Dreamless Sleep

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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Dreamless Sleep

Post by Zero_TheBenevolent »

i've never made a potion or anything. i don't know the first thing about making one, 'cept the herbal properties or essential oils i found in The Complete Idiots Guide To Wicca and Witchcraft. in other words, i'm a complete newb.

anyone have any ideas on making a good potion for dreamless sleep?
Ethereal Siren

Post by Ethereal Siren »

I'm confused. Are you trying to induce or prevent dreamless sleep? Also, I would recommend that you try other methods other than potions to do such a thing. That is my personal preference, but in any case you should be careful with potions so you don't make yourself sick.
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Joined: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:03 am
Gender: Female
Location: Dallas, TX

Post by Zero_TheBenevolent »

inducing dreamless sleep.

i'm gonna try a dream catcher or something like that first. i hate pills. i cant do sleeping pills. any other suggestions would be nice too, like a spell or something. it would be a good first spell for me
Ethereal Siren

Post by Ethereal Siren »

Here is one thing to consider. I rarely remember my dreams. Everyone dreams every night when they go into REM sleep. I suggest that you make the target of your spell to forget or disregard your dreams. If you succeed in having dreamless sleep, you may cause yourself to stop REM sleep which would lead to ill health.
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Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2006 9:11 pm

Post by Elem »

One of the best ways to forget your dreams is to not think about them :). The more you think about what you could've dreamt of, or want to remember your dream, the more you're likely to! As such, if you don't want to remember your dreams.. Then pay them little attention and decrease the perceived level of 'importance' of dreams within your subconscious.

You'll soon find that you remember them less and less if you do so :). A spell may aid, but I'm afraid I can't give advice on spells.. Having never written or used one before in my life ;) Haha.


Post by jacob_maes_hughes »

Ethereal Siren wrote:Everyone dreams every night when they go into REM sleep....... you may cause yourself to stop REM sleep which would lead to ill health.

what do you mean by ill health? like restlessness? im always tired when i wake up even after sleeping for a good while. but i dont understand what you mean.

Post by AncientBlueEyes »

Dreams are the way the human mind works through the stress of reality. Without dreaming, you'd be completely miserable, sick, tired and you'd pretty much go nuts. You need dreams, even if you don't want them.

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