Simple Spells

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Simple Spells

Post by SpiritTalker »

THE FOUR POWERS OF WITCHES are to know, to will, to dare & to be silent
. Knowing is knowledge of your craft & the inner awareness that something just IS, and is of the element💨air
. Will is one’s outward intent plus the inner fortitude to see the thing through, and is of the element 🔥
. Daring is courage to use the Craft, the chutzpah to follow one’s inner guidance despite nay sayers, & is of 💦
. Silence is not speaking of the deed plus a spiritual solitude to hear the inner voice, and is of 🪨

CAST a Folk Magic SIMPLE CIRCLE: 🧹sweep a circular space widdershins ↪️, Words : 🧹”‘Round, around & ‘round about, all good in & all bad out.” Light some incense. Then walking deosil ↩️, load, aim and shoot 👉🏼 power from the gut to cast the circle. Words: “As I walk the circle is cast, guarding all and holding fast.” Ref.D.Valiente

BASIC SPELLS: These 4 spells - candle, bottle, ladder, stone - use elements of 🔥💦💨🪨 respectively. They can be adapted to any needs with your intention. Magnetizing is setting your intent into the spell. Pull power on the breath to your belly, focus on only the results you want, and push from the gut outward through the hands to “cast the spell”.

INCANTATIONS are the spoken words that tell the energy what to do: state only the desired results. Rhyming helps the mind to focus.

🔥CANDLES - Choose a candle for the desired burn time. White is all purpose.
. Dressing the candle: dab vege oil on the candle & hold it between your palms 👏🏽 as you magnetize it. The oil seals your intention’s energy to the candle. Stand the cold candle in it’s holder.
. The spell: Light the 🕯candle and sit quietly while focussing on the flame for a minute or so until the flame is all you see. Think of the final results you want & KNOW this feeling in your gut like a hunch. KNOWING is a slightly altered state of mind & is a witch’s power. Speak the incantation thrice. Thank the Powers. Let the candle burn completely (it’s ok to snuff a flame and relight if needed). Discard stubs in the trash.

🕯LED CANDLE SPELL - Dorms don’t allow live flame so substitute a battery LED candle; the battery creates electricity which is the fire element, and the visual symbolism is obvious. Rather than anointing the candle for each spell you’d place an anointed and 🙌🏽 magnetized petition or sigil paper under the candle. Dab on oil (:-:) 5 spots represent the elements. Set the timer & when it times out your spell is done. Shred papers after the spell’s done to transform their words into action on the etheric plane. Reuse the LED again & again.

💦WITCH’S BOTTLE is a protection spell in which a small bottle or jar is filled with bent pins to deflect harmful intent, rusty nails to protect from psychic interference, a strand of protectee's hair as a tag lock, bits of tin foil confetti as mirrors to scatter ill-wishing, equal amounts of salt to protect & pepper to banish harm. Top it off with vinegar. Cap it or seal a cork stopper with wax. Recite your incantation to set your intention. Then bury or hide the bottle near your most used entrance. Retrieving & dismantling the bottle cancels the spell.

💨WITCH’S LADDER is a chain of knots tied in twine with twigs of oak, ash or thorn, small charms, feathers or Hag-stones tied into the knots. Tie 5 knots for manifesting a wish, 7 for good fortune, 13 for protection. To activate it, swing the completed chain like a pendulum & lock on a witchy gaze as you recite your incantation to set intention. Then hang it in a tree to allow Air to dismantle it over time & thus release the long term spell. The tree carries the spell to the cosmos in it's branches, throughout the mundane realm in it's trunk, & into the underworld via the roots. Leave a bread offering for the tree. Dropping the entire strand as-is into flowing water will cancel the spell.

🪨STONE STROKING is used to induce light trance. Sit & sway side-to-side while stroking a water-smoothed stone & chant: ”Stone to stone, bone to bone, flesh to flesh, vein to vein, (name) is whole again.” You could be seated on a swing or rocking chair, or just swaying your body. When you fade out mentally you can stop. Rinse stones in flowing water to reset the stone before another use. Hag-stones with a clean hole can be used for protection, and banded stones for wishes.


A WORD SIGIL is a spell made up of the letters of your written intention. Write the goal on paper in a few present-tense words to claim it so it's not forever In the "want-to-be" but IS. Cross out the vowels (a,e,i,o,u) and duplicate letters so only one of each consonant remains like a tx msg (text message). Rearrange the remaining letters artfully in any way - upright, reversed, exaggerated - into a hieroglyph. Draw a circle around it (to contain the power) & cut the sigil out or transfer it to clean paper. Dab with oil (:-:) 5 spots for the elements. Recite your incantation to set the intent. Fire & Air are the active elements so burn-&-scatter or shred-&-scatter (into a waste basket) to transform it. Transforming is a key step with word sigils as our words must be transformed to manifest.

