I DID REST!!!.........god....

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Shaman of Bliss
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I DID REST!!!.........god....

Post by Shaman of Bliss »

Hello yet again, but first...

I know what your going to say...something. like "aren't you suppost to be resting!?!" well guess what it took me a whole day to get back on my feed. Though I must say, one whole day of being mundane...I died a little inside :D lol.

Ok so last night I felt really good, really in the mood to do some energy work. So I sat down on my bed legs crossed and relaxed. I got the craziest urge to make a ball of energy, but try to have control over it some how. Without even really thinking I outstretched my right arm. I pictures a little ball of energy floating below my hand, with a tiny thin little piece of energy binding the ball to my hand, like a piece of cord. I slowely began to swing the ball and chain of energy( like a pendulum). The craziest thing was, when I saw in my mind the ball move as it went bakc and forth it began to pull my hand. I baarely had to move my hand because the weight of the energy was pulling my hand along...

...needless to say...I wet myself with glee :D (kidding).

...but I wasn't done there my mind wandered further that night...

After I was done with the pendulum type thingy... I decided I wanted to do something else. Going into a standard position I put both hands in front of me, palms facing palms. I imagined three litttle sticks of energy judding out from my hands...soon they began to spin! On my right hand they spun on way, on my left the sticks of glowing light span the other...the result was so cool to feel.

My hands began to feel like two magnets, like when you put two charges towards each other and they repel. It was actually really hard to push my hand together, but when I let up on the pressure, they almost flew away from each other. This was the note I closed my evening on, but I must say last night way one for the book of shadows...

Question and comments ill try to descibe anything I missed...

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Post by Sobek »

good goin
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Post by Eretik »

Yes, good going. I do hope you are resting, or I 'll tell you off again! You should be exploring, just not as much or as wildly as before. Step by step. I did say I knew you could do this and strongly. I also said work with it, remember? You are young and you have time, take it. That bath recipe, it's good for afterwards, each time, helps you ground and relax. Also helps you build on your skills, no more explanation, just 'cos, please trust me on this one.Sometimes, just 'cos is important. Please keep us updated, we are here to help. I want to see you reach your full potential, remember that. I wouldn't talk with you if I didn't. Have you got a 'draw ' stone yet? for excess energy. Quartz or agate, remember? I wear a red jasper, it's my special stone, maybe you should get one. A Shaman stone is a special thing. More later. Good to hear from you.
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Post by Sobek »

lol, the rest is a strange thing because i can rarely tell when i need it, the first instance my feeling i needed was not long ago. i did some heavy energy workings and it took close to two full weeks to get back to my former self, but suring that time i couldnt do anything, no aura's, no energy work, i couldnt even meditate or hold a basic visualisation. it may seem like the rest is over-rated but it really isnt, but i usually get clued in eventually lol.
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Post by Eretik »

Sobek, my sweet. Look at the recipe I gave. It's good for rest and replenishment. Nuff said.You are smart.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Cool. :-) Have you tried feeding plants yet?
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

Great Stuff!

Feeling the Energy between the palms of your hands is a great exercise. Try it again but gradually move the palms of your hands further away from each other (slowly) and see how long you can still feel the Energy for.

Can you see the Energy at all? Many people can't and it does takes LOTS of practice but you never know, you might be a natural? :D

Keep up the good work but don't push it too hard!
~Blessings One and All~

***Knowledge really is Power***
Shaman of Bliss
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

Ok answering...

First of all I can usually feel the energy as I manipulate it through different parts of my body. Also, I can visualize the energy but I'm not really totally seeing it,but feel..yes very much so. also,
Cool. Smile Have you tried feeding plants yet?
What do you mean feeding plants? or do you mean feeling? I'm confused :?

Yes...the title of this topic is meant to be taken as funny, and I did get some stones. I got blue quartz, clear quartz, jade, petrified wood, and black obsidian.. I feel most closly drawn to the obsidian. I thiks it's because it disperses negative energies and thats a big issue for me.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Heh.. sorry Shaman, I wasn't clear. I meant if you have fed plants positive energy. House plants are particularly grateful for this sort of thing... since they aren't blessed with the Sun so much. It's another great bit of practice. Just don't over-juice them. Especially violets... they like swamps which have a particular energy that's very low-key.

With trees you can really go to town in that category... in fact trees can help you ground. How? Hug one some time. You should really ask permision first, and of course be ok if the tree says NO. Pick a nice big friendly looking tree. Chat. Get to know them. Then HUG. Yes, make jokes about tree huggers all you want, but they have a point. It's a great thing for when you are feeling burned out. It's good to give them a gift for their trouble.
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Post by Eretik »

Brilliant. You will find some stones call to you more than others, I 'm fond of obsidian too, Falcon's eye and Haematite are also faves. of mine. I 'm drawn to the dark, 'masculine' vibe stones,most.
Shaman of Bliss
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

Actually I havem I've mentioned a couple of times that I am growing radishes and I have given them enegy before, feels kinda neat to know other people do it too. Also I have a small tree in my back yard, it's about two feet high, a little pine tree. Perhaps ill give it some energy too, and ill ask it for a hug sometime soon
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Post by Sercee »

I'm glad you're doing better, hon! You'll find that you do a lot better with your energy/visualization work when you let yourself develop more carefully, control is SO important. Eretik's right, you'll go far, but only if you're careful. So Grats!

And I've got some stuff for you. Cya tonight!

Post by spiralwind »

Hi! I just tried the ball of energy thing for the first time.
Holding the ball in my hands, it looked more like I held water.
I continued, the light became more visible.
At the end of meditation, throwing it made a splash of light...
Shaman of Bliss
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

thats great, but why did you post it under here? lol, couldn't you just just make a new topic talking about that? Just trying to help you out buddy.
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Post by Sobek »

why make a new post when you can hijack an older inactive one with the same general topic?

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