A Blessing Rainbow? Ghost Riders in the Sky? Pics and video!

For conversations and questions about hauntings and spirit visitations. This is not the place to talk about demons. In fact, this whole board isn't the place for it. A Christian site is a better place for that.
One Walker
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A Blessing Rainbow? Ghost Riders in the Sky? Pics and video!

Post by One Walker »

It's not too often I go outdoors on one of my walks in the wild and not see something wonderful and unusual but yesterday was a little unique even for me! :lol: I had a wonderful time revisiting my special place and visiting/communing with the various trees I have come to know there. One thing I'll mention is that I seem to connect with The Elements in an especially strong fashion in this place. It was a truly wonderful day. Anyway, I'm walking along a path enjoying the beautiful winter day when I looked overhead and saw this:




Nothing all that unusual about a rainbow but this one was directly over my head! I've seen them off in the distance or on the horizon but never directly above me. I sensed it as a Blessing from The Elements but then, just moments later, I saw this and videotaped it: (Click on it to view tape)


Now I have NEVER seen 'clouds' like this before in my life anywhere on the planet. You'll note that the surrounding clouds in the video are all sharply defined and of a markedly different shape and size while those in the center are 'misty' and blurred. Also note that even the spaces between those odd clouds are foggy. Finally, I can say for sure this is not a camera effect or blurring of focus due to moisture in the air or whatever. You can tell by both the surrounding clouds and the trees that the picture is indeed in focus at this is how these apparitions truly appeared.

Was the rainbow overhead a Blessing or for Protection? Both? Something else? Do spirits have migrations? Any comments are welcome!

One Walker.
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Post by gwenblackbird »

Just the other day i saw a rainbow like that too.
[Silver Dove]
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Post by [Silver Dove] »

To me those clouds looked like angels with their wings spread out....so I would think that this was a message of both blessing and protection...I think you have angels protecting you and watching over you....
May love, peace & hope always be with you. Blessed Be!

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Post by One Walker »

Truth be told, I never thought of that. :lol: :oops: You might be right, Silver Dove. I did have the sense that the rainbow was a Blessing. When the apparitions appeared I didn't feel anything ominous but I didn't feel elated either. I felt awe and wonder. I wonder if its possible they were Angels attached to or watching over the location I was at rather than me specifically? I know this place to be very spiritually connected. Last summer I encountered a full-body manifestation of a recognizable spiritual entity in this place.

One Walker.
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Post by [Silver Dove] »

Could be that they are attached to the place or they were watching over the location, but I think there was a message that was meant for you specifically as they showed themselves to you in particular....they could be watching the location but they don't have to show themselves so clearly...perhaps good things are coming your way as you give so much of yourself to mother earth and others... I feel that the divine is very pleased with you and your work :D

or perhaps there is a task that the divine has in mind for you....if you see the angels again than for sure there is a task that is meant for you to complete.....if that is the case than don't worry you will see more signs as the time approaches.

Please and if you don't mind, do tell about your experience of last summer now that you have sparked my interest...
May love, peace & hope always be with you. Blessed Be!

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Post by One Walker »

Thanks, Silver Dove!

Good things are happening for me right now. If anything, I need to get called back to work (I was laid off last November). If The Divine has a specific task in mind for me I welcome it. I have already been Blessed so much!

I get the feeling I might be opening a can of worms for some people in relating the encounter I had last summer but here it goes: I'm walking along a path down by a creek that straddles this special place. It was a perfect summer afternoon. Sunny, 76 degrees, etc. I looked across the creek to the bank on the other side and spotted what I instantly recognized to be a spiritual entity despite the full body and perfectly solid form it manifested.

In that same instant I recognized this individual because it manifested itself to me in a form I could identify with through my classical Christian upbringing. Slightly dark features, Brown hair down to his shoulder blades, a simple white over garment of coarse linen, a faded red robe draped over both shoulders, and sandals on his feet. Christians know him as Jesus.

I smiled and almost waved to him but caught myself short of actually doing it. He was just walking through a small grassy flat along the shores of this creek, seemingly without a care in the world, and I thought: "Why not?" With all the stress and strain he gets put under on a daily basis by people who want him to solve all their problems for them; why shouldn't he be able to enjoy an occasional quiet stroll in a garden spot? He is probably the most misquoted and misunderstood individual in human history. People keep proclaiming him the Son of God and put him up on a pedestal out of their reach when all he ever claimed of himself was to be the Son of Man and went through a heck of a lot as a fellow human being to pound that very concept of kinship through our thick skulls. Humankind hasn't progressed all that far in a spiritual sense since his time on Earth so it is no wonder he might need an occasional break as we do.

