My son has ADHD and Anxiety...any spell suggestions?

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My son has ADHD and Anxiety...any spell suggestions?

Post by Alexandra »

Hi Everyone!

I'm new to Wicca and am a solitary practitioner following a Green path. My son, he is 16, is going through a rough time as of late. Since I'm relatively new to the Craft, I would like some assistance as to what spells and/or blessings that I could do to help him. He is being treated already by a specialist and is taking medicine, so I've gone that route. I believe that I can help him in a more spiritual way.

Your thoughts and blessings are very welcome.

Thank you very much in advance for your time.

Blessed Be.

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Re: My son has ADHD and Anxiety...any spell suggestions?

Post by Sakura Blossom »

Do you practice aromatherapy at all? Or work with herbs? That might be a great way to help him out. I suffer from anxiety and a mood disorder, so I understand fully how hard it was when I was 16. It got even worse when I was graduating from high school, as I suffered a psychotic break due to all the new things going on at once. I've always used aromatherapy as a way to help myself out. (: I like to put a bowl in my room at night, full of water and I put floral oils into it so that my room has a happier and more pleasant vibe so when I come in I immediately relax.

Now, knowing that he's a teenage boy, I'm going to assume he probably won't like having his room smell 'girly'. Haha!

So I have a spell that I made for myself, that you could easily alter to be meant towards someone else. (:

It's on this thread, in my BOS:

My Collection of Random Tid-Bits

I hope this helps! It's what I do for myself, and it works wonderfully for me! There's another one on there, too, that I do to promote positivity that works well for me as well.
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Re: My son has ADHD and Anxiety...any spell suggestions?

Post by Alexandra »

Hey Sakura.

Thanks so much for the assistance! Since I am so new to the Craft, I haven't worked much with anything...I'm still working on learning more about my path.
I would love to try out some more aromatherapy, and have a family member who works with essential oils as her job. I will also check out your BOS and the like. I appreciate you.

Thanks sister.
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Re: My son has ADHD and Anxiety...any spell suggestions?

Post by Sakura Blossom »

You are very welcome! I fully understand how hard it is to deal with mental illness, so anytime I see the chance to help, I do! (: And aromatherapy works wonders sometimes! I was skeptical at first, but it really does! I use rose oil when I get terrible migraines because it helps me with the pain.

And I love candle magick! I honestly think it's one of the easiest spells to do, but that's my personal opinion. You just light the candle and are able to cast your will without needing more than that.

I hope it works well for you!
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Re: My son has ADHD and Anxiety...any spell suggestions?

Post by Echo_of_shadows »

Would your son be willing to carry or wear stones? He could carry labradorite, green aventurine, or lepidolite for anxiety. Blue lace agate, amethyst, rose quartz and lepidolite have a calming effect that can help with both anxiety and ADHD.
Chamomile tea does wonders to promote calm. :)
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Re: My son has ADHD and Anxiety...any spell suggestions?

Post by Sakura Blossom »

Oh, thank you for sharing about the amethyst, Echo, I totally forgot to suggest that! I carry one in my left pocket all the time, and it helps keep me level headed. (:
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Re: My son has ADHD and Anxiety...any spell suggestions?

Post by MaeRose »

My son has both anxiety and ADHD as well, so honest hugs to you. It is a hard road and knowing you are not alone helps. I find that meditation has also been very helpful as Sanna says. However, I also know it is not always easy to get them focused or ready to participate. My savoir has been what we call "adventure walks". We just go out to the closest provincial (we are in Canada) or city park and get back to nature. Look for birds, talk about mother nature and the magic of nature spirit. We throw rocks, or collect feathers and leaves for the alter. Calms him right down. Also a great way to share spirit and magic with your children. You can just go for a neibourhood walk too. I have a plant spell I did personally. It is still coming to fruitation, but if you like I can pm it to you.

Hugs and blessings.
It is what it is.

Re: My son has ADHD and Anxiety...any spell suggestions?

Post by Alexandra »

Thank you Ladies for all of your thoughtful ideas! I will be incorporating some of them and I'll let you all know how it works out.

I appreciate the help and for your time.

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Re: My son has ADHD and Anxiety...any spell suggestions?

Post by hecate8 »

The LBRP works well for anxiety. Have you tried that?
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Re: My son has ADHD and Anxiety...any spell suggestions?

Post by random417 »

I've had ADHD all my life, so I can share a slightly different perspective, possibly. Walks are great, I'll go for hours, but I also use them as meditation, I don't need that long. The LBRP is great for focus, but I don't really have anxiety issues, so I can't speak to that.

IF he has the interest in magick, and the focus, the middle pillar ritual helps me stay centered, improves focus and keeps me grounded and calmer.
So with thy all; thou hast no right but to do thy will.
Do that, and no other shall say nay.
For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.
~AL 1:42-44
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