I wish I would remember...

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I wish I would remember...

Post by L.J.Hex »

I'm absolutely convinced beyond any doubt that reincarnation does happen and most of us have been here for a very long time. I have vague memories and weird things which I cannot explain any other way.

I wish I would remember my past clearly, but so far its obscure as heck.

When I was kid, something between four and six years old, I remember often thinking in sort of a desperation, who the heck am I, what am I doing here? I remember these feelings very clearly, like a sudden realisation that I'm not "me", that I'm living in a wrong body, my child's body felt uncomfortable and alien to me. Most common thought of this kind was me trying to come in terms with who the heck am I. I didn't feel like me being what my family told me. It some times felt as if some kind of mistake had happened and I was in a wrong body.

One thing I'm absolutely sure about, that most of my past lives, I have been a woman. When I was kid, I was most of the time playing with my girl cousins. I loved all the girly kind of games almost more than "boy" stuff back then. I have always felt repulsed by over the top masculinity, the kind of "show off" about how much of a man someone is. That has always felt totally foreign and downright disgusting to me. I have always came along with women very easily, when most guys I know always complain how its so difficult to understand women and come along with them. The way my mind works is so feminine, its weird. Although I'm not a kind of "girly beta-male" type at all, I can be pretty damn tough if I want to, but my thinking is very female kind. I have a feeling that there's an important reason for me being a man in this life, I just can't put my finger on it.

Another thing that I have felt all my life is that I don't belong here, among most people. These days I have very few friends and the rest, I'm indifferent about. People annoy me very often, in kind of nonsensical way, even when they're acting normal and there's no reason, I get irritated about them. I see so many issues people and society have so pointless that it pisses me off and I tend to "shield" myself from it. Mind you that I have had this thing since I was a child, its not just a result of ageing and having more perspective on (this) life, I have always had it.

I also have the common fascination of certain places and times in history which defy explanation, they just feel "right" if you know what I mean. One of these is medieval Europe. Another one is China and anything that has to do with fireworks or their writing. Then 1930's Germany. I love German language and I learn it very quickly and the march songs they had back then, I love those. I'm definitely not into Nazi stuff, but I have a strong hunch about living there at that time, possibly being a soldier in the wehrmacht. Also the latest possible recollection is about me being a female healer/witch kind of person in either England or Ireland(I lived in Ireland for a year several years ago, didn't feel very unfamiliar.), the time I think was something like late medieval or bit after. I'm really not certain of this as it came to me in meditation.

I don't have any clear recollection of anything specific which is a shame, I would really like to know more. I have meditated on this many times, but I never got any coherent answers so far. It would be highly interesting to try hypnosis some time. I think it would probably work on me quite well.

I think past lives and reincarnation are highly interesting subjects to talk about. I'm positive that these things happen. :) I just wish to know how to dig in deeper and find out more... If anybody has some good idea how to deal with it, shoot!
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Re: I wish I would remember...

Post by SpiritTalker »

I seem to have shared similar age 4-6 doubts. I was convinced I'd been adopted & it drove my parents nuts. And I am highly annoyed with superficialities of random socializing. Not to mention being in crowds is like walking amongst gongs while swinging hammers.

I learned some of my probable other incarnations thru trance channeled discourse & had a good bit verified that opened floodgates of memories in individual situations. One thing I gathered is that we recognize persons-of-interest who will have some bearing on this life's walk; not just a random recall of disconnected lives. We also get feelings of been-there, done-that with those repeating patterns, like when a previously missed opportunity is offered again.

Meditating at random didn't do much, but using remote viewing techniques to casually overview a core event & then follow the threads of development thru a chain of incarnations did work. You need a trigger - like a familiar-but-don't-know-why trinket, photo (travel brochures), or a nagging event (this particular scenario/person/situation annoys/attracts me.)

Using RV protocols defuses the doubts of just imagining things. Write out some triggers on plain paper & seal each in it's own envelope. Shuffle the envelopes then put a number on each so you can work with them. Don't number them as you write or stuff the trigger in the envelope because you want them completely unknown to you for RV-ing. And shuffling before numbering the envelopes reorders them as a double-blind. Leave the envelopes sealed until the absolute very end of all inquires. Fold the paper so the trigger can't be read through the envelope. You want to know you can't cheat & sneak a peek. We're only human ;) .

You could sleep with that week's lucky-draw envelope under your pillow. Work with one envelope at a time - sealed - & RV the target. Do as many sessions per envelope as you want. Record all your sensory input - smells, sounds, feelings, & images in a notebook; noting each by the number of the envelope. RV & record notes for all the envelopes before opening them one at a time & adding the trigger identity to it's corresponding number set of notes. Open them one at a time because the cards do not have numbers and could get mixed up, which would ruin the study.

