trouble focusing. any help?

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trouble focusing. any help?

Post by willow02 »

ok, i know i probably don't need a spell for this. i'm trying somethin new with my horses and it takes alot of concentration. i have a short attention span, so it's driving me NUTS!!! i'm curious to know what y'all do to stay focused and to keep your concentration. spells, chants...whatever!
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Post by Marie* »

I don't know how to keep myself focused so I can't help you. Sorry!!

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Post by moonlit »

Wow, that's hard. lol. How I consentrate on a cirtain thing is to focas all of my thought onto it. If my brain is focases on that one thing, it tends to not wonder as much.
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Post by Starwitch »

This has nothing to do with your post, but I just heard on the news that researchers believe that kids who watch TV a lot, and especially before the age of 3 are the ones who get ADD, which certainly explains why ADD is suddenly all over the place. When I was a kid, we didn't watch TV hardly at all and especially not as young as 3. Nowadays every time Mom and Dad are tired of watching the kid, they use the TV as their babysitter. I can't say I wouldn't do the same thing, but that's a warning to you - your kid can get ADD from doing that.

Post by willow02 »

wow, I've never heard that before, but it makes sense. I have to drag my kids in the house! They'd spend all night and day playing outside. i'm really glad they don't care that much about tv
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Post by Starwitch »

That's great Willow because a LOT of kids sit in front of the TV all day long (or as much as they can.) My step-daughter usually watches TV when she is here. We kind of use it as a babysitter, you know? A lot of people do that unfortunately. But she has lots of other interests and has some sort of activity every night of the week, so I guess she is okay. She's really smart and doesn't have ADD. I'm guessing she only watches TV when she is with us. Her mom probably doesn't let her watch much.

I think it's the constant stimulation that TV provides that give kids ADD. They are used to have every single second filled up with interesting activity, which the TV provides. Then, when they are somewhere like the classroom, they don't have that constant stimulation anymore so they lose interest and get bored and don't pay attention - their mind is drifting. And the one's that act up when they get bored, those are the ADHD kids. My opinion.

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Post by Moon_Stone »

Ya, I've heard the same thing about the TV... but really, the ADD-thing just kind of seems like a crutch or an excuse to me. It never ceases to amaze me, the amount of new "diseases" we are finding out there these days! (I know, cruel heartless woman!) :wink:
But really, I have a daughter too, she's a wonderful, sweet, smart little thing... loves her TV, but doesn't get an overload (also loves the computer, and of course playing in the dirt)... I think as long as we keep doing what we've always done ('cause you know in the 50's and 60's when dad was at work and mom was hung over or just coming out of the sleepy-pills, the kids were watching TV!), we'll all be just fine. :lol: (Just as long as we don't forget to love our kids & that they're people too, that is.)
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Post by Starwitch »

TV was a lot different when we were kids though. It was much tamer. I used to think like you did, that ADD was one of these made-up diseases to excuse children's bad behavior, but now I'm starting to think it's a product of our society. When I was a kid, the only time cartoons came on was Saturday morning until noon. Now there are at least 4 channels of cartoons ALL DAY LONG on cable TV. It seems a little overmuch to me.

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Post by Moon_Stone »

Good point, -- I can think of a bunch of those nasty channels too. Geesh, what's happening to our society?!? Poor kids- it's not their fault that their parents stink at being parents. :cry:

Post by moonsprite »

lol i think weve gone rather off topic! i have bought myself a baby horse so i need to concentrate and have alot of patience. it can get rather antagonizing on a bad day though.

i dont no any concentration or spells for patience but what i do with my horse is have a bonding session before we start to work. i stand next to her talking to her and relaxing just stroking and being with her. this helps increase ur patience and eventually ull be concentrating through patience. when you more relaxed and patient concentrating comes easily. if i have a good bonding session with my pony before hand she will happily follow me and we can do more things together and enjoy them. bad bonding session you become impatient and irritant and so concentrating is out the question because your so worked up about your horse.

what are you trying to do with your horse? if you need to talk about it or need a question to be answered feel free to email me! :D
sorry about this long message !

Post by willow02 »

I'm learning to team rope. my horse is "push button" so i don't have to worry about him, i just lose my train of thought easily.
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Post by darkestlight* »

this may sound dumb but maybe you just need to practice for example if your walking by a pic with alot of stuff on it look at just one thing and just try focusing on it..or if you meditate try focusing on your breathing while you meditate. Hope I helped.
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Post by Starwitch »

Sounds like good advice to me, Darkestlight.

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Post by 5moons »

Dark that is very good way to practice. Then next you want to pic something that is living and focus on details of the picture.

Post by willow02 »

thanks, dark. doesn't sound dumb at all. :D
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