I Need some answers

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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I Need some answers

Post by Blazewind »

I have been talking alot with someoine I know, and she has been telling me aboput her dreams. I can't figure this out for the life of me, and I hope that someone here may get it. She keeps having dreams that she is in europe, in the country she left as a child and still has family living in. each of thoise dreams are about this one man, who is always the same in every dream. They go about the day to day process of being frinds, some times more, and she often travels overseas to visit him.
It seems strange to me that one person would dream so often of one man, who never changes at all. Sometimes she dreams of him every night for a week. She is now become sure that if she goes home to her country, he will be there, and they will meet and fall in love. I am not convinced of that. I don't think he is a real person at all.
Any thoughs on this?

The only truely stupid question is the one that no one had the nerve to ask.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Well, I have seen some truly bizarre relationships between dreams and reality, so I'm not sure if I'm the right person to ask.

That being said, there are some possibilities.

1. That this guy is her animus, a part of herself that she left behind in Europe, and that going back she will find that part of herself and be whole.

2. That she really is meeting someone in her dreams out there... but finding out who that is seems, well... daunting to say the least. Best of luck on that one.

3. The whole dream is just a representation of her missing her home. This is sort of a variation on #1, but not really.
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Post by brokenxdreams »

I see a few possiblilities as well.

She could be dreaming of a past life of hers.
She could be dreaming of what is to come.
Or she could be dreaming of her 'masculine' spirit (which can get kind of confusing, but to put it shortly it's the other half of her spirit that is trying to tell her something).
Pixie Tales
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Post by Pixie Tales »

maybe she is home sick and the image of the man is "home" and calling her back?

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