Phobia in my dreams?

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

Phobia in my dreams?

Post by elibe »

Okay, I know that some people believe that dreams are more than just stories our minds tell us while we're sleeping. I'm one of those people, I think dreams can tell a lot: give advice, and sometimes even indicate what is to come. Here's something I've noticed about myself, when I dream, I'm always afraid of heights. It's odd though because in real life- I'm not afraid at all. And the fear is so real for me, for example last night I dreamed I was trying to get to the top floor of a building, but got to the last stair case and just felt paralyzed with fear; and it's not a one off thing. This fear of heights has happened often. Anyone have any clue what this could mean?
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Post by [cherokeewind] »

This ought to be in the dreams board. I had a dream this year about the top floor of a building. I couldn't see the roof. I thought it might be the top floor of a high rise building or even tall hotel. I woke from the dream thinking it might be some sort of terrorist attack. In my dream though, I was getting off a stairway (probably the top floor) on the right side of the building. Then a part of the floor went down, some of the building fell to the ground.

When it comes to buildings, I have no fear of heights. My job for many years was in new home construction. I worked a lot putting up trusts, rafters, roofing. No reason for me to have any phobias.

I do have phobias when it comes to flying. I used to have dreams that I was in a commercial jet and the pilot wasn't along or ok. Maybe something happened on the plane. But what was strange, all the people on the flight were depending on me to safely land the passenger jet. I had no experience, didn't know how to land the thing. I kept asking if anyone else had done this before. So, kept looking at the controls in the cockpit trying to figure it out. I was having so many of these jet dreams. Since then I have never taken a flight anywhere, but this was quite a few years before 911. I mention that dream because the building dream was a couple days before the White House leaked the Bin Laden video this last September. Any coincidence?
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Post by Makbawehuh »

It might sound silly, but perhaps it isn't so much the fear of heights itself that is frightening you, but what the fear of heights -symbolizes- to you. I would sit down and write out all the elements of the dream, and decipher them all to find the correlations to your internal symbolism. The first few times you do that it takes a while, but after that it's usually not too hard... You learn what to watch for in your dreams.

So I guess at this point the question would be, where are you going, and what were you expecting at the top of the stairs?
~St. Makupuff the Awesome~

"The human race will begin solving it's problems on the day that it ceases taking itself so seriously." – Malaclypse the Younger

The Hell Law says that Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it.
Further, the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them that believe in it on the supposition that they'll go there if they don't.

-Holy Book of Truth; The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1 (Principia Discordia)


Post by elibe »

Oh, sorry- I didnt think it was an astral dream or anything; I figured it was a question and so belonged here. Anyway, umm... in my dream I was trying to win a race. And at the top of the stairs was a red flag I needed, but after about two steps up the last fleet of stairs, I couldnt go on becasue I was so terrified. In other dreams, I've been going up stairs for other reasons, like getting food or meeting a friend. Sorry if I'm getting other people to do all the thinking, I'm really new to the whole dream thing. I believe they can be deciphered, but not really experienced in doing it myself.
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Post by Eretik »

Oh, sorry- I didnt think it was an astral dream or anything; I figured it was a question and so belonged here. Anyway, umm... in my dream I was trying to win a race. And at the top of the stairs was a red flag I needed, but after about two steps up the last fleet of stairs, I couldnt go on becasue I was so terrified. In other dreams, I've been going up stairs for other reasons, like getting food or meeting a friend. Sorry if I'm getting other people to do all the thinking, I'm really new to the whole dream thing. I believe they can be deciphered, but not really experienced in doing it myself.

The parts I emboldened are where you've answered yourself.You need/want something, but are scared to go the final part of the way.Fear[ unconscious/deep: unreasonable,given you don't fear heights : therefore emotional or spiritual] is holding you back.Red flag is a warning signal:is it a high risk venture?Think of recent life situations/events.How would that apply?
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Not a problem: you're new here. FYI I actually moved this thread into Dreams, an entire topic for dream interpretation. Astral dreams, OBEs and Lucid dreaming has a separate topic. This is how OCD we are. :D

Anyhow, my first reaction is to agree with Makabahwehuh... In that instance it sounds like you were more afraid of getting to your goal than you were of heights themselves. It's also possible that you are, in general afraid of success and your psyche has coded it as "fear of heights".

Or, some anxiety conditions rear their ugly heads when one gets older, as I found out the hard way. :( Or, who knows maybe it's some kind of PSTD effect... happening in dreams, not In Real Life) Maybe you are finding out about it now, so you can keep it from happening later. :S

Still... there are other possibilities, too.

I had something like this when I was very young... I mean in grade school. I had dreams of falling from 1000's of feet up in the air... woke up in cold sweats and complete with panic attacks. Still not afraid of heights after all these years.... but I didn't figure it out until I had a dream where I was passing my father on the way down.

My dad was an airplane pilot... so my terror based dreams were mostly about my fear for my father's life.


Post by elibe »

Wow thanks everyone... sorry for posting in the wrong place. Well right now I'm about to do my final examinations to get into uni. Maybe that's what I'm scared of... I mean there are several things that my 'fear of success' could be applied to. Thanks a lot!
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Post by jcrowfoot »

sorry for posting in the wrong place.
It's ok. It's easy to get confused here, since the headings can be a bit ambiguous at times, particularly if you are new, or know English as a second language. It's trivial for me to move it, so... no big deal.

When I was new, I'd sometimes spend 20 odd minutes figuring out where I was going to post a post.... But I'm OCD about this. I think this is why I make a good mod. :P So let me worry about it. :D

About dreams... the thing about those things that manifest in dreams, is... that they a lot of times tell you about the subconcious fears that we don't examine because they might be uncomfortable for us to admit in the stark light of day.

Good luck with your journey to success!!

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