NINE-KNOT SPELL can use a piece of cotton twine, thread, yarn or ribbon about as long as your forearm, to be tied with 9 knots. Don't pull so tightly that you cannot untie the knots. Use colors if their associations appeal to you. Say one phrase of the charm while forming a knot-loop then blow a breath of power through the loop, or peer through the loop at the moon to capture it, just as you pull the knot loosely closed. Repeat the process in sequence for all 9 knots. You are setting intent as you work. The knots are to be untied to activate the spell.

By knot one the spell's begun - By knot two it comes true - By knot three so shall it be
By knot four the power is stored - By knot five the spell's alive - By knot six the goal is fixed
By knot seven it is given - By knot eight it is fate - By knot nine it is mine

The knots can be untied in the same session or at a later time that's favorable to the spell - Dawn for increasing, noon for fullest power, dusk for banishing. Dropping the knotted strand into flowing water will cancel it.

A knot spell is also a binding spell & as long as the knots remain tied the intent is held in place. To hold/bind permanently you would burn or burry the string without untying the knots. The knots cannot then ever be undone & are thus bound. Rephrase the last line to "by knot nine (name, thing or deed) is entwined & confined". Binding is often used to prevent harm from being done.


Take advantage of Moon phase - A 🌓waxing (increasing) moon aids gain & increase. A 🌕full moon has the most energy for any task. A waning 🌗(decreasing) moon aids release, diminishing.

Work at a liminal hour of dawn, ☀️noon, dusk or midnight. These times are “between” one day and another, day or night. [i]Between[/i] adds power.

Take advantage of weekday/planetary forces. The Weekday tells when to start a spell for best outcome. Associations are shown here by weekday, planet, color & purpose:

Sunday (Sun) 🟡, leadership, health, advice
Monday (Moon) ⚪️, marriage, family, psychic endeavors, divination
Tuesday (Mars) 🔴, conflict, legal matters
Wednesday (Mercury) 🔷-aqua, communication, knowledge, divination
Thursday (Jupiter) 🔵, finances, job, prosperity, protection
Friday (Venus) 🟢, love, allure, fertility
Saturday (Saturn) ⚫️, endings, banishing, protection
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Re: Simple Spells

Post by Firebird »

Super! SpiritTalker! and sticky worthy. :fairy:
Thanks :flyingwitch:
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Re: Simple Spells

Post by SpiritTalker »

:surprisedwitch: Ooo!

Christian Magic with Candles
Ref. The Magical Use of Candles in the Christian Home by Agostino Taumaturgo
Success and Power through the Psalms by Donna Rose🌹

Choose the patron Saint or Angel and use a candle in the associated color; add a holy card* of the Saint & a similar medal*; set these on your altar; Anoint the candle with olive oil & charge 👏🏽 it with intent; stand it in a holder; lite🥢incense & lite the 🕯; offer prayers & ask for intercession. Bless the holy card, the medal & yourself with holy water*. Thank the Saint for their help; Carry the holy card & medal in your wallet or pocket.

. Love - St Raphael, pink or 🔴 red candle
. Money, job - St Joseph, 🟢 green candle
. Health - St Raphael, St Anne, 🟠 orange candle
. Protection - Archangel St Michael, Guardian Angel, St Benedict, St Patrick; ⚪️ White
. Faith, fortitude - St Dyphna, 🟣 purple candle
. Resolve Pagan/Christian Qs - St Hubertus 🟢🟤 green or brown candle

*DIY: print an image of the Saint and another of their medal; look up prayers honoring the chosen saint and add one to the back of their picture; cut out and cover with clear packing tape for durability.
* DIY Holy Water - mix 3 pinches of salt in 1/4 cup water; “bless 🙌🏽 in the names of the (+) Father/Mother, (+) Son and (+) Holy Spirit with power to remove all harmful Presence “

Suggested Altar set up; place any petition or sigil papers under-neath the candle.

🕯 .  .  .  .  .  ✝️  .  .  .  .  . 🕯
🎇  .🕯. 🎖
💦 🧂  .  .  .📖 .  .  . 🥢⚱️

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Re: Simple Spells

Post by nightshroud »

this is really informative thank you spirit
The darkness is my friend for I am Nightshroud the darklord.
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Re: Simple Spells

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Re: Simple Spells

Post by SpiritTalker »

I plucked this old comment from the bin recently. It’s an inner peace spell.

When I was a young preteen I had a flashing temper. One day I realized I didn't like how I felt when I was angry - sullen, bitter, hostile, but also powerful - so I decided to use the power to transform the feelings into good energy. I called it "trans-mogrify" from the Calvin and Hobbes cartoon. I would imagine my hurt or anger all in a bundle of spikes and snarled, rusty coils, held in my belly and command it to "transmogrify". It immediately melted into crystal clear water, and refreshment, cleansing me of all anger in the process. (I wondered why nations didn't do this).