So I stood there a while, saying nothing, smiling in great pleasure, and just watched him; content to leave him the undisturbed peace he found in the trees, grass, and water under that warm, sunny sky. He knew I was there but didn't acknowledge my presence in any overt way. I think it was because we both knew we were there for basically the same reason.

And that's my story.

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Post by Moon_Stone »

Interesting story (and cloud/rainbow images too), One Walker. I don't think there will be too many people jumping down your throat here for the Jesus references- but it is a slight bit odd. :wink:

As far as I'm concerned, if you believed that man was the manifestation you mentioned, then he was. Regardless, he was a man enjoying the elements found in nature and taking a moment of individual peace, as you were. Doesn't really matter who he was or where he came from, what matters is the connection and peace you felt in seeing him there. :28:

Onto the clouds and rainbow you saw: Personally, I would view that experience and what you saw as a display of a "nature smile" (I know, that does sound silly, but there's not really a better way to put it)...and as you said, the awe and amazement of the beauty one sees comes as a part of any gorgeous display the earth has to share with us. Every time I'm out with my Maggie-dog getting lost on our walks, I'm often given "nature smiles" as well ...just last week we were visited by a hawk, earlier this week (in the sunniest part of the afternoon), it was a baby owl. (We see owls a lot, but the hawk was a first.) Wild rabbits are also a fairly rare occurrence, but we have encountered a few of those as well. I think one has to be in a certain perceptive state to see these things happening around us- not every occasion, no matter how much one hopes, will a display of beauty be seen. It may be there, but if we're not perceptive to it, it may not be visible. I think your misty clouds were perhaps spirits or an energy that was there simply for you enjoy, and to give you that warm-fuzzy feeling I bet it did. :28: Never know, maybe you were the only one who was meant to see it.

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, One Walker! I love the way you describe these things, so full of allegory and detailed description, we can actually see what you see as well. Mark of a great writer. :wink:

~Bright Blessings~
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Post by One Walker »

Thank you for your kind words and understanding, MoonStone! I'm glad you caught the distinction in what I was saying when I described the entity. I too have seen many 'nature smiles' as you've described. I've been visited by Sparrows, Eagles, Squirrels, and Rabbits. I see trees wave and nod to me. Then there are what I call The Blessing Wind and The Blessing Rain. I agree that one has to be in and of a certain state of mind to see and know these things for what they are. Perhaps the cloud forms were spirits or manifestation of energy as you say. I cannot. I did not feel as if it were meant for me specifically, although I was alone in that place. I strongly resist saying they were when I don't know for sure. That would be conceited and egotistical of me I think.

In any case, I am grateful for the opportunity to experience the event. Thank you also for the positive comments about my writing. It may be grammatical hash but if people can feel or see what I try to express then I'm happy.

Blessings to all!

One Walker.
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[Silver Dove]
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Post by [Silver Dove] »

Wow that is nice...and I agree with Moonstone when she says,
As far as I'm concerned, if you believed that man was the manifestation you mentioned, then he was. Regardless, he was a man enjoying the elements found in nature and taking a moment of individual peace, as you were. Doesn't really matter who he was or where he came from, what matters is the connection and peace you felt in seeing him there.
I love the way you describe your experiences...its like cuddling up with a really good book (I am an avid reader...)....I agree with Moonstone again on your writing skills.... you should be a writer, if you already aren't... :)
May love, peace & hope always be with you. Blessed Be!

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Post by One Walker »

Wow! Thank you so much for the compliment, Silver Dove! Truth be told, I once did have some aspirations to be a writer. A Short Story writer. I have several that have been sitting on my hard drive for many years; most of them stories about things that have happened to me; mostly funny but some not-so-funny. For a while some years ago I poked around trying to get published but it's hard to find the right genre for my style and subject matter. Most of my stories are true and have to do with Spirits, animals, and/or my friends along with the adventures we've had. Aside from all that is my grammatical structuring, which is well...er...'Non-Conformist'. :lol: I write pretty much like I talk and, if I'm relating a story, I care a lot more about how the person receives it than the technical aspects of writing it. I guess I'm more of a story-teller in written form than an actual writer.

