I only want answers..

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I only want answers..

Post by ryddel »

Warning, first-
If I come off as mean or anything, please forgive me, I just have had bad experiences with people in the past when asking this. Either I've been blown up on, called an idiot(or worse) or been freaked out on. I only ask for help.

There's something I want, and in order to understand completely why I want it so badly, and why I came here for help, I would have to explain a LOT.. which I don't want to do.. (if you must know, I will explain it.. as minimalistically as possible. It hurts.) So I only want answers, not questions as to why, which, everywhere else I've gone looking, is all I've ever gotten in response.

I also understand that what I want is(according to one guy and two girls I've spoken to who practice witchcraft/wicca) is potentially dangerous to obtain/ask for/even consider.. To myself, and, apparently, to others around me as well. Brandon said it was black magic, and quite literally evil. I do not care. I just want to know if it can be done, and if so, how. In detail..

I want to create a life, or, more importantly, take a life from somewhere else, and bring it to physical form here and now. My ouija board has confirmed(unless I was lied to, which is possible) that it is possible. My tarot cards have also told me it is possible, and I trust them above anything else. They have never failed me. THIS IS NOT ABOUT RAISING THE DEAD. AT ALL.

...The life I want to create is not human in form or mind, nor do I want him to be. I only want him to become, for lack of a better term, real and mine. I don't care what ethics are/should be involved, I only want to know how to do this, if it is indeed possible.

I would gladly give away anything in my or anyone else's possession for this, no matter the consequences. If this sounds.. bullshitty, childish, anything, then leave this be if you don't mind, and let someone else help me. I've been warned and told against this enough times to get the idea, and, in all honesty, without the one I want, my life is literally meaningless.

I just want to know where to look, who to look to, and what this would entail.
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Post by lucy_san_elfenlied »

Sweetie. I understand very well what you are talking about.

http://www.everythingunderthemoon.net/f ... 38&start=0

I came here for the same exact reasons you did. For answers. I got good feed back and such but, alas, it can't be done. You can't make something out of nothing. Took me a long time to understand this. Actually it was more like accepting. The truth will hurt. I had tarot readings saying it would work but when I ask a more straight, to the point questions it said it was impossible. Ask Revolpathon. He knows how much I wanted this to be true. I say stop now before you build up to much hope for this.

-Teigan a.k.a. Lucy

P.S. I know I didn't help much and I got a ton of ideas on how it could have worked but you just can't do this type of spell. You can skim the pages of my topic but I don't think you'll find anything.
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Post by Revolpathon »

you would even take the life of another person? (worrying thought)

anyway lucy is right, it isn't possible and if it is then we haven't come across it yet.

but nearly everyone (read 99.9 percent) will advice you to stop this. it's just wrong in every sense of the word. if we were meant to act like gods and give life left and right we would have had that power.
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Re: I only want answers..

Post by juliaki »

Keeping in mind that you may not like this answer...
ryddel wrote: I want to create a life, or, more importantly, take a life from somewhere else, and bring it to physical form here and now. My ouija board has confirmed(unless I was lied to, which is possible) that it is possible. My tarot cards have also told me it is possible, and I trust them above anything else. They have never failed me. THIS IS NOT ABOUT RAISING THE DEAD. AT ALL.
Sure, that's possible. Don't use a condom and have lots of sex.... odds are good that you'll create life or, depending on your theology, take a life from elsewhere and bring it into physical form here and now. Not wise or ethical, but possible.
ryddel wrote: ...The life I want to create is not human in form or mind, nor do I want him to be. I only want him to become, for lack of a better term, real and mine. I don't care what ethics are/should be involved, I only want to know how to do this, if it is indeed possible.
Nope, sorry. When humans procreate, they produce humans, not other types of being. The mommy egg and the daddy sperm make a little itty bitty being that eventually grows into a human, not into a cow, a gopher, or a cockroach. ;)

Now if you weren't talking about physical forms, there's things that I would discuss with an ethical practitioner about accomplishing those goals. As you aren't interested in that, nor are you showing that you care about ethics, I guess I won't be much help. Have fun with your studies!
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Re: I only want answers..

Post by hedge* »

You've come to the wrong place mate.
For a start you haven't even had the decency to introduce yourself which is just plain rude.
You want to create this life and you don't care about ethics, you can't even be bothered to explain in detail your reasons and you're not prepared to answer questions!!
Who the hell do you think you are?
I'm not surprised your past demands for help have been a bad experience.
Your attitude sucks and you won't get any help from me.
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Post by Revolpathon »

pretty direct there, though i do agree with you.

my help towards your goal will not be given.

Post by ryddel »


This is why I tend to be a bitch.

..I don't like to introduce myself, because for one I'm a little too shy, and I really don't like saying too much about me, because I rarely get positive feedback without having to type a novel explaining myself.

I don't want to answer any personal reasons as to why I want to do this, because the reasons hurt a lot, and I've felt enough pain inside and out to have an excuse to keep things to myself as much as possible.

I think I'm a person who has dealt with a lot of shit that most people haven't, and that I've learned to ask for what I want and avoid as much bloodshed and sharing of personal reason or feelings in the process, because if I'm nice, I get kicked in the nuts in a way none too pleasant.

No, I don't care about hurting another person, if that is what it takes, to get who I want. I've been hurt enough times to want to share the feeling, however twisted that sounds.

.....And I appreciate the one decent response, and thank you. But, I'm not exactly looking for a something for nothing.. Would there be any possibility of a type or trade or deal, or, in any sense of the word, sacrifice?

I know well enough you can't ever get without giving.

And if you cannot make a material body.. As for the soul of the person, can that be placed in a body already living?
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Post by lucy_san_elfenlied »

I understand why she skipped introductions and went straight for her. I'll give her my help but it won't get her anywhere because it's not possible. You've already dealt with my thread back in Nov. so that's all she is getting since I'm one of the few people who posted this topic before. I guess I stand alone with this.

-Teigan a.k.a. Lucy
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Post by lucy_san_elfenlied »

It's...difficult to say. I tried a lot of ideas and asked many questions. PM me on this if you want to know my ideas.
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Post by lucy_san_elfenlied »

Introduce yourself first. You don't need to say much. You won't get bad feedback from us, right everyone? We are very mature, understanding, human beings here at EUTM.
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Post by [EarthWitch] »

I am sorry you are so lonely. That can be the only reason you seek to "create" something that is "yours", but it cannot be done, in the way in which you desire.
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and the nursling of the sky-
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Post by juliaki »

ryddel wrote: Would there be any possibility of a type or trade or deal, or, in any sense of the word, sacrifice?
*roftl* If your life is completely miserable and so messed up that you're not able to separate fantasy from reality and have a desire to hurt people only because you've been hurt, then what makes you think that you have anything that you could possibly offer those people who have the kind of skills to perform magick like you want?

Post by ryddel »

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Post by kuotetsu »

oooh.. That's harsh. We can settle things in a better way. The person need answers and maybe she had encountered so many hardships before she went in. And then we criticize her for being so rude and stuff. I understand her, we should see the bottom line first before we judge. We don't even know what the person had came across. It's hard for her. I'm sorry I was late to try save this thread. But if it is ryddel's decision to close and delete her account I cannot do anything more.

I'm sorry to hear that.
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Post by lucy_san_elfenlied »

I've tried, too. Don't feel left out.

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