Strong Intuition. How to know if it's true or false?

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Strong Intuition. How to know if it's true or false?

Post by onetwothree »

There was an opportunity that I wanted badly, but I knew it was not going to happen. I chalked it up to negativity and would cast spells to make it happen, even though I had that intuition that it was not the right time. The process was going great, until a few days before, it all fell apart. When I found out why, I was beyond grateful it did not happen. I had my worries, but I had no real reason to have worries. It was my gut feeling, even though I had 0 proof, and 0 reason to worry. But it ended up being right.

Now this thing has become an opportunity again, still something I really want, but this time I feel great about it! This thing wasn't even on my radar as a possibility of happening until next year, but now I was told it can happen by the end of the month. And when I was told that, it felt right. I don't know how to explain intuition, but it was like I wasn't overly excited, because it felt like I was told something I already knew. Like I was told a fact, not a hypotheses.

And everything about this feels right. Like everything is falling into place. Last time I had numerous concerns which turned out to be valid, and this time I have none. And if this thing happened when I really wanted it too, this other major great thing would not have happened. But now it feels like the right time.

I am having my doubts though. I do not want to get my hopes up again, but I also cannot shake this feeling that I don't need to be worried. Last time I just let my hopes get so high up and tried to make it happen even though I knew it was not going to happen.

How do you know if an intuition is real? I just don't want to be let down again.
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Re: Strong Intuition. How to know if it's true or false?

Post by Firebird »

onetwothree wrote:How do you know if an intuition is real?
Well, you would have had to be right 100% of the time in the past, but I don't think anyone has that.
I would say a very real feeling in your gut is a good indication as long as emotions aren't in play, which can cloud our hoped-for outcomes.
Say, could you swing by intros when you come on next and let us know a bit about you? Thanks :fairy:
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Re: Strong Intuition. How to know if it's true or false?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Experience is #1. You stack up enough personal data from other times the intuitive bells clattered & you have a fair idea. You go (or don't go) with a hunch & observe the outcome. Hopes are great - nothing good ever happens without hope - but you can still have a plan B on the shelf for backup. That's sensible & not disrespectful of the intuitive channels.

Critical thinking is #2. Like Firebird said, emotions can blind side us. Sometimes the refusal to let go of familiar thought patterns blocks us. If we catch ourselves making excuses for wanna-bees that's a clue we're kidding ourselves.
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Re: Strong Intuition. How to know if it's true or false?

Post by Corbin »

I would say (personal opinion only) - when was any avenue of discernment infallible? When is any human attribute infallible? There are no absolutes; Its the wrong question.

In my experience, we learn to trust our intuition because it is usually right when it IS intuition (the moment you start to rationalise it you muddy the water with different thought functions, and worse may not even realise you are doing it - intuition gets lost in the mire; a little voice drowned out by the cacophony of other voices).

Trusting your intuition is cultivating Intuition because it allows it to grow... that quiet voice, seems to speak up when it knows it is being heard and given a genuine place to voice an opinion. That said, like all our voices - Intuition is wonderful as an adviser but terrible as a leader.

As for doubt? In doubt always weigh it (or meditate on it) with the fact that fear is the threshold to new experience; the person who never risked anything never gained anything either.

Good luck.
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Re: Strong Intuition. How to know if it's true or false?

Post by SpiritTalker »

Quote: Intuition is wonderful as an adviser but terrible as a leader.

Well said (applause)
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Re: Strong Intuition. How to know if it's true or false?

Post by onetwothree »

I appreciate all of your responses!
That is my major issue when I want something so badly, even if I get that gut feeling it will not happen, I convince myself it is just me being negative and get my hopes way up.
I would say with my intuition I am generally good. But more so in instances that do not involve me directly. Things that I have no care about, because I don't have a personal opinion either way. In those cases I am very good at having the correct feelings, but when I am personally involved it is very impossible to keep my emotions out of it!
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Re: Strong Intuition. How to know if it's true or false?

Post by Xiao Rong »

I would say with my intuition I am generally good. But more so in instances that do not involve me directly. Things that I have no care about, because I don't have a personal opinion either way. In those cases I am very good at having the correct feelings, but when I am personally involved it is very impossible to keep my emotions out of it!
I call it the Merlin Syndrome. Merlin could tell the fate of everyone but himself. It is SO much harder to have good intuition about what's going on in your own life!
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Re: Strong Intuition. How to know if it's true or false?

Post by onetwothree »

Yes it really is! When you know exactly what you want it can be difficult to accept it will not come. Especially when it comes to something I feel I truly want, if I accept I will not have it, it feels like I am giving up. But so far 100% of the -bad- things in my life had led to such amazing things in my life and I have learned to appreciate the bad when it comes because I know something great will come from it. There seems to be a very fine line between giving up and not meant to be at the moment. It can be difficult to accept sometimes
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