Eating meat..?

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Re: Eating meat..?

Post by Absinthe »

Honestly I think the whole vegan thing is silly, and hypocritical (for me that is) , its like the thought sense that "fish can't feel so its okay to eat them" its silly, fish can feel and so can plants.
I've said it before but "if it grows then it is alive and feels", plants grow and feel, they communicate amongst each other.
I recently read an article about this matter and I agree with it that plants are able to feel pain. So the whole vegan thing of not eating animals and eating plants because plants "can't feel" is silly and closed minded.
The American Indians really know what they are talking about too when it comes to nature and everything from us down to the smallest bug.
You have to do what's right for you, feeling guilty about nourishing your body isn't right and I'm not saying people shouldn't eat just because everything can feel etc but you have to accept it and live life your way and do what's right for you. We can get advice and help but everyone is on their own path.
What works for one person won't work for someone else and that's just how it is.
We all have to survive and we can't live on air and water alone. Guilt can hinder you and becomes a negative feeling especially when its uncalled for.
The way I see it is everything on earth is alive and grows and everything has a purpose, we die and we in turn feed something else when we are in the ground, the circle of life. We all end up nutrients and food for something/someone else. Just my view and not attacking anyone's beliefs
The article for reference:
And I eat everything, I just thank whatever I eat etc for providing the nourishment and energy my body needs to continue functioning, that my family has food.
We worry too much about what we eat and if its right etc and forget to be grateful that we actually have food when many others don't.
“Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, If you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free.”― Rumi
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