What are your thoughts on suicide?

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Re: What are your thoughts on suicide?

Post by Lord_of_Nightmares »

Having depression doesn't mean you are depressed all the time. You can be happy and okay sometimes. But therapy is something you seem like you need.

Poverty is a hard loop to get out of. I am still trying to get out of it myself.

I hope you find some love in your life too. It sounds like your fam did you wrong.
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Re: What are your thoughts on suicide?

Post by moonraingirl »

Aetherial wrote:I do not have any family and there is no social services support system that would help me. I live in the Old World, and in one of its poorest countries, probably.

Brother, actually. Thank you for your kind words, either way.

I know, Snow. It is a big decision. I'm not taking it lightly and I try to consider every option.

I'm completely on my own. As I said, in this country if you're poor and don't have money for even the most basic of things, it's your problem.
Even if there are no government services, there are churches everywhere. They always help if you ask. Just don't carry any pagan symbols and don't talk about witchcraft. If you tell them you are contemplating suicide and are desperate they will help you, I'm sure.
Anyway, even when you live in a poor country, you obviously have internet connection and a computer or smartphone, and you have a potential to get a good education. So I would say your situation is still not lost yet.

Don't worry, I won't bother you with any positive afirmations. I know that when you are depressed, nothing can make you more crazy and desperate when a happy person says what seems to be empty phrases. Know that, been there.

You definitely sound like you have depression. It may be caused both genetically (alcoholism in family) and of course environmentally. It is also made worse by being overweight. Trust me, I've been overweight/obese most of my life, been dieting since age 8. Twice I managed to gain ideal weight, but always went back or even gained more. I don't count how many times I lost and gained weight. That's why I know for sure that nutrition and weight have a huge impact on mental issues. They really do influence one's mood and brain function. Now I am studying Insulin resistance diet (also search for Paleo diet, ketogenic diet) which explains a lot about this issue and the new, alternative way to lose weight without being hungry. It also improves brain function and hormones which cause stress and anxiety. Please, have a look at it if you want to. Maybe if you saw small victory in changing your body image and got improved sleep and hormones, it would give you the strenght to fight. You would see that you are able to change, to gain your goals.
Also, there's absolutely no shame about going to a psychiatrist. If you don't want to think about making appointments etc etc, you can just call an ambulance and say what you want to do and they will help you immediately.

BTW it's great that you didn't do it immediately but you gave yourself time to think about it.
In your case what I believe is that your soul has lessons to learn. That's why it chose these obstacles. If you end this life, you may get very similar lessons in next life. It is not punishment. It is a part of growth process. This is what helps me not to end it myself. I imagine it like a Super Mario game. You get through obstacles, losing your energy on the way, but you do progress and move towards the end of level. But there's this one place in the level that you just can't pass and you are so frustrated that you deliberately run into mushroom to kill you. What happens then? You know you will play again and you ill have to pass each obstacle from the beginning because that's the only way to finish the level.
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Re: What are your thoughts on suicide?

Post by SpiritTalker »

aetherial, I saw a YouTube video that I feel might help you change your situation. I don't know how to create links, so...the video was by AsheraStarGoddess and is titled "Dark Energy Chakra Programming VR to E A Koetting". it's only 20 minutes & has some useful info on how to reprogram ourselves to manifest success, if you're interested & willing.
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Re: What are your thoughts on suicide?

Post by HopefulChild »

Please don't ban me.
I'm being honest and with sincere compassion.

There is a moderator here, Seraphin_npocampo. He is extremely well versed in Yoruba ontology.
Reach out to him. I don't know how often he frequents anymore.

The Yoruba have a very open and matter of fact outlook on the universe and suicide is part of their model.
There is a concept that life should be lived to a certain level of dignity. Life itself is deserving of a certain quality.
But they recognize that sometimes circumstances can rob an individual of that basic level of dignity and that person will be forced to live in a state of shame.
So ending ones life isn't an escape from shame. It is a difficult and celebrated decision and task one undertakes so that they can move on and strive for dignity in the next life.
Do you understand? Under their model of the universe they recognize how difficult it is to end your own life. While doing so on a whim, would certainly be considered an insult and imbalance, it isn't a "sin" or a crime.

There are many people on this forum who practice Africanz and post african island faiths with similar ideas. If you haven't spent any time studying those you should.
Doing so won't stop you from ending your life. But it will give you some power, going into your new life and stop you from feeling guilt about your decision.

In the majority of faiths that I know of that have a persistent afterlife, suicide is considered a crime against the giver of life and so a punishment is exacted for that crime. (I know, don't get me started)

In the majority of faiths that I know of that have reincarnation, suicide is a set back, a minor failing, and an individual will be reincarnated into similar circumstances as many times as it takes for them to learn the coping skills to move beyond those circumstances and grow closer to enlightenment before they start their next life.

So there are 3 distinct ideas to consider. Suicide as crime, for which you will be punished. Suicide as repeating cycle until you learn some undefined lessons (more horrifying if you ask me) and Suicide as simply Opening the door to your next life yourself instead of letting time open it for you.

Please don't ban me.
I am not advocating that anyone hurt themselves.
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Re: What are your thoughts on suicide?

Post by Firebird »

Not banning Hopeful, the OP was curious as to the afterlife and you added your thoughts.
However we still wish this person to consider the vast amount of unexplored life before them, one has no way of really knowing what future holds let alone the afterlife.
Bb, Firebird
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Re: What are your thoughts on suicide?

Post by SnowCat »

You've done nothing to be banned for. You simply answered a question. I don't think Seraphin has been around for quite a while now. He had family concerns occupying his time. Thank you, HopefulChild, for bringing his thoughts to the discussion.

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Re: What are your thoughts on suicide?

Post by Mr Crowley »

People who don't know you still care about you.

Don't misinterpret my screen name. It's chosen for illusion, a word-play, nothing to do with Al. I'm non-religious/spiritual, so I see eternal darkness at the end. But nobody knows where afterlife goes. Take a short-cut to the end, and you might wake up in eternal living hell. It's not worth taking a chance with a short-cut, something to think about.

Re: What are your thoughts on suicide?

Post by Blusnayl »

I don't know if the original poster is still with us...but if so, perhaps consider looking into meditation. It is the only solace I have found to be consistently available in our world.

Nature would also be high on the list; however, it is not always so readily available in many places.

Now, to answer your actual question: What awaits us on the other side?

You will find whatever awaits, will tend to reflect the thoughts, emotions, and Consciousness, which you are ever choosing focus.

You are the ultimate creator of your own experience.
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