Then study your notes & see what they tell you. It can take several weeks to do all the envelopes if you do 10. Or you can do 5 & leave 5 as another double blind so you can't guess ahead of time which one's you worked with. You can always do the un-used 5 later.
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Re: I wish I would remember...

Post by L.J.Hex »

Somehow I had a feeling I would see you replying to my post. ;)

Btw, I never bugged my parents or anyone else with this stuff when I was kid because I got the idea that they wouldn't understand it. Where did that thought come from, I would love to know. But I somehow realised that I was "alone" with it in a way that its better not to speak out. I never said a word about this to anyone back then.

Stopping to think of the who/what am I back then was kind of frightening because it came with the realisation that my body and name and everything felt completely alien... Later on it kind of changed into thinking along the lines of "I guess this will have to suffice for now".

That's very interesting idea with the envelopes, I may look into that, sounds like quite a lot of work though. I guess it is no matter which way you look at it. When I think of past life possibilities and what has been, it feels like a huge knot that would take ages to open.
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Re: I wish I would remember...

Post by SpiritTalker »

Yea, just accepting tHat this is Me for now so let's get on with it was an actual decision I had to make. & Maybe recalling former states of being causes it...who knows? We're immortal beings under the pelts, according to some beliefs.

Let's face it - any embodiment is completely alien, &'no matter how many times we do this, or where we came from, it's like the 1st time and deja vu all over again.

Ill try not to butt in so much :mrgreen:
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Re: I wish I would remember...

Post by L.J.Hex »

No problem, I'm presuming this here thread would be rather quiet if you didn't show up. :D

I thought of two more things I didn't mention before. One is that I have always had unexplained knowledge of everything in life being temporary, its bit difficult to explain, but its kind of a thing which always takes me through bad times if I remember to think about it. Kind of a knowing that no matter what happens, there's also an end to it so its nothing to be worried about.

Secondly, I have no fear of death. None, what so ever. I am afraid of dying in great pain, I would like to avoid that, but dying itself doesn't scare me. I have asthma which usually doesn't bother me much, except during the spring. One time years ago I woke up to my lungs being completely stuck, there was no way to breathe decently. My medicine was in the bathroom and I tried to go there but I couldn't move much without passing out, so I sit up in the corner and wait... I was loosing my consciousness to the lack of oxygen and my life passed before my eyes and the only regret on that moment was "damn, its not supposed to end yet." No fear what so ever. Later I woke up coughing stuff out of my lungs feeling just fine. Needless to say I was quite happy to still be around.

To me the fear of death and dying just isn't there, I somehow know its not a thing to be afraid of. Funny thing, usually its old people who are ok with it as they've seen many people go and they know they're not far from it themselves. When I think of my inevitable death at some point, it just feels like its going to be a huge relief. It will be the end of all shitty things I've had... Hopefully in between there will be time to rest for a bit before being born as a fly or something. :lol:
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Re: I wish I would remember...

Post by stormofwind »

If its mean't to be it will be I seen most of my past lives
since I was very young in a form of dej vu ...
When you see yourself die as I have it's not easy can make you so depressed.
One life did that too me for years and years.
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Re: I wish I would remember...

Post by L.J.Hex »

I guess that is a personal thing which everyone has in a different way. I have had such shitty things in my life that when I think of my death, it just feels like its going to be a relief.... When its time for that, and I'm not done for a long long time. ;)

I wonder if this is a weird thing to even think about for a 34 year old. Usually people who pay any attention to this are either very sick or very old.

Funny thing about the past lives thing, being in the know that this lifetime is not all there is to life has just removed any fear about the end. I guess I have it "easy" then. :D
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Re: I wish I would remember...

Post by Firebird »

You could have written that whole first paragraph from the perspective in which I stand only in oppsite, as I'm sure I have been a man in another life, a knight in medieval Europe or perhaps even medieval Japan I can't put my finger on which area it may have been because I have a keen interest in both, so much so that the husband I married in this life is of Japanese ancestry.
The sense I belonged in Medieval Europe brought me to the Renaissance Faire where I have found a home in a world outside of a world.
As a child I struggled to fit in I felt like I didn't belong anywhere and being adopted did not help that feeling a bit. I don't recall disliking people so much as a child as I do now. I think I feared people more than disliking them. I can go around sometimes saying I hate everyone and then the next day I love everyone, so go figure?
I have also been a young boy named Peter who drowned in a lake in the state of Maine in the 1940's or maybe the 30s, and I have been a woman who was a black market baby salesperson in the 1920's. I learned of those two during a past life regression ritual.
But fast forward to this life...
I have always had a huge Fascination for trains, and when I finally did find my biological mother... turns out her father was an engineer and had worked for the railroad his whole life, he was even passing by on a route that as a young teen I would go rush to watch the train go by whenever I heard it coming. Woah, if I only knew then that my grandfather was driving that train.!
THAT was weird.
Do you all think past lives are within your own ancestral line? There does come folks in ones path that seem so familiar, you know, brothers from other mothers yet along different forks of migration, then met again centuries later?

