does anyone know what a tiger in a dream means?

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

does anyone know what a tiger in a dream means?

Post by morak »

i posted a question but put it in the wrong place does anyone know what a tiger in a dream means thanks

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Post by Adiens »

I have found this site useful in the past when I've dealt with animals in my dreams.

I hope it is of some help to you. :)

Post by morak »

Hi Adiens thanks for the link i checked it out and it opened on tiger pretty neat, its helped a bit ive just got to try and link what it says in the dream and try to make sense of it, it wasnt doing anything, and the place it occured in bears a strong resemblance to the place im working in at the moment and the dream was a few years ago, then it linked to another dream that was as wierd as the tiger dream, but im closer now to unraveling it, thanks again



Post by amunptah777 »

Tigers, in terms of spiritual things encompass a wide variety of meanings.

As I am assuming you are American and the Tiger is not an indigenous animal, I'd recommend you look at Tigers and Hinduism. There's a wide variety of mythos associated within the Hindu pantheon which will give you different interpretations of the symbolism in your dream.

In S.E. Asia there are several places where the Tiger Herself is worshiped as a deity.

The other thing is not to forget that "tiger" is also "wild cat" so the association can also be with Lion, Jaguar, even Bobcat...

I always tell people, there are two interpretations when looking at a dream, the psychological and the spiritual; with the psychological, one views all symbols in dreams as a self reflection, hence "how are you like the tiger?" "Do you need to be more like or less like a tiger?"
with the Spiritual, there's the very real possibility that you've been visited by Tiger Spirit....and that's a big deal!


Post by morak »

Hi Amanptah
Thanks for your reply, the tiger was the start of a longer dream which is starting to happen hopefully when its reenacted i will know the meaning, it still raises the question why would the tiger spirit want to come to me, im not sure of the timescale of the dream, but i will let you know what happens when its happened, ive had quite a few dreams in the past that have come about, only now im more aware of things than i used to be.

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Post by Peregrine »

I think context is important, too. Did you see a tiger or were you the actual tiger? Did the tiger speak? Did the tiger seem threatening or no? I think these things are also important. I have to consider these things when I dream of animals. Sometimes they speak, like one I had with a monkey shouting at a snake in a tree. Sometimes they are threatening, like some I had of giant cobras. Sometimes I AM the animal itself, such as one when I WAS the cobra and I was trying to spit poison at an enemy. Or there is the gentle side, like one I had of a pet snake with a docile personality, looking at me with gentle human eyes as it died in my hands. I woke up crying from that one and still do not get it to this day. I hate it when I have animal dreams like that, of animals dying in my hands, but I digress. In any case, the context is important from my experience.
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

~Henry Drummond, "Inherit the Wind" (1960)

Post by morak »

Hi Phorum Ghost
it seems to get more complicated, i opened the door saw the tiger and run pretty fast out of there and left the door open, it just looked like i should know it, it wasnt in a threatening way,

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Post by jcrowfoot »

IT could be that Tiger your totem animal. Especially if you have this dream over and over again.

Post by morak »

hi jcrowfoot i have had the dream over and over, but it stopped then goes out of my head till i start to recognise bits of the dream in this reality the the dream starts to become a part of what i am living till it is lived out, kind of wierd but after i get a good feeling over having lived it.


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