This one was a whopper

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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This one was a whopper

Post by [Obsidian] »

I just woke up and though I should write this dream down before it disappears. I'll describe it and then I'll tell y'all what I think it might mean. Please let me know what your interpretation is.

I dreamt that I was watching a movie about this teenage girl that ended up in this special school. Somehow, through some strange process, the kids were divided into groups, depending on what their abilities were. Some kids were really good at being engineers, others became magic users or medics (I guess you could say wizards and healers but the dream has a sci-fi theme. The point here is that they didn't just put bandaids on people, they used healing magic to heal people and the engineers used special magical skills to build far-out machines.) Anyway, the girl I was following turned out to be put into the vampire section where she really didn't like being. She was grossed out by blood and kept watching the other kids throwing balls of fire at each other for fun (the wiz kids) and healing kids that fell (the healer kids) and felt completely useless.
Then there was this dinner where a newcomer and his mother were ignoring the normal seating order of the kids and would have displaced a younger kid that sat next to the girl. The mother completely ignored everyone telling her they could not sit there until the vampire girl I was following used some special voice of dread to make her sit up and take notice. That's where the mother gave in and I woke up.

So here's what I think - please correct me:
The girl symbolizes me (I grew up in a mostly women family and people often tell me that I'm not really a man in terms of my likes and dislikes). This past tuesday I was at a witches meeting in Columbus where a woman who manages a group in which people can learn magickal skills spoke. During dinner I was complaining to her that I feel that I am occultly retarded and that I just don't seem to experience anything. (And yes I am meeting up with them in the hope to develop some skill). I think the dream means that I have some skill that I have not figured out yet. The skill may be less glamorous than people being able to change their eye color but I have it and it might still be useful. What do you all think? This is just my interpretation and I don't have a lot of experience with dreams. I usually don't remember them.

Posts: 68
Joined: Fri Nov 23, 2007 7:42 am
Gender: Female
Location: Florida

Post by Szette »

I'm like you with this stuff. I rarely remember my dreams. So I feel that the ones I do remember are telling me something. I haven't remembered a dream in a about a month now (since I left my husband). And the only dreams I remembered while I was with him were ones of infidelity. Turns out he was cheating, so I left, and so have the dreams! I believe that an inner voice was speaking to me then, and that when I need the help or guidance, it will return! I haven't developed any special skill yet with magik, but I think that intuition is something I should work on, or atleast learn to listen too! I hope you do well with learning what your skill is! I think you might have an idea of what that is, you just don't realize it yet! Best of Luck
Blessed Be,

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