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Post by brokenxdreams »

I'm sure that everyone has experienced one of those days where, no matter what you do or even eat, you have no energy.
I tend to experience these more frequently then other people and am confused why. I get enough hours of sleep, eat well, and exercise. It feels as if something is slowly draining me of my energy. I've tried numerous of things to get energy, but none of them seem to work for very long.
Any ideas of what I could do?

Thanks in advance.
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Post by Sobek »

Did you try just having a lazy day and relaxing. Sometimes we need to rejuvenate the soul :)
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Post by [WitchMomma] »

Hi there!

I often feel the same way. No matter what my diet or how much sleep I am always lacking energy also. For me if I wake up at 8:00 a.m. (no matter what time I go to sleep) that is the perfect time for me, although my life doesn't allow me to do so.

The only thing that seems to make it any better is the good weather. When the sun is shining and there is warmth in the air and a delicate breeze, then I seem to be able to pick my spirits up and conitnue on with no problem. Winter is a difficult season for me, I'm excited Spring is ahead.

Do you find maybe weather or some other outside source can be the issue??
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Post by brokenxdreams »

Did you try just having a lazy day and relaxing. Sometimes we need to rejuvenate the soul
That seems to only make my even more tired. I really don't get it though; the rest of my friends seem all bubbled up whenever they do this.
Do you find maybe weather or some other outside source can be the issue??
The only weather that really seems to suck the energy right out of me is when it's hot. But I rarely go outside when it's hot, so why would the weather outside affect me?
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Post by jcrowfoot »

There are several things to try.

1. Change your diet. You may be eating too much sugar and caffine. If you are taking caffine, stop. You will feel miserable for up to five days, then you will slowly feel better. Don't live on it. It can fail you like any other drug. Also, you may want to try taking some B complex... you can even get tabs that melt under your tongue at any drug store.

2. Get your blood sugar tested. Basically, See your doctor.
2.5. Start drinking OJ,zinc, or get some elderberry juice concentrate, you could be coming down with something.

3. How long as it been since you cleansed you, your space, your altar?
Do so. Soon.

4. Do you always get dragged out in winter? Get some vitamin D... or a natural light lamp and use it every morning for 20 minutes. I like to read under it's really bright light. You can stay in the dark the rest of the day :D but for that first 20 minutes in the morning, in winter, it really helps.

5. Wear some Carnellian or Fire Agate, or Sunstone. Start putting more red or warm colors in your wardrobe.
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Post by Tymar »

I used to get really drained after eating a healthy salad sandwich at lunch, i was confused to why, its healthy i thought..

But i found with the bread i was eating it really just didnt work for me.
It was the glycemic index, GI - of the bread that was messing me up.
The Glycemic index is a ranking system of carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels.
So in turn i have tried to stick to a low GI intake.

So as Jcrowfoot said above, i would agree try the suggestions.
And do get your blood sugar tested.

BB. Tymar
BB Tymar..

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Post by Eretik »

and get your Iron levels checked also.Could be anaemia.
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Post by brokenxdreams »

Thanks to everyone for replying. I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while; I really wanted a break from the internet world. Though when I decided to get back in the net this morning, I nearly had a heart attack; so many posts!
Anyways, back to my problem. I have tried your suggestions and frankly, nothing seems to work.
I am not going to lie: my diet is extremely healthy. I try my best to stick to fruits, veggies, nuts, etc. I try to stay away from things that aren't organic. My doctor says I'm doing fine and dandy. Also, I rarely get sick. (knock on wood). I take multi-vitamins that include Vit. D and even then I make sure some more.

But, I am curious about your last suggestion. The clothing that we wear affect the way we feel?
Thanks again for the suggestions.

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