What type of shield do you use?

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What type of shield do you use?

Post by Suki1016 »

Hi. I'm really new to this forum and I have a question. What shields do you guys use? I use one of my own creation. Its complicated to explain, but I have a very strong connection with the wind and the element air. For about a month I was visualizing myself with wings because the feeling it gave me was very close to freedom, but then about two weeks ago I was visualizing them again. Usually I just picture them flapping and kinda wafting around, but this time I really concentrated and pulled them around me. I don't know if it was conscience or not, but I formed a kind of sheild. I've worked on it sence then and its made of bright white light that wirls and twirls. I find it keeps all negetive energy away from me and that I haven't been bothered by anything at all. I just wanted to know if this was normal, or what it was called. if you could tell me that would be nice. Thank ya! :bounce:
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Post by [Haley] »

I've tried making a shield- well actually it was a psi ball, but it's kinda the same thing, right?- and it didn't work. I'm not very good at visualizing. I've always wanted to make a fun, yet somewhat complicated, shield that I could be very proud of. How exactly do you go about making your shield? Does it take you very long? What is their perpose?
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Post by Suki1016 »

I make mine by visualizing wings first because to me they are "pure" I guess would be the word. Then I focus on them. I've tried to just have them while reforcing my sheild but its not as affective as pulling them around me. Its probably a visualization thing. I use it to keep bad energys away from me because I'm moderatly empathic and get overwhelmed easily and I've been scared to death by a few entities( I'm not sure what the heck they were) too, so I use it as a barreir between me and them. It works remarkably well for me. Really it doesn't take me very long. It probably helps that I get into a type of alpha state when I'm getting ready for bed (not in bed) and I can really concentrate and visualize. So...about 3 minutes just to reforce it. ^^ Hope that helped to explain it a bit. :lol:
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Post by Witch1693 »

yes it works, but i use aura shields, not wing shields or whatever youd like to call yors, it is like where you brighten the color of your aura and expand the 12 layers, and make then more opaque so you can kinda see the color of the aura like a shield, but nothing really amazing for me.
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Post by Suki1016 »

I wouldn't really say mine was too amazing. I just find that it works for me. I wanted to know what others used so I could maybe improve my own. Thats kinda my goal. I always like to improve. And thanks for explainging yours to me. I appreciate it. :D
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Post by Kifes42206 »

Could you maybe go into a little more detail about your Aura shielding because i have heard about it and such and find it quite interesting even though i havent had to use a shield for a specific purpose before(i must be lucky) but that would be helpful thanks
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Post by Sobek »

wow suki, thats a pretty damn cool shield, and i find alot of my visualisations are not conscious at all certain details just...happen.

i actually created my first shield with wind(which i dont know why,i just experiment with all sort of things(same as mediations i become the elements depending on my mood like if i feel like i have time i am seed that grows into a tree and so on) which was basically just me visualasing and feeling a strong wind coming my way but instead of being blown it just surrounds me and keeps blowing and the force of the wind wards off all things. though i havent bothered with a shield type thing for a while.
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Post by GenevieveDawn »

Beyond using basic visualization I program my shield by literally telling it what I need it to do or what it can let in and what it can not. I also envision "roots" or even light coming from the bottom of it into the earth to keep a constant supply of energy for it so that it lasts longer. Earth is my element so I connect well with it. I generally don't use the same visuals everytime, it depends what I am needing it for.
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Post by Storm »

I have never (consciously) created a shield.
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

Well I draw from earth also, I just picture the trees around me, even the grass or whatever as giving off a kind of green or white smoke. I mentally manipulate the smoke around my body and soon all I feel is energy, excitment, and a slight feeling of power and wildness.
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Post by Draconis »

my basic shielding is a light shield, usually its an icy blue colour, but if i need or want some more shielding I usually visulise a stone wall, like a castle, rising up around me, main problem ive had with it though is that it blocks all energy not jsut harmful or unwanted.
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Post by hedge* »

I use an aura shield or a light shield - I can't really see a difference between the two. I am the centre and the light emanates from me. The light is allways white though I've never consciously chosen this colour and whilst typing this I think I'm going to experiment with different colours - I think it'll be interesting to note any differences.
Suki - basically any shield that works for you is normal, and there are many different techniques out there :D
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Post by Baratoz »

I do several things for protection. Every morning I perform daily prayers and offerings to the God and Goddess. In those prayers I ask for guidance, protection and give thanks for answered prayers/spells. I also wear two amulets I made from jewelry I wear. I have a necklace that I made into a psychic protection amulet and a ring that I made into a physical protection amulet. I recharge them every month as part of my Esbat rituals. Finally, I have a shield I can create whenever I want to. I've practiced quite a bit at putting it up quickly and don't require much thought to do it now. I usually don't have it up because my work requires a lot of concentration and I don't want to expend the extra energy maintaining a shield that most likely wont be needed. It's basically my last line of defense. :) I also have a travel protection charm hanging in my car.

If you want a good book and protection and shielding, I recommend that you get: "The Witches Shield" by Christopher Penczak. It is very good and teaches you multiple techniques.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Shielding was one of the first techniques I learned. And the older I get, the harder it is to remember to keep them up. I forget to reinforce them, then they disappear.

First of all, you don't need to visualize them, per se. IF you *feel* them out there, that works, too. Your aura tends to float out there around arm's length or maybe a little shorter from your body anyway. And you just run your hand along the side and feel the inner wall out there. You could also construct a spherical chain link fence, or something like that.
I find that having a lighter shield for general use and something heavy duty for tense situations to be best. I do a combination of that and visualizing when building a shield.

My favorite "heavy duty" shield is made out of raw (black or brown) tourmaline. I imagine the stone growing out in broad flat crystals creating the shield. I layer them when things get really bad. I've been known to make a green tourmaline shield when I feel depressed.
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Post by Blazewind »

I have always used a ball of white white around me as a sheild. I learned to do that years ago, from some book I read in the early days of my intrest in this sort od thing. I have always found that the visualized whit light has always worked well for me. Latey however, I have been meaning to try using the roots the ground idea. I intend to do it one day when I actually have time to pracice my meditation. LOL :roll:

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