Cleansing bad karma

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Cleansing bad karma

Post by theivytwines »

I have been bombarded within the last week with bad news and bad energy, just one right after the other. It has overwhelmed me to the point that I just can't seem to shake it. It is really bogging me down and my usual methods of cleansing just aren't working. I guess sometimes just learning your lesson isn't enough. What do you do when you find that you can't shake bad energy?

Post by frogdiver »

Hello... little new so if this comes our wrong, sorry...
What have you done good to counteract? I know alot of members dont believe in what goes around comes around, but doing good things makes you feel better.
Also, have you tried aligning your chakras, meditation? Not sure what your usual methods are. That sometimes helps shake off the yuk... Sometimes just stepping away from reality helps.
Hope it helps.

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Post by KaidaPyralis »

I sympathise. At the moment I feel like I'm blocking my emotions because of the worry, hurt and nervousness I was feeling, and I can't clear it. Normally for balance, I like to use some exercises from Doreen Virtue's Chakra Clearing book, amongst others. These include seeing each chakra as a glass ball and mentally "adjusting" them back into balance (all the right size and "clear") and seeing them glowing brightly, visualising white light entering your body through your crown chakra and cleansing any dark spots from all chakras, or even visualising a vacuum cleaner removing all "dirt" from them. Any way you can imagine cleaning and clearing them I would guess will work. Affirmations help too, I find. Releasing fears and negative thoughts, and releasing any unforgiveness you may be holding onto towards yourself or others too should help you shake it off. If all else fails, try and see anything good you may have at the moment as a result, as chances are the bad is happening for a reason.

Hope that helps


Hope this helps

Post by ravinglunatic9461 »

I find meditation on a waterfall spilling over my body and "cleansing" it of negative energy works. Afterwards, I meditate a protective and spike sheild around me to ward off anymore coming in contact with me. I have even extended this shield around my house and people can't come in it without be pleasant and calm.
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Post by [Moondaughter] »

Maybe try grounding, I use the taproot method( you know, taproot goes into the ground, Mother Earth's energy flows into you, them back out, taking all bad energy with you) it seems to work for me. However, you need a quiet space, and that might be hard to find
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Post by Yellow_day »

I seem to be bogged down by negative energy as well, but I'm still new to witchcraft and I don't know how to cleanse this bad karma.
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Post by Suppose; »

Ah, this seems to be a common problem lately.

I've been completely stressed out lately. Normally, I just meditate on all the things going bad, or stressing me out. I visualize things getting more satisfactory in my life or particular situation. It's the first resort. When it doesn't work I try cleansing my aura with sage smoke.

Lately though, it seems like I haven't been able to focus enough to cleanse anything. Just can't seem to clear my mind at all.
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Post by Yellow_day »

Its an epidemic! I just feel lazy and hopeless lately. I just don't know what to do.
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Post by Suppose; »

You could always try some volunteer work.
Good for the community, and it doesn't give you the option of being lazy.

When you help out, it might make you a little more optimistic and a little less hopeless.
Gray Wolf

Post by Gray Wolf »

Meditation and relaxation always work for me. No matter how busy I am, I always take time out to meditate or just do something that is totally relaxing to me, like taking a long walk in the woods or on a nature trail. If I'm stuck inside, just listening to some relaxing music and lighting a candle works as well.
I know these seem like simple and small things, but for me they seem to work and I just feel totally cleansed afterwards. I hope this helps.
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Post by MVTirado »

Hmmm... this is sort of tough. I've never thought of karma as something that could be cleansed so to speak. Karma generally has to do with the repayment of something that we have done. In such cases, I find it more fitting to deal with those things directly... to make peace with them.

Sometimes, if we feel weighed down by negativity, we might assume it's bad karma, of course. In this case, you might consider making lists. I like to write in order to work out my issues. Whatever you might feel guilty about, or things you've done or are still doing that you dislike. In some way, try to fix the situations to the satisfaction of your conscience.

For negative energy in general, write down whatever is bothering you and why. To get past things (like forgiving other people), I've written in all out on paper, sometimes in letter form when appropriate. Whatever it is I wanted to get rid of, I wrote it down. Not just the problem itself, but more like a self examination. What caused the problem, and why I have a problem with it.

And after I've finished my searching, I burn the paper. You might want to take a purifying bath or whatever you would normally do for purification first. But generally speaking, when we're feeling bogged down (whether it's directly related to bad karma, or something we're dealing with because it will teach us a valuable lesson), it has much to do with problems in our lives that we're not directly dealing with.

If we don't address the matters head on, there is often very little that salt water can do to fix it.

~Peace & Blessings
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Post by kgwitch »

No, I'm not sure if Karma can be cleansed. You can cleanse your aura or your chackra because they are personal to us. But Karma is kind of a universal force that shouldn't be messed with. If it is possible to cleanse your bad karma I think it would do a lot of damage to the natural order of things.
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Post by MVTirado »

kgwitch wrote:No, I'm not sure if Karma can be cleansed. You can cleanse your aura or your chackra because they are personal to us. But Karma is kind of a universal force that shouldn't be messed with. If it is possible to cleanse your bad karma I think it would do a lot of damage to the natural order of things.
Yeah, I wasn't sure if that was a mistype of not. However, there are those who believe that self-forgiveness and such can actually "fix" karma, so to speak. I guess in a way almost suggesting that guilt, or negativity associated with an act, is what makes up bound to karma. But there are so many beliefs out there in the world that... well, lol... I don't know. But anything is possible, I suppose.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Sometimes, if we feel weighed down by negativity, we might assume it's bad karma, of course.

Well, on one hand there's bad energy, and on another there's bad Karma. Sometimes I think people say bad Karma when they mean guilt. Bad Karma can be balanced by doing a good deed, I guess, but how do we know what those bad deeds need to be healed? Not everyone knows what the consequences are for one action or another! Also, seemingly small good works can have a major impact all out of proportion to how easy they were to do.... it's not an easy thing. The question is, is guilt a reasonable yardstick for measuring this sort of thing?
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Post by MVTirado »

jcrowfoot wrote:
Sometimes, if we feel weighed down by negativity, we might assume it's bad karma, of course.

Well, on one hand there's bad energy, and on another there's bad Karma. Sometimes I think people say bad Karma when they mean guilt. Bad Karma can be balanced by doing a good deed, I guess, but how do we know what those bad deeds need to be healed? Not everyone knows what the consequences are for one action or another! Also, seemingly small good works can have a major impact all out of proportion to how easy they were to do.... it's not an easy thing. The question is, is guilt a reasonable yardstick for measuring this sort of thing?
That's a good question, and I think there is some truth to it. And that's why I don't think that any general good deed is enough to do away with something specific that may "haunt" a person. I honestly think that if we associate guilt with karma that we would need to correct the situation itself directly. I know I'm a bible reader lol and most people around here may not be, but there is some mention about not coming to bring an offering with something weighing on your heart. I've read a book about women and prayer which also addressed something similar.... how to make peace with a situation. For Christians and such it might be prayer to find out how to correct the situation, for others it might just be meditation.

But I don't personally feel that if I do a lot of great things that are unrelated to the bad things I've done that it will erase my guilt, or "clean" my karma. To each his own of course, but that's just the feeling I get from the matter. Some really do believe that "bad karma" is attracted to our guilt, and that if we can come to terms with such things truly, we don't have to worry about karma.

Say if you stole 5 dollars from grandma's purse... giving 10 dollars to a homeless guy might not make you feel better about what you did to grandma. It might be confessing, apologizing, or just returning it and doing something else nice. It's probably a personal matter, though, of course.

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