What do you think it means when my friends get killed?

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

What do you think it means when my friends get killed?

Post by Anive1 »

In two of my dreams at least one of my friends was killed or died tragically. Now, I can figure out the first one. In the first one I had chopped off one of my friends head while I was trying to chop off the enemies head, my friend accidentally got in the way, but that dream occured after I read about someone cutting off someone elses head in a book, but I'm wondering why it was her whose head got chopped off. In another dream I had one of my other friends had drowned, I wonder why though. Does anyone have any ideas why my friends were killed or died in my dreams? Just curious. Thank you.

Have fun!

P.S. Don't worry, I don't have the urge, or even want to kill anyone. :D
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Post by kgwitch »

How close are you to your friends? Cause it'd be understandable that the fear of loosing people you love would cause dreams such as those. It might just be your subconcious making you realise how important they are to you.
That's just my theory.

Post by Anive1 »

I'm very close to my friends. The two I had my dreams about are my two best friends. You might be right, because when I think about it the thought of them ever moving, which one of them is going to move, or getting hurt or dying well I notice that I would be pretty lonely. Of course I do have other friends, but they aren't as close to me as those two. Like I said, you might be right. Thank you.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

I agree with kgwitch. It sounds like worries about your connections to your friends... is there some kind of undercurrent that might hint that there's trouble in your relationship? Dreams like this can hint at that....
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Post by ATraveller »

When your friends appear in your dreams, they sometimes symbolize aspects of yourself. So killing your friends unwillingly in a dream might be about loosing parts of yourself.

Post by Anive1 »

Wow, I enjoy what all of you are saying, and you all might be right in one way or another. I agree mostly with kgwitch and jcrowfoot, but ATraveler you're probably right about a little of it. I think the first friend that got killed, the one whose head got chopped off in my dream, probably had to do with what ATraveler said and the second one, who had drowned, probably has to do with what kgwitch and jcrowfoot had said. In my dream about the first one I was the one who killed her. In the dream about the second one I hadn't seen her die but I knew she was dead. Later I'll post my entire two dreams if you want to read them and see what you think they fully mean. Thank you all for posting.

Have fun!

Blessed Be.
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Post by ATraveller »

Hey Anive,

Glad you found some use in my input :)



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