Very strong emotional dream.

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
Wolf Heart
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Very strong emotional dream.

Post by Wolf Heart »

I had a very strange dream last night, and it was very clear and has stuck with me as I wake, I can't seem to shake it off. It's one of those dreams that seems so real it brings up emotions in you that you didn't think you could feel.
So here's my dream, sorry if this is long.

I was throwing some sort of birthday party for myself and invited everyone I knew. My ex showed up(I am still friends with my ex), but not my actual boyfriend. His girlfriend didn't show up either because she hated me (in real life she's one of my best friends) and she was also pregnant with his child. We all stayed up playing video games and such, when we all finally fell asleep I ended up curling up with my ex, and I can't even explain the feeling I had, just comfort and longing.

When I woke up in my dream, a friend saw us and promised not to tell my ex's g/f. Me and my ex then decided to take a walk to the park to talk. This is where it gets wierd. The whole time in my dream I knew I was dreaming and only wanted to go back to when we were curled up sleeping, instead on the way to the park we came across this little kid with a needle in his side. I freaked out and saw these group of guys walking buy who were obviously high on drugs. I told them the kid needed a doctor so they left him with me and went on their way. Somehow I figured what was wrong with him myself, and that he was fine. I decided to take care of him for a bit because his mother was no where to be found.

After this all happened me and my ex were talking about all that was being felt between both of us. Everything felt really confusing and yet right. We ended up kissing and realizing we wanted to be together not with the others, but that he couldn't just leave his pregnant g/f.

In the end he decided to stay with her because of the baby.

I think there was more to the dream, but I can't remember all of it. I know my family was in there somewhere and that we weren't having the party in my hometown, we were in some place I'd never been before.
I honestly don't know what this dream could mean. I don't have feelings for my ex. We broke up like almost 3 years ago, he's like a brother to me, but I just can't shake this off, it feels so real.
Any ideas or comments?

Blessed Be,
Wolf Heart
~*People fear the beast within the wolf because they do not understand the beast within themselves.*~
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Hello wolfheart:

When I have a dream like this , I tend to suspect that the people in the dream aren't really people in your life. Think of them as avatars representing ideas or concepts. It is an allegory, or only some of those people may actually be real people... and not the people they appear to represent. Or maybe they are all parts of yourself while you suss out some difficult problem that you work out when you sleep.

So my suggestion is, to map out your dream like a flow chart. Then, make a list of characters and replace them with different ideas or other people that make sense to you.

You may be trying to identify with a another person's life and make sense of a different situation. Drugs may or may not be involved... the contaminant may be something else.

Another possible answer is that there is something in your current relationship that you would like to bring back... maybe something your ex did, or something that used to be there that no longer is there that you want. The current relationship may be being represented in your head by two different people.

See, sometimes people go to astral locations to figure puzzles out or think through a difficult question, situation, or theory to pre-test.

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