Llewellyn publishers

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Llewellyn publishers

Post by Ravenstar »

I know I didn't even attempt to spell that name. Well, I have heard that this company is iffy about publishing certain authors. I guess you have to look out for books or authors that aren't good or wrong information. What would be some authors to avoid? I was thinking of getting The Witches Companion, Herbalism guide and a Sabbat guide book. Are these quick flip through guides good compared to a regular book? Opinions are welcomed. Blessings. :flyingwitch:
Last edited by Xiao Rong on Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Myrrdin Greyoak

Re: Llewellyn publishers

Post by Myrrdin Greyoak »

That's opening a whole can of worms. There are authors that one practitioner will not like but others will and vice versa. It's really how that author speaks to you personally. For example, I totally dislike D J Conway and Silver Ravenwolf, but there are many out there who love these two, and I totally love Ann Moura's books while others don't. So it's really up to you. My advice to you would be to read, read read. Read different authors and find the one or ones that appeal to YOU.
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Re: Llewellyn publishers

Post by Siona »

They put of a range of books, and some really are better than others, so it's hard to say that they should be totally avoided. I will second mentions of D. J. Conway, especially any of her Celtic or Norse flavored books, and Silver Ravenwolf. Silver, in particular, tends to stir up a lot of debate, and is one of their authors who people frequently mention avoiding. There are a few articles online, like this one, and this one, which go into detail of why. As was mentioned, some really do like her books, but I find them to be hugely problematic, very poorly researched, and I especially dislike her book on hedgecraft which has absolutely nothing whatsoever at all to do with hedgecraft.

I would also add Douglas Monroe, and Edain McCoy to the list, both have put out books that are just filled with very, very poorly researched material, especially when dealing with historical topics. Beyond that, I can't think of any other authors off the top of my head to totally avoid... But it's always good to use multiple sources on any particular topic, and to really fact check when you can, especially about historical stuff where a lot of misinformation really shows up.

If I understand you right, you're looking to pick up books from their yearly series? Those can be pretty hit or miss, but for the most part the information and ideas in them is alright, they've got different articles and such every year.
Myrrdin Greyoak

Re: Llewellyn publishers

Post by Myrrdin Greyoak »

I will totally concur with Siona . I totally forgot about Monroe and McCoy, but I was trying to avoid having anyone who likes the previously mentioned authors getting their feathers ruffled over it, In other words I was trying to be nice (which is something new, lol)
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