Pentacle, Dandelions, and Others Poems.

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Pentacle, Dandelions, and Others Poems.

Post by Eos »

I'm sorry, most of them don't rhyme. Some are Pagan-themed, some aren't.

by Eos

This pentacle is my tool
The symbol of my faith
My stigma
My power.
The five corners are
My spirit, hailing the Goddess
The fire in the pit of my stomach
The wind that pushes me on
The earth that grounds me to this beautiful world
and the tidal waters that ebb and flow in us all.
Surrounding it, surrounding me
is a Circle. The Circle
that is the universe
and envelops all things.
Without it, I am lost,
We are lost.
Fore this pentacle is the map of life, and all in it.
With it, I open doors.
I do not summon devils of vengeance,
Nor do I use it to enchant the wills of men.
With it, I focus my power, our power,
And I enrich this Earth
and I oil the Wheel of Life.
(c) N. Kemp

Post by Eos »

This one is a series of haikus, when sewn together, make a story of a person whose life was changed by a single, chance encounter.

by Eos

In this field of weeds
I find solace from the cold.
And here I found you.
You blew lazily
on the flighty seedlings, and
you caught sight of me.
Winter was waning.
I tightened my crimson scarf,
and sat down with you.
We did not speak; though
our silence was comforting,
I could not bear it.
We stayed, spoke small talk
Sat in that cold, flow'ring field,
surrounded by weeds.
Dandelions, though
considered a common pest,
remind me of you.
Remind me of us.
Remind me of that moment
that our eyes did meet.
I never saw you
after that time, even though
I returned often.
Returned to that field.
Through ev'ry season I wait.
I wonder sometimes
If you were but a spirit,
a leftover wraith.
Perhaps a fairy
tempting me with your beauty
leaving me to waste.
Waste away I do
Remembering your light touch
Remembering you.
Maybe one day soon
when I am long gone from here,
I'll meet you again
Remember something
From a distant dream
I'll dream of flowers
Considered a pest
But sacred to me.
Dandelions, those
Flighty little seedlings that
You blew lazily.
(c) N. Kemp

Yule Sabbat

Post by Eos »

A belated Yule poem, of a circle of the Old Religion meeting to greet the newborn Sun. This one rhymes, and is a little long.

Yule Sabbat
by Eos

The miaden moon does hold her shroud
over the sparkling sky.
The willow trees, they rustle
with Zephyr's forlorn sigh.
All is quiet beauty.
All is dark and private.
Upon this ancient valley
Our People make their descent.
Bearing gifts of honey and blossoms
They tiptoe quietly down.
The altar is set, the candles lit
the Priestess in her pure white gown.
Just as their mothers before them
Just as the fathers past
Our People circle 'round.
Their bond is made to last.
They join in glorious harmony
Brought by the Fates together
They anoint and bless each other
By invisible, loving cords they're tethered.
The High Priestess takes on the stance
Recites the ancient spell
Of the Goddess' sacred love
the beautiful words do tell.
The Priest, he crosses his arms
The words of The Horned One
We know he is our Father, Brother,
Our Hunter and the Sun.
This is the night, as it were
The Horned One is faun
The blessed golden disk
Is reborn come Yule's dawn.
Our People call the quarters
And light the Yule fire
They dance, drink, and celebrate
As the flames grow higher.
It dances and reaches towards the sky
as the World does brighten.
One child in the Circle catches sight
points to the East, and then
He cries out with joy, "The Sun! The Sun!"
All present stop and gaze.
The dawn, the cold December morning
brings forth unprecedented blaze.
Aurora, rosy-fingered beauty
stretches over them all,
Rises from the Sea of Night
From the lark, a herald call.
Chase away the chilly night,
paint the Sky in gold.
Watch, the Wheel turns again
Just as in times of old.
O Sacred Stag, in your arms
The cold, pale Earth grows green.
From here on, til Lammastide
The world's bountiful beauty shall be seen.
By those of our People,
and those who tread other Paths,
All shall see the vivacity
Of the Earth, bathed in sunlight gold.
(c) N. Kemp

Goddess and God

Post by Eos »

Two poems, also rhyming, on the Goddess and God. These are reminiscent of the Charge of The Goddess and The God, and were written with the purpose of use at Esbats, since I personally want to memorize them and don't have the stamina to memorize the traditional Charges.

by Eos

Whatever you need, whenever
Look to the heavens blue
With hope, and love, and child's wonder,
You'll find me, The Goddess Moon.
By any name, I'm always watching
In the Ocean, Earth, and Sky.
I'm in the Fire of my children's hearts
In every wanton sigh.
Stay close and follow, for I chose you
And you chose Me in turn.
Do not be swayed by passing wind
or any's hateful burn.
Meet in midnight shroud,
clad in sky alone.
All are free from common Man
in presence of Maiden, Mother, Crone.
Remember, my unshackled children,
who embrace Earth and Sky above:
Keep your Roots grounded, your mind in the Heavens,
and Heart wrapped in sacred love.
Within this Circle, this Sacred Space,
I, the Triple Goddess, show my face.
(c) N. Kemp

by Eos

Behold and see, my brothers
My sisters, children, lovers,
Look to the rosy Yuletide sky
Aurora stretch her fingers wide
Tear the Night-Shroud from atop the Earth
And see my, The Horned One's birth.
My light, it glitters on sundry flower
With spring, gives them, and all life, its power.
When I am hidden, in Cloud-Stole
The Rain falls, nourishes, fills Seas of foam
Hear me gallop, through Forests green
Atop Mountains and Shores uncommon seen.
For I am half of the All
I rise, and like all Life, I fall.
I love, I hunt, I am born, I die.
I am every creature that walks and flies.
You chose Me, and I chose you.
Remember, I am part of you, too.
Within this Circle, this Sacred Space
I, the Horned One show my face.
(c) N. Kemp
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