Need help with a spell/ritual to improve eyesight

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Need help with a spell/ritual to improve eyesight

Post by Pinkpower_80 »

My fiance asked me to do a spell to help his vision. He gave me his permission to post about it here and ask for guidance from others more experienced than I am at this point.
A little backstory about him. When he was young, he had corrective surgery on his left eye for "lazy eye". He went through a lot of bullying as a kid because he had to wear glasses and a patch. His eyesight in his right eye has always been pretty good , and he was able to quit wearing glasses as an adult.
Lately, though, his vision is starting to deteriorate & is getting blurry. He doesn't have the insurance to go to the eye dr yet, so he asked if there is anything magickal that can be done to help him.

Do y'all know of any herbs, spells, or anything that might help, even in the short term? Thanks in advance. :fairy:

ETA: I hit submit too soon lol.
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Re: Need help with a spell/ritual to improve eyesight

Post by Shub Niggurath »

My both grandmas always suggested eating a lot of blueberries to prevent sight problems.
I'm shortsighted myself and tried probably everything possible to cure my sight, nothing really helps. But I feel like eating blueberries at least prevents it from getting worse so maybe tell him to try that. It's also a good idea to ask pharmacists for suggestions, they know a lot of herbal pills that might help. But it's still best to go to oculist as soon as possible ;)
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Re: Need help with a spell/ritual to improve eyesight

Post by random417 »

My mom, who's about the least magically oriented people you'd think of, carries carrot seeds all the time, she says its to help her see better. I don't know how much it helps, but she hasn't had to have her prescription adjusted in years
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Re: Need help with a spell/ritual to improve eyesight

Post by Pinkpower_80 »

random417 wrote:My mom, who's about the least magically oriented people you'd think of, carries carrot seeds all the time, she says its to help her see better. I don't know how much it helps, but she hasn't had to have her prescription adjusted in years
I get that, since carrots are good for your eyes. Thanks for the tip! LC, I will look into that.
He lost his job & insurance in June. He has had a couple of interviews this week and they look promising. I hope he can get hired on so he can have his insurance. I worry about him since he can't go to the dr.
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Re: Need help with a spell/ritual to improve eyesight


I have Fibromialgia and eyes getting bad comes along with territory. Thanks for the tips!
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Re: Need help with a spell/ritual to improve eyesight

Post by Seraphin »

I might be late for this post but I just want to share this simple remedies to improve eyesight.

First is to do some meditation.

Light a white candle and place it far apart from you for 2 feet but equal level of your eyes. Make sure the flame should be still with no air flowing by. Then sit comfortably on the floor. Now begin to gaze at the flame. Focus on it without blinking for as long as you can until your eyes become watery. After that, close your eyes and start to visualize and wait for the after-image to fade. Open your eyes again and focus on flame. Close your eyes, but this time you are consciously willing the after-image to last as long as you can keep it in your mind, before it fades.

I also recommend you to drink Huckleberry Blend before doing the meditation.

- 1 1/2 cups huckleberries
- 1 banana
- 1/2 tbs honey
- 1/2 cu vanilla yogurt
- ice cubes or tubes
- dash of cinnamon

Combine all the ingredients in blender and drink immediately. Its been proven that huckleberries have positive effects on our eyes. The way the fruit interacts with the collagen structure in the eye helps improve sight and even cure certain eye dis-eases.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: Need help with a spell/ritual to improve eyesight

Post by random417 »

That huckleberry blend sounds good
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Re: Need help with a spell/ritual to improve eyesight

Post by Pinkpower_80 »

Thank you Seraphin! I will certainly try that and have him try it too. :fairy: My eyes are getting worse, too, so this can't hurt. I am terrified of the ophthalmologist so that's why I haven't been in a while lol.
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