At one time I considered going back to school to re-learn those writing basics and to take some Creative Writing courses but who can afford it? :roll: Besides, I don't qualify for financial aid for that sort of thing. Anyway, after reading some of the stories and tales here on the bbs (and, in turn, re-reading some of my old stories. I'm an avid reader too!) I posted a note to MoonStone tonight in the Animals and Pets section under the sticky "Where are all the great animal stories?" about the possibility of putting some of my stories up here somewhere. Hopefully I'll get the go-ahead in one form or another. I think you and others might enjoy them. We can all do with a laugh or two, eh? If things don't work out that way perhaps I can get them to you another way. We'll see.

I'm also considering starting my own blog here. Every time I go out in the wild I end up writing a page or two in my Rock Diary about what I found, or found me, out there and since I'm writing it down anyway...

Blessings and Best Wishes!

One Walker.
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Post by willow_witch »

just a thought... maybe it was energies or angles that protect that area and have been there for who knows how long and because you've aliened yourself with that area they allowed you to see them do as they do. so it wasn't especially for you but it was a gift in its self.
Just a thought... but wow.... i wish i was as close to mother earth as you.

*blessed be*
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Post by One Walker »

You may very well be right, willow_witch. Several people I've talked to who also visit that place have commented that they feel it is 'special' in a spiritual aspect. I would have to agree. The Elements seem more 'animated' in that location. On the other hand, I have been to places in the wild that were positively Dark. The general aura was definitely negative and gave me an extremely bad feeling. This is contrary to the natural state of The Elements so I know the negative imprint was due to some event or events that occurred there. My normal place to visit has extremely positive energy though. You can feel it when you enter the area. It's like a switch being thrown.

Finally, you can get closer to Mother Earth. If I may make a suggestion, go to some place outdoors that you really like. It should be relatively quiet but doesn't have to be. It can be a field, park, mountain, lake, river, shoreline, beach, or whatever. Don't take anything with you when you go. No items of ritual are required, or even desirable for this. While you're there just think about all the things that have been troubling you. Open your heart and mind and start letting them go one by one, replacing those thoughts with the love and appreciation for everything you see around you in that place.

This is The Calling. By doing this without an organized ritual or ritual items you are presenting your 'naked' essence to the Elements (No, I don't mean physically naked.). You are voluntarily opening yourself up and willingly releasing the negativity in your life. You are calling, unadorned, to the The Elements to answer your Need and come into your Life in a more fuller way. Basically, what you are saying when you do this is: "I need and want to change. I'm tired of being lost/confused/angry/alone/depressed/hurt. This is not what I want my Life to be about. These are things that don't belong and I need them to be gone!"

If you are sincere about it, and I have absolutely no doubt you are, The Elements will hear your heartfelt plea and answer in a very positive way. It will probably start immediately. As you purge those negative items in your mind you'll begin to notice wonderfully appealing things occurring around you in that place. It could be a warm, gentle breeze softly brushing up against you and tugging at you (The Blessing Wind). It might be a light shower when there are no clouds in the sky (The Blessing Rain). It might be the pattern of waves on the water or lapping at the shore that suddenly seems wonderful and beautiful to you. Animals may come to be close by you. It could be the trees bowing toward you or waving their limbs/bodies at you. It could be the cloud patterns overhead forming into a wondrous pattern or shape. This is Mother Earth responding to your plea.

As you release each of your concerns one by one there will be more signs, both subtle and not-so-subtle, that Mother Earth has heard. Accept those signs as they are and don't make the mistake of thinking it's just coincidence. Remember, Mother Earth doesn't do 'coincidence'! :D Take those signs and wonderful feelings with you when you leave that place. Keep them with you in your memory and your heart as you re-enter the human world. You will feel much better and more peaceful than you have in a long time. You'll be more at ease and comfortable because you are now bound more tightly with The Elements. They will help you maintain or regain a positive perspective in your everyday Life.

Thank you for the gift of your thoughts, willow_witch! Blessings to you now and always. I'm sending good Intent your way!

One Walker.
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Post by [Silver Dove] »

I would love to hear your animal stories....well you could always e-mail them to me if it doesn't work out......A blog would be great. We could all learn from your experiences....

