Reoccuring nightmare

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

Reoccuring nightmare

Post by amunptah777 »

I keep having this nightmare where there is this cracked out group of robot zombies are trying to castrate me....

I'm not interested in this concept

Frankly, I'd rather shoot myself in the fuquing head, with a real gun.

There's this "holy shaman" bit where the hermaphroditic qualities of the job are s'posed to make it o.k....but, not all shamans are/were men on the outside and wymin on the inside...some were simply men in both places who liked other men....

my "dreams" should get a f*cking clue.
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Post by Eretik »

The poll is unrelated to the post content,is there a reason for this?
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Post by ATraveller »

Hmm... perhaps those Zombies signify your culture, or people who oppose you and are trying to "neuter" you, remove your manhood, by making you conform to the common beliefs and values?

I don't think your dreams will get a clue until you figure out what is going on though.

All my best,

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Post by hedge* »

ATraveller wrote:Hmm... perhaps those Zombies signify your culture, or people who oppose you and are trying to "neuter" you, remove your manhood, by making you conform to the common beliefs and values?
Could be.......
Or it could signify that you feel threatened, maybe even on a sexual level.
Do you not keep a dream journal?
I'd be interested to know how often these dreams occur.

Reoccuring dreams generally signify an underlying problem that you are choosing to ignore.
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Post by hedge* »

Eretik wrote:The poll is unrelated to the post content
I agree!

What's that all about amunptah?
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

I do lol at the post, perhaps it relates to you but we don't see it.

I know being gay I often get the "he's just a little girl!" They call my a chick and a woman all the time. I respond by standing up, walking over to them and telling them this little faggots about to beat their...(you can imagine) They see the testosterone flowing in my blood, and back off, cause in many ways I'm more of a man then they are. Perhaps your trying to work out some masculinity issues. Witchcraft/ magicks are usually associated with woman, this with you sexuality may be telling your subcounsious that your, "not a boy" and thusly you see yourself being castrated, ouch!

The robot zombies could be anything... all I know is that they don't have sexual organs, and if they did, the whole zombie thing makes them too dead to use them. This may just be a metaphor for how different you are from the other people, like heterosexuals and non-magickal folks.

Dreams are all just symbols, hope this helps.
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Post by Sobek »

There's more to dreams/dreaming than solely a nature of symbolism.

Post by amunptah777 »

I'll thank Sobek for introducing the concept.

No one said "psychic attacks" or "dream walking" but let's forget, for a moment that I did my stint in the Psychology Dept. at university.

Let's pretend that Jung was a hack, and that Freud simply used to much cocaine.

Let's say, for the moment, that I'm working on a novel.

And that there really are these "people" that are something like zombies, all being controlled over vast distances by a machine.

And that I'm working in the concept of the Ka as the True Self, and that these poor beings have had their connection to their Ka severed, through what can only be called psychic surgery via satellite

That they only have control of themselves sometimes, only have moderate self awareness and that this supposed machine "provides" a psychic link between all of them, so strongly that there's never just one person in their minds.

Further, that this link also provides them with the ability to read and manipulate the minds of persons who are not part of them.

Think the original Star Trek, the episode with the Telosians. Except there is very little concept of individuality, no room for dissent amoung these zombies...all just sort of in a constant state of psychic drowning.

Now...our hypothetical race of self-dubbed superior beings, have several flaws. One, they can't copulate...well, they can, but the part of their brains that functions in this direction has also been severed. But they want fact, it's all they think about, so their purpose is to manipulate normal humans into orgasm so they can "photocopy" the feeling.

They apparently can't feel at all, nor can they "see" in the conventional sense. Think, Matrix...when Neo "wakes up" and sees everything in green and as a series of numbers.

So they need humans to feel for them as well.

They look and talk like humans, but there's always something slightly off about though they are speaking with someone else's voice.

When normal people are around them, they often feel disoriented, are prone to become sexualized toward whatever is in front of them...animals, inanimate objects...persons not of their orientation.

All with the express purpose of getting yet another person to sever their connection with themselves and join the ranks.

I could go on and on.

We'll call this novel "On the death of diamonds"

and proceed from there.

I am having these nightmares, but I'm writing it down.

They are not expressions of myself. This novel is coming from somewhere else.

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Post by thatguy »

I salute and respect your insanity.


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Post by Eretik »

So what's the Nazi poll about then? How is that relevant? I'm thinking Hellboy, when I read this.The automaton Nazi.He was scary.
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Post by hedge* »

Amunptah you've lost me.

I am wandering about in a sate of confusion.

Be gentle with me.

Is this a hypothetical book and you are making a point about how dreams are not just symbolism?

Is what you desribed what you've actually dreamt and written down in a dream journal?

Or are you actually writing a book?
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Post by ATraveller »

By now you should know enough about me to know that I'm obsessed with nailing down the world into small, rational boxes where I can keep an eye on it, so forgive me for my next words.

Most of these ideas have been seen in one form or another before, and although your execution is powerful and touching, there still remains a lack of proof that it is comming from anywhere but an unacknowledged part of yourself.

If it were me, and if I truly wanted them to stop, I'd start by figuring out the source, and then pick the whole thing apart with logic until it gave up and walked away in disgust.

But perhaps this is not something you want to stop? Perhaps this is a thread that should be followed to the end.

I for one, would be interested in hearing the rest.


Edit: Please note that I'm not excluding the possibility of these dreams comming from somewhere else. I'm merely stating that you cannot exclude the possibility of them arising from within you either, at least not at this point in time.

Post by amunptah777 »

Well..after having clicked on on Eretiks post (?) about the Flame Warriors

I realized that I fit into multiple categories...not the least of which being all of them.

Someone respects and salutes my insanity.

It's the only vision worth having, unless, the insanity is being perpetuated from somewhere else.

Someone wants to know whether I'm having these dreams, whether I'm writing a novel...

Not to be too cryptic, but, in this case, the dreams are trying to have me...and the novel (while being trite and Traditional is writing itself.

Someone wants to explore this post to it's end;

not to be too poetic but someone else "we're hoping it stops raining"
and I said "it'll stop raining when the clouds stop being force-seeded"

and...I have picked it doesn't won't until the church stops...ends...crumbles...ashes and dust, forgotten by history.

Someone asked about the Nazi poll...

I'd say that the robot zombies are a metaphor for the catholic church
and if anyone has done a better job of forcing people to think they way they do than the's the followers of the man from know...greek dogma..robot zombies

Someone mentioned castration as degradation for being gay...

it's more than that....but you're on the right track...again, think..the church...but not just gays...but...blamed on gays...if you follow...

The point is I am not these things.

Like being surrounded by a group of people shouting lies..all day and all night...

elements from other sources? sure...a falsified mob rule.

an absolute injustice.

I worship Isis of 10,000 Names...and this has nothing to do with The Mother Of All Things.
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Post by Eretik »

"Eretiks post (?) about the Flame Warriors" I don't remember this.can you point me to it? This is a bit erm, not logical.....Not like you,Thet.What's up? PM me?
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Post by Sobek »

Be advised of the following link:
Flame Warrior Post

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