :)

Mugwort is fantastic. I ordered two ounces of it and I use it in teas, dream pillows, and on my altar :)

And fresh basil because it grows so abundantly in my garden so I can cook with it whenever I want.

Man herbs are sh-weet!
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Post by Release.the.bats »

@GeminiGremlin: I've considered Mugwort but I heard it's a mild narcotic. I personally don't do nor do I plan to do drugs. What has been your experience with Mugwort?
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Post by Release.the.bats »

I recently bought(today):

I shall find out how I like them when they come.
I bought them from Here.
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Post by JackRabbitSlims »

Yeah oddly enough, I've read on websites that mugwort is used as a drug.

I've smoked mugwort, drank it, and used it alone and it has never made me feel anything. Its not like getting stoned. My mom drank it and she said it made her blood pressure rise, but then again my mom is a hypochondriac so who knows. Lol

The only thing I felt was happy and positive when I woke up after using it as a dream pillow.

I've also used it before bed, as an incense and it makes your dreams extremely realistic.

I remeber anytime in the dream that I wanted something, zoom it was there. It was pretty fantastic actually :)
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Post by HonorRose »

There are several herbs I am very fond of.

Hibiscus and Rose are two plants that I connect strongly with. I've been growing roses for a couple of years, and the wand I recently made was cut from my red rose bush (it died in an ice storm this winter :-( ). Hibiscus is a flower I've had little contact with, but which I get great vibrations from every time. I have a small bag of dried hibiscus flowers, and I occasionally scatter them on my alter when I'm scrying or preparing for sex magick.

Lavender is another flower/herb I love. I don't know why, but every time I touch or even just see it I literally become excited. (Happy, energized excited, not sexually excited) It always makes me grin for some reason, even though it's suppose to help you relax. Anytime I'm around it I just can't keep myself from touching it, lol! I use it in almost all my amulets, and I often handle it before doing rituals.

I also like Dragon's Blood. It makes me feel simultaneously calm and powerful. I carry it when I'm worried about my self-control.
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Post by astral »

Lavender - it is calming and relaxing to smell at night.

I enjoy making herbal sun tea out of mint, stevia, and then add two bags of licorice mint tea. Very refreshing and healthy.

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