Spell to improve appearance?

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Spell to improve appearance?

Post by MothToMyFlame »

I understand that this may seem to be a vain use of magick (I've just started practising) to some but, I have horrible anxiety and struggle with a lot of self hate. I can't look at reflecting surfaces without utterly hating myself and my appearance makes my anxiety worse, it lowers my confidence further and I can't help inputting negative thoughts I think people are thinking about me e.g. 'Ew gross', 'she looks disgusting', 'her eyes are hideous'. It's irrational to think this I know but, it's a part of my anxiety and anxiety doesn't make you think rationally, completely the opposite in fact. I'm also terribly self conscious about my eyes because, the whites in my eyes are yellow. I've been to my dr and another dr however, they can't seem to find what's wrong because my liver profile is fine. This makes me feel even worse therefore, I wanted to know if anybody knew of any 'beauty enhancing' 'appearance improving' spell that they've effectively used? I would also appreciate it greatly of anyone would be able to guide me slightly on, how I would go about writing a spell to improve my eyes and make them whiter? Thank you for taking the time to read this :)
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Re: Spell to improve appearance?

Post by YanaKhan »

I know this is not the answer you are looking for, but your appearance is not the cause of the problem. The way you see yourself is only a symptom of the anxiety issues you are having. I know how frustrating it can be not being able to change what you view as a problem (believe me, I do know). Still, I would suggest a therapist, not magick.
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Re: Spell to improve appearance?

Post by TwilightDancer »

Let me start this off by saying that I have anxiety myself. I know how hard even daily tasks can be sometimes.

Doing a spell isn't going to take care of the root problem. Anxiety jumps from thing to thing. Once you're done obsessing over your eyes it's going to be something else, then something entirely different and the cycle continues. Magick is an aid, not a substitute for medical treatment. I really think you should follow YanaKhan's advice and talk to a therapist. It took me a long time to accept myself as I am so stay strong!

I would also like to suggest setting aside 5-10 minutes a day to meditate and relax, preferably in the morning. Even just a few minutes can help set the mood for the day and get you in the right mindset.
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Re: Spell to improve appearance?

Post by Katrinkah »

I agree with them. You can be the most physically beautiful person in the world and still think your ugly. I also struggle with feeling unattractive and I have come to the conclusion that it's all in how you carry yourself and project your energy. If you project yourself as unattractive that is what people will see but the reverse is also true. I would try a couple of things on top of seeking help. First walk tall with your head up and spread your shoulders as wide as they will go. It is proven that physically changing your posture does change your mentality. This may be hard at first but it gets easier. Also keep an affirmation journal. Every night write down 5 positive things about your day and five affirmations such as "I love myself the way I am and know that I am beautiful inside and out." If you do this within 20 minutes of going to bed every night this will get into your precognitive dream phase and help rewrite your subconscious script. You can also write that you will release negativity through early morning dreams. The early morning dreams are your venting dreams where you get rid of things that are no longer beneficial to you. I'm not a psychologist but I do have a diploma and hypnotherapy and know a few tricks for the retraining the brain. It's no spell but I hope this helps.
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Re: Spell to improve appearance?

Post by Myrth »

Self love is key here. Until you learn to love yourself, you will be stuck in this place. I would suggest daily affirmations focusing on self love. If you cannot look in the mirror at first, spend your time focusing on what is good about you. Pick one trait a day and focus on that. You are worthy of love and admiration. If you can accept that, embrace that, your view of yourself will change. And your life will change.
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Re: Spell to improve appearance?

Post by Fae »

When I was younger I suffered from a severe lack of self esteem. I was sort of the proverbial ugly duckling. As a child I was always told how pretty my older sister was, and that maybe one day I'd be that pretty.