Thanks be to mz SpiritTalker! This woman has an incredible amout of knowledge and I appreciate her presence and input tremendously! This place does get a bit quiet on weekends, I my self have been absent recently, hope I'm making sense, I notice this dang device changing my words.
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Re: I wish I would remember...

Post by L.J.Hex »

Interesting. I envy you for knowing some of it in detail. I wish I know better too. :) I can relate to that of being afraid of people more than disliking them. Also the feeling of not belonging.

I have no idea if people stick around the same family or not, I think it depends on the person, but I don't have any knowledge about my own past in this sense so no idea. I have one friend about whom I'm fairly certain I've met before. That's one interesting thing, I bet you guys have met someone new and felt as if you have known forever already? The kind of soul mate type of person be it friend or partner or anything? I have had this kind of thing happen twice. One is a friend of mine and the other is my current girlfriend. :) I dunno... Maybe there's something more to it.
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Re: I wish I would remember...

Post by SpiritTalker »

I have no idea how the roulette wheel of fate is managed.

I've been told & also read in something by Manly Hall that groups tend to run through a cycle of 7 incarnations to work out all the bumps. 7 is a balance number-value, if that counts for anything.

I remember a day I'd met an RC priest I'd worked with in present-time & in the instant we shook hands i was thrown back to the event of my former death, minus the drama. He'd been a soldier & ran me/male thru with his sword. Understandable as I'd stolen his horse ... Cough. We didn't hit it off in the present either; call it a rough working environment. Those introductory Flash back memories have happened a few times in relation to that specific past-life group. My best friend & I in the present life disliked each other on sight when we'd 1st met in a campus Bible study group, of all places. We'd been brothers in the same past life as my unfortunate encounter with a sword. Yeh, I must've been a real piece of work. My present-life college room mate had been the wife of the brother from that same life. This is the same room mate who poorly used me in her magical training experiments. It gets worse. My best friend & i were sent -this life- by intervention of ETs (yeh, I know :roll: ) to a 3rd brother from the same past life to hand-deliver information to him. It Gobsmacked us all. None of this happened in a tidy, linear fashion. It took effort to sort out but issues got resolved & it's a done deal. Hoozah. I think that memories of the past life we'd shared (plus some re-runs in between) helped us get a grip... If reincarnation is even a reality.
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Re: I wish I would remember...

Post by stormofwind »

I self regress not cds or tapes though it does bring memories out more
and stronger depends what I am listening too.
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Re: I wish I would remember...

Post by L.J.Hex »

SpiritTalker, that's just messed up. :D Crazy stuff...

All this makes me want to get in the know better too. I need to start finding ways on how to make that happen.
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Re: I wish I would remember...

Post by SpiritTalker »

Messed up crazy stuff. My life in a nutshell.

If you can "read" energy or empathically intuit feelings, you have the ability to focus that onto events as well. It doesn't matter when the event was, is or will be. That's the wonder of remote viewing. You work at it. Take what comes with the proverbial grain of salt. See what sense you can make of it over time. It's work & takes diligence. We seek. We discover. RV-ing isn't too far removed from self-regression that Wind referred to. Both are something we can train ourselves to do.
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Re: I wish I would remember...

Post by L.J.Hex »

I have done the self regression few times on this very topic... The results were interesting to say at least, but the problem I had with it is to tell which is genuine and which is just from my imagination. Bit like when trying to interpret dreams, some feel meaningful and others are just a mess of weird stuff or everyday things. :D Its hard to tell the difference. And I'm good at imagining stuff.

The same "fuzzy" kind of thing is sort of visions I get some times when I meditate. Its interesting, but if its "real" or not is another question.
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Re: I wish I would remember...

Post by SpiritTalker »

There is no fail safe in what is unverifiable.
There is no incontrovertible proof of spiritual reality.
The "proof" is in your psychic identification with the data.

All we can reasonably do is prevent any way for us to be influenced by suggestion or cheat, thus the double blind envelope method as previously mentioned. The process is Ingo Swann's. He was one of the best psychics & RVs ever & he taught other people how to use it. There's Lots of info on-line. You can prove to yourself that RV-ing works by using map coordinates in the envelopes & then remote viewing; then use Google Earth mapping to observe a site & see if you're right. Or use a local map for coordinates & visit in person. That's at least verifiable. Reasonably if what one has RVd in the present is proven accurate, then it's a fair assumption that the same technique used for events is likely reading correct information. Most images aren't full length feature films but freeze frame clips instead.
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