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Post by saianalyd »

sometimes i get headaches when i work with energy too long. any ideas on how to keep this from happening?
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Post by Sobek »

dont strain yourself so much.
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Post by Adiens »

Try taking deep breathes and visualizing that your energy flow running sooth with no blockage as you take each breath. That usually relieves my headaches.
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Post by Malvok »

I know something that help with headaches, it just involves repeating a single motion in a certain pattern. i find it helps with multiple things headaches, nausea, stress, it doesn't involve any energy work spells or incantations at all. after all magick can't solve every problem.

What you need:
1 ball point pen, or something with a dull non-abrasive tip approximately the same size.
2 hands with working fingers and thumbs

Hold the pen similar to the way you would write with it. you are going to use it on your other hand. press the tip of the pen with moderate pressure(not so hard that it hurts, if it starts hurting reduce pressure or stop and wait a while
before trying again with less pressure.)

Then while applying the pressure shift the skin on the pad of any finger or thumb on the opposite hand than your holding the pen, in a circular motion, a small circular motion don't be running the pen all the way across the pads. but rather if your using a ball point pen the ink would only apear as a small dot.

Do this on your thumb for about a minute and then in a cycle switch to the next finger in line, until you've gone over every finger.

Repeat as much as you feel comfortable, want to, or need to.

After a few cycles start shortening the time you spend circling each finger and thumb. If you do this for long enough you will work yourself down to only circling each finger for a couple seconds before moving on.

If done right this does work. I've used it plenty of times in the past.
Bob: "I'm board"

Malvok: "So go on an adventure!"

Bob: "What adventure?"

Malvok: "Make your own own adventure then."

Bob: "Make my own? You can't just make up an adventure!"

Malvok: "Sure you can!"
**Malvok Steals Bob's Cloths starts running away**
Malvok: "THE ADVENTURE BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!"
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Headaches are a sign you have been doing too much energy work.

Basically it's like running yourself exhausted. Sometimes I find that water or sports drinks like Gatorade do really help with these. Sometimes food, or just plain lots of rest and beverage. Part of it is to make sure you don't dehydrate, since that always makes these headaches worse.

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