So all these years later, I was reading on the Trad Witch Community forum about Peruvian magic in the Andes mountains, where they ingest negative energies in their stomachs, just like digestion. They retain the nourishing good, and excrete the crap into the Earth where it is absorbed and transformed to make good things grow.

Energy can't be created or destroyed, but it can be transmuted. If someone throws bad energy at me, i can "transmogrify!" and give me a blessing. Once the energy is in my ball park, it's mine to shape as I want. This is so much healthier than return-to-sender, where it can be sent back to me again and again. When energy is transmuted, the battle ends.
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Re: Simple Spells

Post by supremz »

This is the first spell I ever learned. Focus your intent on a wish of any kind, no matter how big or small... just as long as it is pure of heart. Next, close your eyes and meditate on this desire for as long as possible until you feel convinced it will come true (and you're not delusional.)

Step 2. Wait as long as you can (this requires maximum patience) until you get what you want.

If you didn't, keep practicing until you do. If you did, move on to a bigger wish or different spell.

If this seems familiar, then you probably have been exposed to it with certain accessories like candles or sigils, but I like this version because anyone can do it, it's free, and most of all, fool proof for those skeptics and pretend witches out there. You don't have to go and buy anything, and best of all, it is free for anyone to experiment with, so you can pay it forward by teaching your friends, and see the results before your eyes!

This spell is considered the building block of all witchcraft, because its principles serve as the foundation for all magic(k). I take full responsibility for sharing this with everyone, even those who wish to abuse its power to hurt others. May they do no harm, as per the Law of Threes (tm)
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Re: Simple Spells

Post by Firebird »

supremz wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 1:58 pm . Focus your intent on a wish of any kind, no matter how big or small.
Just to clarify,
You are saying just focus on what you want?
We went to step 2, without mention of step 1.

To expand on this kind of spell beyond pure heart meditation, a vision board is often helpful, cut out images from a magazine or somewhere that includes pictures of that which you desire. It's a good added visual to the outcome.

And patience, that's pretty huge, many may find that to be the most difficult part....of course if you are wanting (say, a house), a way to pay for it might be a first step. In other words, just wishing without action will make that patience practice all the more longer.

Bb, Firebird
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Re: Simple Spells

Post by supremz »

Firebird wrote: Wed May 25, 2022 10:54 am
supremz wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 1:58 pm . Focus your intent on a wish of any kind, no matter how big or small.
Just to clarify,
You are saying just focus on what you want?
We went to step 2, without mention of step 1.

To expand on this kind of spell beyond pure heart meditation, a vision board is often helpful, cut out images from a magazine or somewhere that includes pictures of that which you desire. It's a good added visual to the outcome.

And patience, that's pretty huge, many may find that to be the most difficult part....of course if you are wanting (say, a house), a way to pay for it might be a first step. In other words, just wishing without action will make that patience practice all the more longer.

Bb, Firebird
Short answer: Yes. The reason why there are no other parts in the ritual is because it is designed to be so minimal that your mind will be tricked into thinking it works. I never said you couldn't add more to it, like incantations, charms, effigies, etc., but they are optional, and anyways, there are already millions of other spells like that, so just do those. :P

You could say the unspoken rule or "Step zero" of this spell would be not to think about what you're doing in between meditation and waiting for the results to kick in, since that's the surprise. :) It is wish fulfillment simply distilled to its absolute basics. You may wonder why so simple? Well, because that's my style, is all... I appreciate the critique though. That means someone already tried it so it must be working!

As far as the patience is concerned... well, yes- I suppose for beginners that would be very difficult. (It was for me, too.) ...But I think it is our culture and time that has made most of us impatient to the point that I think anything that encourages people to cultivate it by practicing discipline is good on my watch. Without it, how can one ever hope to advance to higher magic like the lesser and greater banishing rituals of the pentagram, or astral projection?

If you're having trouble waiting for a long time, you're free to add your own techniques in order to ease the pain, or just take a break and do something else for a while. That's the beauty of the simplicity. I would recommend trying to do it without any distractions, though, and make my way the aim of doing it, because otherwise you may develop bad habits. The whole point of the spell is to notice when your attention wanders and when it is still, so doing this while busy with work or entertainment defeats the very point of it being a beginner spell that teaches you how to do witchcraft.

I think one should always have a solid foundation before trying anything else, or is that just my opinion? It isn't supposed to be boring. Just keep trying it and don't forget to focus. If nothing happens, you don't have to do it again. It is sort of like a child who makes a wish and then it comes true they say "see! It worked!" but if not, then one becomes aroused with skepticism after the wishing fails and you start to doubt yourself. Aim for the former if you find this to your liking.
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Re: Simple Spells

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