The line between spirits/entities and one's own imagination

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Re: The line between spirits/entities and one's own imaginat

Post by SpiritTalker »

Another possibility is that it was your higher mind kicking in. The deep conscious flows freely and it feels like the characters write their own story. You are serving as scribe to your mind. Not saying this is the answer. We dont really know what channeling and trance conduits are, when it comes down to the acid test. You may very well be channeling a separate consciousness from your self.

The dividing line has always been intent. Just like with magic, what the will intends is what the mind accepts. And the will can act unconsciously, as easily as a slip of the tongue, commonly called a Freudian slip.

As an Empath, I can tell the identity blind folded, of living, embodied people I know and who's energies I am familiar with, when they stand behind me. My parapsychology study group used to practice on each other. As a medium, I can feel the different identities of the various spirit guides and teachers who speak through me in just the same way. I can tell the different identites when the same disincarnate beings speak through other mediums. I cannot prove it. Science cannot prove a soul exists. I can accept it.

You can speak to spirits just like you would speak to anyone else. You can speak out loud or in your meditations, or telepathically.

Yes, spirit beings can write through us, (automatic writing) and spontaneous mediumship/channeling can occur. There are plenty of folks walking around who accidentally discovered their mediumistic ability.

Edit: how is this even possible? This is not science. The way it was shown to me was with a daisy. The petals are like all the different people living and dead, and who are yet to be born. They all are connected with one center. It's a metaphor (these things usually are). How often do you read the words "ground and center"? When we center our consciousness, we are in effect, every where, every when and every one because we all share the same center. And when we pray or meditate we start learning how to navigate the center.
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Re: The line between spirits/entities and one's own imaginat

Post by Obsidian »

Well firstly, congratulations to you for making a positive change in your life. I wish you all the best on your healing journey.

with regards to your story, I think it's kind of like what came first: the chicken or the egg? I agree with Spirit Talker that when you're writing, sometimes you just get on a roll and end up writing all these amazing, insightful, otherworldly things but have no idea where they come from.

Alternatively, some people believe that they have angels/spirit guides etc who give them certain insights. Perhaps you might consider meditating on the question (no pun intended). Maybe you could ask for clarity about where this information is coming from and see if the answer comes up.
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Re: The line between spirits/entities and one's own imaginat

Post by corvidus »

He vanes wrote: So yeah, how do you guys see the whole thing? Can spirits communicate with us through writing?
I have quite a bit of experience in channeling spirits through writing and other artistic mediums. So I say absolutely yes.

He vanes wrote:How do I draw the line between the character I was writing about and the entity that has supposedly helped me?
How do you know the character and the entity are different, and should be kept separate?

Some entities rarely get a chance to manifest in physical form, so showing up in Art is the next best thing.

He vanes wrote:How does one even talk to such beings? Like, having a long, friendly and thankful conversation with them.
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