Heart Racing in Dream.. help

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Pixie Tales
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Heart Racing in Dream.. help

Post by Pixie Tales »

ok so in my dream I was speeding really really fast in a car.. I dont remember if I was driving or just in the car... I don't think I was alone.. I had the feeling someone else was in the car with me.. anyway, we blew right threw a yield sign and never even stopped but I do remember looking first and not seeing another car.. ok so my heart was beating soooooo fast it felt like it was going to come out of my chest.. i was breathing heavy and it really scared me and I woke up after going around a big sharp turn/bend... when I woke up I was sweating but my heart wasn't pounding and my breathing was normal.. but I was still a little scared..

anyone else have this happen?
any ideas what it means?

what about the beating in the dream but not when I woke up?

it felt soooo real too...
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Post by Peregrine »

The heartbeat could just be a physical issue that manifested itself into your dream (too much caffeine before bed, or an anxiety attack, for example). Or it could be emotional, an emotional reaction to the speeding car issue. Whenever I have car dreams like that, it is the drive on my road of life, or at least my feelings, hopes, and/or fears at the time. Are you feeling like life is just going too quickly for you? As for the mystery passenger, I do not know. (In my other post I just made, of hoping it was prophetic, I did see my middle eastern friend once when I dreamed I was riding a bus, but I digress.)

I had a horrible dream that I lost control of the car and the car skidded off the road and flipped over. It was during a time when I feared I would lose control of things I was left in charge of and that my husband (who was in the passenger seat in the dream) and the other mystery passenger in the car (I had one, too) would be hurt. Of course, I figured out who my mystery passenger was a few months later, when I learned I was pregnant. I am not implying YOU are pregnant. Hee hee. I'm just saying it could mean someone else is involved in your mad rush, you just do not know who yet?

Just my opinion. Stuff to think about. Dreams are so personal anyway so it depends on your feelings about cars, too.
It's like walking down an empty street, listening to your own footsteps. But all you have to do is knock on any door and say, "If you'll let me in, I'll live the way you want me to live. And I'll think the way you want me to think." And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never feel lonely. Ever again.

~Henry Drummond, "Inherit the Wind" (1960)

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