Biggest Fish Ever...

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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Biggest Fish Ever...

Post by [cherokeewind] »

It has been several years since having any fish dreams that I can remember. But the other week, maybe it is 2 1/2 weeks ago...anyway, dreamed I had a fishing pole in my hands while standing on a wood pier fishing. I looked over, my friend stood to my left next to me, looking out over the water. As I reeled in my line, was looking down into the water, watching the fishing lure coming up, as reeling in the line. I had about 8-10 feet of line left when the lure came into view.

I noticed it was a large Muskie lure, just like one of a couple I'd bought for vacation once, but never took the fishing trip to be able to use them (much to large for fishing here). I could hardly believe my eyes as a huge Muskie fish, I don't know how to guess exactly the weight...maybe 40+ lbs. which means a giant sized fish. The fish opened it's mouth and instantly inhaled the lure. I held the rod steady while bending some...could feel the Muskie was hooked. I knew the fish would soon take off, for that is the nature of them, to make a run for it.

I got down on the pier, laying down so the fish wouldn't pull me into the water. Just as the fish started to make a run...told my friend to hold on to me some, in case I start to slip or slide a little on the wood pier. He reached out and grabbed the edge of my belt. That was enough to prevent the fish from pulling me closer to the water.

Forgot one thing I'm remembering now. I needed to adjust the fishing reel drag real quick, because the line could snap if not set right. Because of having to adjust the drag...needed someone to keep the fish from pulling me...once adjusted it would be ok, fish can take out line while running, you just play the fish out first.

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