Why are there Curses

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Why are there Curses

Post by naudica »

Long ago I posted a subject about my past and the bad things I did to people I disliked. Anyway My question is if you're not supposed to use curses why are the there and even recipes for curses on this site???
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.
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Post by hedge* »

Who says you're not supposed to use curses?
There is nothing to say that curses should not be used.
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Post by spinneyhex »

Anyway My question is if you're not supposed to use curses why are the there and even recipes for curses on this site???
I echo Hedgewitch when i ask this. who says you cant use curses?
If you curse people expect to deal with the consequences.

You need to be a little more specific with your post. Are you asking for help or what?
I see on your profile your interests are "cursing people and healing curses"
So if you are so specialized why are you asking?
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Post by Eretik »

Some paths of Paganism proscribe negative magics and cursing, others do not. It can be confusing, especially for newcomers, who tend to find those paths or people that proclaim 'no cursing, hexing or harm' [like it's some kind of universal law that we all follow] before they get to fully explore or understand the many alternative teachings and paths. [Just some of the alternatives - Hedgecraft, Necromanctic arts, Left hand path Tantra, left hand path Quabalah, Satanism - there are many paths in this, Satanism is an 'umbrella term' like Paganism, traditional Shamanism- with several cultural paths too, Chaos magic, Discordianism etc. Too many to list without referencing, really. I know I 've left out lots, but it's just a sample. ] It's a shame, because many pagans are limiting their growth and knowledge by encasing themselves in belief structures which come from alien philosophies that are bastardized and degraded into a palatable new age mixture, fed to the masses in the new organised heirarchies. A curse, like any magical enterprise, will only have consequences for the sender if it's miscast or performed with error or lack of will.
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

I echo what everyone else has said. No one has said you can't put a Curse, Hex, etc. on someone, that's up to you. I always try and remember this saying though 'what goes around comes around'. That is not to say I have never gone against my own "rules" when I thought necessary, but I honestly try other means first, there is other means, trust me :wink:
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Post by Sobek »

curses are meant to be used, but it's peoples choice and views that generally make them less popular, just as there are spells designed to help people in times of need, there are curses to punish people who do wrongs.

so like at one moment you may want to help a loved one, and at the same time you might want to hurt the one who hurt them, theres nothing wrong with curses, but like regular spells they shouldnt be used for the sake of it or for petty little crap.

Post by mystic »

agree with you all. Such a great believer on "what goes around comes around". Seen it happened all too often.
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Post by Sobek »

thats why it really annoys me when people think its OK to attempt to heal someone and they look down thier damn noses at people who use curses and all they can say is "who gave you the right to punish people" when really who gave them the damn right to heal someone. same thing really.

Post by mystic »

:roll: so true Sobek, so true. Especially when its done intentionally to someone whom you've never met nor know. Just because of envy and jealously was it done to me, but hey, she lost out too. Most annoying, but i didnt let it get to me.
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Post by Wolf* »

I have a servitor set specifically for the purpose of cursing those whom I tell it too :twisted:

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Post by goth-kid555 »

i'v done loads of researches on this subject and got confused.
*ye harm none* :? that's wut i read in a wiccan e-book but i also read that harm can b done when needed...and read again that every one is responsable of his acts ....
i dunno wut to answer u but i think that what was meant is harm mustn't b done 2 people and if done it must be a little ,...and after all what ever happens ur responsible for what u'v done ...confusing!!
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Post by Sobek »

"ye harm none"

wouldnt thier be a loophole to that, like in view of a pre-emptive or a protective strike?
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

read below...
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

If people read into the Wiccan Rede deeper and actually translated the words then there would be less "fluffies" around I know that! I don't mean evil people or ones that go around Hexing others because they've had a bad day, just less of the "I've read the Wiccan Rede, how dare you say anything as "dark" as that, you can't be Wiccan", those kind.
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Post by Sobek »

i actually think it was those who turned me off bothering with the rede in the first place. i didnt need any more rules to follow lol
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