Realistic Dream..

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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Realistic Dream..

Post by brokenxdreams »

I normally have dreams where I get murdered, but this one didn't seem to really fit in with the others.

Two of my friends and I were making fun of a girl (we were at school by the way). We weren't saying anything, just pointing and laughing. But one of them then started to mention her little sister being kidnapped. I wasn't sure if she meant actually going and kidnapping the sister or if the sister had already been kidnapped. Anyways, the friends of the girl we were picking on started shouting at us to shut up and leave them alone. The girl started to bawl, but that didn't bother my friends and I one bit. In fact, that made us laugh even harder. The bell rang and my friends went to class while I went to the washroom.
I remember walking into a stall and just thinking over what just happened. I decided that it'd be best if I went to class instead of just standing there thinking. I walked out of the stall to find the girl that I laughed at standing there with a meat pounder. She raised her arm and was about to hit me over the head with it, but I grabbed it out of her hands and through it away. I tried to run past her but then I noticed that she got out a knife. She aimed for my heart, but I ducked and instead she stabbed my arm, near my shoulder.
I remember waking up at this for a few seconds. I was gasping for breath and was clutching my arm where she had stabbed me. Like I said before, this only lasted for maybe 3 seconds because I fell back asleep and picked up right where I left.
I grabbed her arm and tried to push her away so I could run away to safety, but each time I tried pushing her away, she'd only grab on to my hand and take out another knife with her other hand. It was like she had a never ending supply of knives in her jeans! I had to take the knife away from her and the thing would just repeat itself (grab, push, grab knife, take it away..) I eventually was able to push hard enough and I ran as fast as I could to the nearest room, which seemed to be farther away then i remembered. While I was running, I heard the girl come after me screaming. I thought to myself "Damn, she might be able to throw knives at me!! It can't end now, it just can't. Not this way, not like this" and all these images of my body being found raced through my head. What people would say, what the crazy lunatic behind me would say to get her way out of this.

I then woke up still clutching my arm. I couldn't breathe and I think the scariest part was my arm HURT. A lot. Once I could breathe again, my arm didn't hurt anymore, just tingled is all.

It's not uncommon for me to experience realistic dreams. In fact, it's very uncommon for me to experience unrealistic dreams. But I've never had a dream before where if I got hurt in the dream, I wake up sore in that area. I've never had a dream where I just woke up in the middle of it gasping for breath either.
Another thing, I sometimes do have dreams where I can control what's going to happen, but in this dream I could only control what I was doing.

Can anyone help explain this? What does it mean if I dream of someone murdering me?
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Post by jcrowfoot »

The shrink in me says "you feel guilty about something". OR it's possible that some otherworldly beings are trying to get a message to you and they think you aren't listening. This is usually the case when I see my totem animal attacked and killed. But it also works for *you* too. Have you had a near death experience?
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Post by brokenxdreams »

Wow, I didn't think they could communicate in your dreams!

My only near death experience that I can remember is nearly drowning two years ago..
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Post by Sercee »

Only 2 years ago? That's pretty fresh, still.
Posts: 181
Joined: Tue May 16, 2006 5:50 pm
Gender: Female

Post by brokenxdreams »

Only 2 years ago? That's pretty fresh, still
Most people are amazed at how quickly I can get over things haha.

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