"Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by birublackzoey »

L.J.Hex wrote:Btw, have you guys looked at videos and pictures from Chernobyl as it is today? The radiation is still in the soil of course, but the nature is thriving there like crazy... Just bit over thirty years of no people messing with anything and the place is teeming with life.

Kind of unique look on what would happen if there would be some kind of an apocalyptic event and all people went away. The planet is fine, its we who are f*cked. (I think that's from George Carlin if I'm not mistaken.)

Btw, about forest bathing and such, come to Finland, in here you can walk in any forest you like and there's one usually just minutes away no matter where you are.
Yes, it takes my breath away, and once again I am humbled by the sheer force but gentility of Nature. Even though she can be destructive, swift and violent, she can also move so slow and patiently, with intention and love. Both are shows of her power, but on extreme ends of the spectrum. Here I am, trying to define something more infinite than words and language, but I am sure you share my amazement and humility.

Extremely lucky to be in Finland! Make full use of it for those of us who can't - and spread the goodness through your thoughts and intentions. My forest bathing teacher actually got her training in Finland and Norway, as well as, Japan where it was studied formally and was given official status as a health remedy. I think the same will happen in Finland as well, if not already! :D :D

During one of my forest bath/walks, I was out for about 2 or 3 hours, and had to retrace some parts of the route. I saw a little flower and his friends at 10am, their faces half bowed as if sleeping, some of the taller ones were already awake, their petals freshly stretched out like they were yawning, it made me smile and laugh a little, but i appreciate their beauty and cuteness. 2 hours later, i walked past them again, and they were fully awake, they stood erect with their faces and leaves greeting the sun. I sent them thoughts of love that they would be able to enjoy this contentment for that day and many many days to come. The last few times I passed by them, in the mid afternoon, their faces were panned almost 180 degrees over, they were turning themselves to follow and receive the sunlight.

There was no longer any doubt in my mind and heart, that they were completely alive, just not like us. No brain, no central nervous system, but they knew exactly what and how to grow, be happy, and create more Life. It was completely aligned with the nature/consciousness of the universe, and I did feel a moment of envy (haha) how nice to be in complete and utter alignment, but it was an an interesting idea of what we ourselves could look like when we are connected and aligned at all times.

Along the lines of Eckhart Tolle, he shared that plants were flowerless for a few millions years, before one day, the first flower bloomed. It was the "peak consciousness" for that species, and same for the land animals that first took flight. And like a piece of coal turned into a diamond. There is an elevated consciousness to everything around us, and we are also not exempted from this. Why would we? We are of this planet, and at the same time, a soul origin that is divine.

Imagine our peak consciousness - the possibilities and wonders! For me, this is why working through demons and shadows selves is important - to be fully realised by this universe. I am excited and humbled.
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by Mr Crowley »

I feel extremely lucky to live in the US, have no intention of leaving even for a visit. Birub, I'm sorry that you live in such a part of the world that you wished you lived elsewhere.

Hex: you nailed it! The earth is fine, nothing to save. I recall a post in which the poster thought that exterminating the entire global population, minus one half million people, was good because that's the only number of population the earth could sustain, I guess without killing it. Another guess: his holier-than-thou would have 499,999 companions.

I'm all or nothing! So why are people so important to the planet?
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by L.J.Hex »

Mr Crowley wrote:I feel extremely lucky to live in the US, have no intention of leaving even for a visit. Birub, I'm sorry that you live in such a part of the world that you wished you lived elsewhere.

Hex: you nailed it! The earth is fine, nothing to save. I recall a post in which the poster thought that exterminating the entire global population, minus one half million people, was good because that's the only number of population the earth could sustain, I guess without killing it. Another guess: his holier-than-thou would have 499,999 companions.

I'm all or nothing! So why are people so important to the planet?
US like every other place has its pros and cons, I envy you guys for the idea of freedom you have there, we don't have that in the same way. Also the nature you guys have, much more varied than ours. Yea, I've read such grand ideas too, who ever put up Georgia guidestones has that awesome idea also. :lol:

There must be a reason for there being so many people in the world...
birublackzoey wrote:Extremely lucky to be in Finland! Make full use of it for those of us who can't - and spread the goodness through your thoughts and intentions. My forest bathing teacher actually got her training in Finland and Norway, as well as, Japan where it was studied formally and was given official status as a health remedy. I think the same will happen in Finland as well, if not already!
When the Japanese published the thing about forest bathing, it made news here, I remember reading something about it. I guess its no wonder that many Finns take forest walks even if they have no dogs to go out with. My favourite thing to do when I'm having a shitty day, just go out there, walk and sit somewhere and listen to the trees talk in the wind.
By my feet the flowers of witchery abloom.
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by Mr Crowley »

It's (we are) a chapter in earth's life. Nothing lives forever; as she ages, the climate/environment will not be able to support humans. If it's 500 years 5,000 years, 500,000 years, or 5,000,000 years from now, why does that make a difference? Everyone has self-focus that starts in early childhood development. Some focus on boogeymen, some on self, and some on purpose. I focused on purpose, the contribution we make to the bigger/better cause. (Perfect brainwashing material for American Nationalists, but that's a different topic.) Other than a more successful animal than our siblings, I don't see any purpose/contribution.

As for killing each other off in the next 50 to 100 years, that's why I make decisions that involve compromise. I cannot go further into that because it will cause an uproar in the opposition; also, some things need to remain under the radar.

The US is far from perfect, but it's the only thing I have, so I will preserve it at whatever cost.
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Re: "Love Thy Nature" and open secret about our Earth

Post by barker »

If the macro/microcosm is perfect (reality) then the inner life reflects that (higher self). That is how I see survival - something to well do alone.

I find that I can make anything happen, but it's not easy with "everyone"... such a shameful situation to look upon isn'it. Compassion is the agent that calls everything normal - that is what I see on a collective level.

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