Can someone help me?

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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Can someone help me?

Post by lucy_san_elfenlied »

I had this dream that I am curious about.

I can't remember most of it but there are 3 things I remember clearly.

I was in two settings. The first setting was a concentration camp but in the form of a school. It was cloudy, grey and in the daytime. I can't recall this clearly but I think I had a child of my own who went here or it was my younger sibling. But there was this young boy who was there talking to me, or reaching out. He was small, had buzzcut, blond hair and wore glasses. He had a red vest on like a school uniform and I was just stuck on him. I wanted to help him. He kept telling me to leave so I will be safe but I couldn't go. I kept asking him if he was a Jew, that's where I got the idea that it was during WWII in Germany or similiar. He didn't answer me the first time so I asked again and he nodded his head voilently like someone was shaking him. The rest is black from that dream.

If anyone has seen American Werewolf in Paris, then you will get an idea what I'm talking about.
My second dream which was connected to my first was at night. There were many yellowish street lamps and it looked like London at night with the wet cobble stones, back in 1900s I believe, or still around WWII. There were hardly any people but this woman in a white suit in an alley way. I kept invisioning this beast. I saw it form together in my mind or like it was happening before me. I saw the insides and skeleton of it first and then muscle after that and skin covering everything. Then I saw through its eyes as if I was the beast and I was chasing after this woman.

That's all I remember from it. Does anyone have any ideas?
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Post by hedge* »

This dream screams fear at me...there's something that you fear greatly going on in your life at the moment. I'd say you feel stuck in a rut somewhere and you're frightened of making a concrete decision on something for fear of the outcome.
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Post by AkanaAnash »

Sounds past-life'ish to me.
"The Prince Of Darkness is a gentleman"
W. Shakespeare
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Post by lucy_san_elfenlied »

I think you're both right.

Akana- I've been researching the Holocaust for years now because I feel very connected to it.

Hedge- I am stuck in life right now so I totally agree with you.

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