Poor self esteem coupled with emotional trauma at a young age led me down a dangerous path, and it's been a long road to recovery. I realized before I could love anyone else, I had to first love myself. It started with small things, like looking in the mirror and realizing I was having a good hair day, or that a new mascara really brought out my eyes. While I still have moments of doubt, usually during severely emotional times like a break up, I find grounding myself and meditating can help me get my perspective back. There are times I start all over from the beginning, telling myself that a certain dress makes me look or feel good, but in the end it is worth it.

I too suffer from bouts of anxiety, but I try to channel it into productive things, like an offering to my deity, a project around my house, or even playing a new videogame and trying to beat a certain level. I know this isn't exactly the answer you were looking for, but I hope it helps to know that you aren't alone.
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Re: Spell to improve appearance?

Post by Wanderer022 »

Like others have said, your actual appearance is not the root of the problem.

This may or may not help you but this is my personal experience.

I have never had a good self esteem; and there's nothing wrong with me even. I've always felt ugly and not worthy of love because I'm not beautiful and too fat according to society's standards. (I'm not even obese for goodness sake, but my body shape is not ideal)

But deep down I knew the people weren't the problem. I am the problem. I'm the one telling myself "Eh I'm so fat and ugly", I'm the one saying "Nobody will ever love me because I'm not beautiful enough".

Part of me thinks maybe Aphrodite had something to do with me starting to realise this, and with my change. Why would a Goddess of love and beauty choose me? ...perhaps because beauty only matters to people, mortals, and not to divines? How many goddesses have you seen depicted as being voluptuous? How many gods have you seen that look slightly terrifying to normal people?

So one day I stood in the mirror. I faced the fear of the mirror. And I realised my bodyshape looks like how sculptors depict greek goddesses. I have the body of a goddess, why am I wanting to look like what society deems beautiful?

I started to actively seek out things I like about myself, and while standing in front of the mirror I compliment myself on it. Out loud. While looking into my own eyes. I started taking better care of myself, doing things for myself, I started writing on my arms and hands all the things I like about me, my kindness, generosity, selflessness. Whenever a negative thought pops into my mind, I actively tell myself to STOP and I counter it with a positive thought.

Start actively being nice to yourself, and slowly you will change the way you think and feel. Realise that this body is not you. Your soul is you. Realise that the divines don't care what you look like, they care about your soul. Their opinion is most important, as well as your own opinion on yourself. Be happy and let people think whatever they want. If they truly think you are "gross", that has more to do with them than with you. Then they have to change, not you. You can't change them. But you can learn to love yourself.

Why do we want others to love us? Why can't we be our own best friends/lovers and love ourselves? I see no reason not to. :)
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Re: Spell to improve appearance?

Post by Nova13 »

I absolutely agree with what everyone else has said. Body image is something that we all struggle with but we're all at different places with it. And it can change from day to day. Some days I wake up with a "Hello Beautiful!" other mornings.... not so much. But I do have a makeup magic routine. I only do the magic on my makeup and not on myself, because the real issue of my poor body image is a very complicated, which it usually is for most people. So I put a spell on my makeup instead of myself so as not to interrupt any healing or energy work that I have going on inside my body.

I start by telling myself a few good things about me, just to get in the mood. "I am strong." "I love fiercely." "I am a good person." When I'm putting cover up or foundation on, I swirl the brush (or sponge or finger tip) counter clock wise and say (and know that it's true) "No one will see my imperfections." then when I put it on my skin, moving clockwise "I am beautiful, inside and out."

Loving yourself is hard. It takes practice.
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Re: Spell to improve appearance?

Post by Fae »

Nova13 wrote:I absolutely agree with what everyone else has said. Body image is something that we all struggle with but we're all at different places with it. And it can change from day to day. Some days I wake up with a "Hello Beautiful!" other mornings.... not so much. But I do have a makeup magic routine. I only do the magic on my makeup and not on myself, because the real issue of my poor body image is a very complicated, which it usually is for most people. So I put a spell on my makeup instead of myself so as not to interrupt any healing or energy work that I have going on inside my body.

