Palmistry Question

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Palmistry Question

Post by SunshineintheDark »

I've been trying to study it, on myself so far, and I think I'm going to hold off on it for now because it's freaking me out a bit. My right hand is about 10 times more confusing as far as recognizing the lines. I have two lines that curve around my thumb, and then another short one closer to my thumb. Above those, there is a diagonal one that starts above the head line, and ends about halfway down my hand, at the outside edge of my ring finger. And, what I think is the head line is curvy and chained, and starts at the middle of my index finger and goes all the way past my pinky, but branches down and out at the ring finger. No, I guess it doesn't branch, it's not connected...There are also a few more, but again, very confusing.

On my left hand (here is the question, lol), right where the life line starts to curve, it branches. The branch connects to the (fate?) line next to it, and makes an X.....So it looks like this |X|, except it's connected, like a sideways hourglass. Does the hourglass have any significance? I can't seem to find any articles that mention it. I'm not even going to try to understand all of the little stuff though, lol.
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Re: Palmistry Question

Post by corvidus »

As far as I know -- a gypsy told me this -- only the right hand/dominant hand is used in the reading...

But I don't practice palmistry. Just relaying what I heard.
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Re: Palmistry Question

Post by Xiao Rong »

I was once told that your non-dominant hand represents the qualities/potential you were born with, and your dominant hand represents how you have changed over the course of your life beyond what you were born with (nature vs. nurture, basically). I'm no expert at palmistry, but I always thought that was a pretty neat juxtaposition. So it doesn't surprise me at all that your right hand (assuming that's your dominant hand) is much more complex and harder to read.
~ Xiao Rong ~ 小蓉 ~ Little Lotus ~

Re: Palmistry Question

Post by SunshineintheDark »

Fascinating. So basically, your dominant hand shows how you have influenced what you were born with? Sort of like if the left hand were a map, the right hand shows all the off roading you've done? Lol.
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Re: Palmistry Question

Post by Xiao Rong »

Sunshine, that's a really good analogy! Yes, that's my understanding of it. (again, not an expert in palmistry though, just one of the tidbits at a palmistry class I once went to)
~ Xiao Rong ~ 小蓉 ~ Little Lotus ~
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Re: Palmistry Question

Post by grlry »

I, too, have been trying to study palmistry. I've purchased a couple of books and am using my own dominant hand as an example to read.
Well, my right hand is so confusing! I keep getting frustrated and putting it down, but I'm starting to wonder if I should use another persons dominant hand to try on. Sort of like an unbiased subject. I'm quite drawn to palmistry and my intrigue is definitely why I keep trying, but it's starting to make me feel like my intelligence is lacking somewhere!
Does that make sense? Any suggestions?
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Re: Palmistry Question

Post by MsMollimizz »

...about 10yrs ago I got into palmistry myself, despite
the fact that I knew with my brain the way it is I won't
be able to remember too much. I continued my research,
I went out to the garage(where we smoked) and had a few
palmistry books and my notebooks with me and sit for hours
out there copying things down. It seems to help a bit when
I copy things into the notebooks, some of it stays some don't.
The info that made impression with me is written down in the
notebooks. No real sense to it as I jump around the books
quite often.
According to: The Everything Palmistry book, Idiot's Guide
to Palmistry there is a different train of thought regarding
left and right hands...
Your dominant hand is what you show to others, the other
is your inner self the part of you no one sees. Your hand
print is always changing, instead of going left like you
usually do, you go right and a completely different set of
circumstances occur and that adds a new line, spot, island,
or chain link to name a few. Everything that goes on in your
head is on the other palm. So, both palms need to be read
Make a copy of your hands, one at a time is easier to get
made, unless you got someone helping you halfsm
and post the pics here for all of us to learn something
new for the day :D as we are always learning.
Take copy now and then again in 6 months...little changes,
but changes. If you had a major life event happen it will
show up on your life line, around the thumb. Those books
have timeline charts for I think the three main lines, maybe
just two (?) I haven't looked in those books for quite awhile.
Sunshineinthedark, and others ! If you have a palmistry book,
there is usually a timeline, where on the lines is this age or
that one. If I remember correctly basically from the inner
side of the thumb, drawing a line straight across connecting
with the life line is roughly about the age of fifty. I was
closely approaching that milestone back then :surprisedwitch:
It's quite an interesting subject, I just wish I could remember
better, cause I enjoy dipping into that subject; handwriting
analysis too is fun for me.
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