Basic items for a beginner

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Basic items for a beginner

Post by rosemoon »

What are some basic items you'd recommend to a beginner in the Craft such as myself? I have a chalice and some bowls (one for an offering dish, another for a bowl of air for the Air element), but what else do you recommend? Something that could be bought at dollar stores or craft stores if possible. Thank you!
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Re: Basic items for a beginner

Post by TwilightDancer »

What do you mean by "basic" items?
Items that would aid you in spell-casting?
You can cast an earth spell with a piece of fruit.

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Re: Basic items for a beginner

Post by rosemoon »

Sorry for the confusion! I meant things for an altar, like an athame or a wand. Things to make a simple altar or to use in rituals.

Re: Basic items for a beginner

Post by Jake1001 »

Honestly you need to explore wicca without tools, as they aren`t neccessary but if you really wish to work with tools and find it easier, I`d reccomend buying a few candles, and maybe creating your own wand for now.
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Re: Basic items for a beginner

Post by Holdasown »

True you don't need anything but as you move along you will start to accumulate stuff. We all do. I recommend getting a note book. Start writing things down. Candles are always good. Start saving glass jars from stuff you buy to eat. I love jars and jar spells great for beginning. Start with some basic herbs if you want. Lavender and Chamomile are both edible and good for relaxation. If you aren't comfortable with making a wand think of other stuff like a wooden spoon. I have a bowl and cup set for my ancestor altar and my god/goddess altar. But if nothing else consider the notebook. You will want to start keeping track of stuff that works and you get a gut feeling about.
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Re: Basic items for a beginner

Post by SpiritTalker »

Grocery, Dollar stores & thrift shops are good resources. When getting started, keep it simple. Gear doesn’t have to come from witchy shoppes. We can repurpose anything & it can be fun discovering magical uses for mundane items. Use what’s on hand.

. Any📒 notebook is useful for spell planning, notes & brilliant ideas
. Print a pentacle⭐️, deity🪆🦌images & the current year's full moon dates📅
. Check free PDF book sources like
. Repurposing household dishes 🍷 is Earth friendly & a tea mug with infuser brews potions
. Find uniquely shaped or marked stones outdoors 🌜💛
. Seasonal fruits🍒 & 🌰nuts or 🥐breads can be used for offerings
. Juice, tea & coffee can substitute for fermented beer & wine for libations

Prepare a Workspace -
. Working supplies: salt🧂, 💦H2O bowl, incense🥢, candles🕯, ⚱️oil; represent elements 🪨💦☁️🔥✨ (earth, water, air, fire, ether); household 🧹broom is optional
. Prep work-table: cleanse with mixed🧂💦, bless🥢, anoint⚱️& 🙌🏽 magnetize
. 🪨 stones - white quartz can be found on graveled paths & at garden stores
. Formal Ritual Tools - 🍷🗡⭐️ 🪄are not needed to start. Repurpose dishes. You can make the energy-eye-hand connection to direct energy with any pointer. You can make a 🪄wand by trimming a fallen branch to a desired length, peel the bark with a pocket knife, sand and rub on furniture polish.

📖 Cunningham’s Solitary Wicca is available as a free pdf. ... tioner.pdf

📖 Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft free pdf ... hcraft.pdf

Build Your Skills -
. Ground - connect to the earth; Center - pull power on the breath to your belly; think of the results you want & push power from the gut through the hands 👏🏽 to make psi balls for practice or to cast a circle or charge a spell. Shake your hands to clear.

DIY Holy Water - 🙌🏽 charge salt and water separately “I charge you, creature of salt/water, to remove all harmful intent & to be of service to my magic”. Add 3 pinches of 🧂to 1/4 cup 💦

🌿Useful herbs ‘n spice you probably have
. Basil - protection in spirit-travel, aids psychism, prosperity, romance
. Cinnamon - aids spirituality & psychism, boosts vitality & success
. Rosemary- memory aid, romance, prosperity & protection
. Sage - use as incense to clear cross-currents & banish spirits
. Table Salt - purification
. Thyme - Ancient Greek temple incense to dispel harm & honor the dead
. Olive oil is traditional, scented is optional, “light” oils costs less

Simple Circle -
. Start & end at north, 🧹sweep off debris (OR spritz salt-water) walking ↪️, light🥢 incense, & then walk ↩️ around, 👉🏼 point-&-push. Seeing the energy in the mind acts both in the mundane realm & in the etheric realm. Quietly lighting an inviting incense suggests knowledge of who/what you invite, and raising Earth energy ⚡️to project the circle takes a bit of practice.

Re: Basic items for a beginner

Post by shadoweave »

When starting the tools do help structure and visualize, my 2 pence
(The tools you chose for yourself can be made most of them. Most of the tools of the craft were and are found around the home. When people were persecuted for pagan faith this is how the survived. Chalice, Athame, wand, broom and cauldron all can be daily household items.) you can buy a lot of stuff online, if you're starting out don't. Get a notebook, a few candles and read and research. Figure out what you're comfortable with. What resonates with you. If you decide you need a tool see if you can make it and consecrate it yourself. ;)
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Re: Basic items for a beginner

Post by valerian moon »

I think a good starting point is a few candles (not too many, or you won't have anywhere to put them, like moi) and a big notebook with lots of pages. Both can be found at the wal mart.
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Re: Basic items for a beginner

Post by TwilightDancer »

xxmoonxraverxx wrote:I think a good starting point is a few candles (not too many, or you won't have anywhere to put them, like moi)
When I was younger and just starting out 10+ years ago, I was using birthday candles. They're cheap, don't take up a lot of space and come in every color. Got the job done just fine.
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Re: Basic items for a beginner

Post by Raven At Heart »

I always started with crystals. a single crystal on an altar depending on what kind can be invaluable. even a lead crystal can hold countless energies and even be an anchor.Gems gems they are good for your soul, the more you have the easier magick will flow.
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Re: Basic items for a beginner

Post by TwilightDancer »

Raven At Heart wrote:I always started with crystals. a single crystal on an altar depending on what kind can be invaluable. even a lead crystal can hold countless energies and even be an anchor.Gems gems they are good for your soul, the more you have the easier magick will flow.

I agree that crystals can be a good place to start but they might not be very attainable by someone new to the craft. Especially young newcomers.
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Re: Basic items for a beginner

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