Spell for a BAD cold??

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Spell for a BAD cold??

Post by LonelyAngel13 »

Wow, there are NO new posts here for AGES!! Lol!! Anyway, onto the problem at hand.

My Dad has the worst cold he's ever had and he's really ill. i.e. constantly coughing phlegm, blowing his nose, shivering, sudden hot flushes and is always sleeping. THIS IS NOT FLU. Trust me on this!!

Is there any herbal remedy or something that can help him?? I've looked around but nothing seems quite right.

Please, he's really not well this time.

Thank you for any help you can give me.


P.S. There is not a hope on this planet he'll go and see a doctor. All the doctors round here (to quote) "Are complete pillocks who have no idea what they're talking about". Yeah...stubborn as hell!!!
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Post by [AmberRose13] »

Sounds kinda like pneomia(sp?)
I had it a month ago. Bacterial Pneumia in one lung, and I had similar symptoms. He should go to a doctor for some anti-biotics.
I took all of mine, and my lungs are still funny. I need to call the doctor too I guess, :(

- Amberrose
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Post by juliaki »

Unfortunately, without knowing your dad's medical history, it would be a bad idea to give herbal suggestions as many herbal suggestions for dealing with any forms of illness can cause life-threatening complications.

This year, there have been some complex flu viruses going around (the Brisbane strain, for instance) that is very easy to catch and very difficult to cure. Sadly, this strain has a tendency to develop into pneumonia if the individual is unable to shake it on their own. For pneumonia, the best cure is a strong antibiotic regimen, which is only going to be available from a doctor.

Hope your dad feels better!
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Post by LonelyAngel13 »

Tbh, he doesn't have the best medical history. He's smoked for a long whille and I know it's probably the reason why this cold has affected him so badly, doubled with the fact he has asthma (sp?) isn't making it much better.

It does seem to be easing up now though, so it's not too much of a worry.

Thanks for your posts and advice, I always seem to ask questions that never really have straight answers or something! lol!!

Anyway, thanks again.
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