I start by telling myself a few good things about me, just to get in the mood. "I am strong." "I love fiercely." "I am a good person." When I'm putting cover up or foundation on, I swirl the brush (or sponge or finger tip) counter clock wise and say (and know that it's true) "No one will see my imperfections." then when I put it on my skin, moving clockwise "I am beautiful, inside and out."

Loving yourself is hard. It takes practice.
I think using magic on your makeup is a very unique and interesting idea. Hopefully it's not too off topic, but I'm wondering if you'd share a bit about what spells/magic you do? Maybe that will even help out the asker, or other people that are having similar thoughts.
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Re: Spell to improve appearance?

Post by Nova13 »

Fae wrote:
Nova13 wrote:I absolutely agree with what everyone else has said. Body image is something that we all struggle with but we're all at different places with it. And it can change from day to day. Some days I wake up with a "Hello Beautiful!" other mornings.... not so much. But I do have a makeup magic routine. I only do the magic on my makeup and not on myself, because the real issue of my poor body image is a very complicated, which it usually is for most people. So I put a spell on my makeup instead of myself so as not to interrupt any healing or energy work that I have going on inside my body.

I start by telling myself a few good things about me, just to get in the mood. "I am strong." "I love fiercely." "I am a good person." When I'm putting cover up or foundation on, I swirl the brush (or sponge or finger tip) counter clock wise and say (and know that it's true) "No one will see my imperfections." then when I put it on my skin, moving clockwise "I am beautiful, inside and out."

Loving yourself is hard. It takes practice.
I think using magic on your makeup is a very unique and interesting idea. Hopefully it's not too off topic, but I'm wondering if you'd share a bit about what spells/magic you do? Maybe that will even help out the asker, or other people that are having similar thoughts.

I've studied multiple healing techniques, reiki, sounding forks (really not my thing), singing bowls, reflexology. Most spells or magic, or anything I do, is healing related. My spirituality is a huge part in my recovery process from mental health stuff from abuse. I also believe that everything (stone, tree, herb, etc) and when done with the correct intent, every motion (clockwise, counter clockwise, dancing, etc) has it's own energy and function and I trust those things to do their job. Right now I'm working a lot with mantras and affirmations for build and focus healthy energy.

I've found that a simple affirmation or chant everyday, on it's own is enough to help me start to get out of a funk and it's very easy to try when I'm really depressed.

I'm sorry I'm explaining this poorly.

I was reading something else on the site and thought maybe I needed to explain that I practice witchcraft. I've studied and practiced witchcraft for 16 years.
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Re: Spell to improve appearance?

Post by Goldfish »

I've found Yoga a great way to get mental clarity. Try a very simple form called "The Five Tibetans". You can find videos on YouTube that will demonstrate better than I can describe. Do daily, no more then three reps for the first week, increasing by two each week, until you reach twenty one reps or max out. You should get a quieter mind.

Try another doctor, lots of reasons to have yellowing, most not very good.

- Goldfish

MothToMyFlame wrote:I understand that this may seem to be a vain use of magick (I've just started practising) to some but, I have horrible anxiety and struggle with a lot of self hate. I can't look at reflecting surfaces without utterly hating myself and my appearance makes my anxiety worse, it lowers my confidence further and I can't help inputting negative thoughts I think people are thinking about me e.g. 'Ew gross', 'she looks disgusting', 'her eyes are hideous'. It's irrational to think this I know but, it's a part of my anxiety and anxiety doesn't make you think rationally, completely the opposite in fact. I'm also terribly self conscious about my eyes because, the whites in my eyes are yellow. I've been to my dr and another dr however, they can't seem to find what's wrong because my liver profile is fine. This makes me feel even worse therefore, I wanted to know if anybody knew of any 'beauty enhancing' 'appearance improving' spell that they've effectively used? I would also appreciate it greatly of anyone would be able to guide me slightly on, how I would go about writing a spell to improve my eyes and make them whiter? Thank you for taking the time to read this :)
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