Your suggestion to willow_witch just made me yearn for my special place....I am waiting for the weather to warm up at my end a bit ....we are in a deep freeze here....I can't wait to go to my special place....its a little hill by a lake with a willow tree....I go there and just look at the clouds and stars...I just lay there under the tree or sit there just staring at the sky lost in my own thoughts (ok ok so at times when I was really hurting or happy I used to talk to the willow tree...Ilove willow trees... I don't know why but the connection I feel from a Willow tree is unbelievable) ... all my problems used to disappear and I used to get answers or signs from the divine in the clouds or formation of the stars, it could be all in my head but the feeling that I used to get from that place was of so utter peace and calm.....I haven't been there at all this winter, well it is hard to sit outside in a deep freeze unless I want to become a popsicle..LOL!! :lol: But soon the ice will thaw and spring will be back again I can already smell it in the air.....

Well my friend keep me posted on your stories and blog....much blessings to you...till next time, safe journey....
May love, peace & hope always be with you. Blessed Be!

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Post by One Walker »

Yeah, I haven't heard back yet from MoonStone or one of the other mods so I'm not posting anything just yet. Probably by the middle or end of this week one way or another. I'll let you know. :D

We've been suffering under the cold snap as well so I haven't been able to get out to my special place either. It works out though. In the meantime I'm giving all the stones a good cleaning and cleansing while relocating my indoor place of ritual to a better location in the home. It's also given me the opportunity to do some more research and try to identify some of the stones I've received.

That's interesting about the willow tree. From what I've read, willows are suppose to have magical powers for healing, protection, enchantments, easy delivery of babies, and wishing. That seems to fall pretty well in line with the feeling you get from them. No surprise either that you talk to them. In fact, you're suppose to talk to them! Trees are conscious and have feelings. They also have individual personalities and can communicate both in the physical and metaphysical world. There's a whole post I could write just on tree interaction! :lol: I probably will in the Plant Consciousness section before long.

Anyway, in the meantime you can bundle up when the weather gets a bit warmer, run out to your special place and just say hi! You don't have to restrict your interaction with trees to just ritual use. Your 'need' in this case is simply to visit with it. You miss its aura and being in its presence. You're concerned about its health and well being. You don't have to sit down in the snow under it for twenty minutes either. Just walk up and lay your hands on its trunk and/or leaves. Talk to it. Tell it how you feel and ask how it is doing.

Okay, this is about to turn into a too-lengthy post on the subject for this thread and I don't want to hijack it. I'll post something in Plant Consciousness soon.

Be well and safe!

One Walker.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Yes, yes- I'm sorry, One Walker... I was away for the weekend and in a frenzy on Friday trying to get done what I needed to get done prior to my weekend-vacation. :shock: ...I've answered your post though, today- gave some suggestions and a green light to go ahead- I think we'd all love the opportunity to read your work. :28:
Hmph, all this talk of your special places is making me ever-so-jealous!! I don't have a place to call 'my own special place'... though I did as a younger person (nearer to the home I grew up in). Now that I'm some 200 miles away from that place, I really should find myself a new "place". Thus far, I've been content to take the 'place' wherever I could find it-- most often while out with my Maggie dog mindlessly wandering as we do. It's certainly not for lack of trying though... but living in the desert, I've found that there really is a shortage of available mystical groves. LOL
-I have been planning to make my own place in my backyard soon-- will be starting out its creation with my first pomegranate tree this spring. (Though I feel terribly guilty taking away any of the small back-yard space available from Maggie.)
Silver Dove, about the willow; (per a Druid friend's referral:)
The Willow was sacred to Hecate, Circe, Hera, and Persephone, all death aspects of the Triple Moon Goddess, and was often used by the Witches in Greece. In western tradition it is a symbol of mourning and unlucky love. The Latin name for the weeping willow refers to the psalm in which the Hebrews mourn their captivity in Babylon by the willows. A Female symbol, the moon owns the willow. It is the tree that loves water most and is sacred to the Moon Goddess who is the giver of dew and moisture, generally. The Willow is the tree of enchantment. Can be made into a tool to make wishes come true.
MAGICKAL PURPOSES: Used in love, healing, and fertility rites and spells. A wood of Moon magic, psychic energy, healing, and inspiration. Being a feminine wood, Willow indicates cycles, rhythms and the ebb and flux.

...that's from a Druid's perspective, not necessarily that of Wiccan's. Regardless of the path walked though, the tree's symbolization is very similar, I also completely agree with the description One Walker gave.
One Walker, do you mind if I quote your words to Willow_Witch in a response to another member? I've been conversing with someone through private messages and I think he could really be helped by your description of a way in which closeness can be gained to the Mother. ...If you don't mind. :wink:

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