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Re: House of Deities

Post by AnaisStar »

loona wynd wrote:
AnaisStar wrote:No I dont consider them a pantheon either but I do work with them a lot. I work with the Archangels probably more than some of the other at times. Especially Ralphael as I call him to assist in healing work. But now that Im creating a relationship with Apollo Ive started calling on him as well in healing work.
That makes sense to me. There are a lot of Dragon spirits in the Dragon craft I have explored. Though I have really only personally worked with two one that was named in the listing and another that wasn't named. I'm going to be trying to change that and develop my dragon relationships a bit more.

I work with Micheal as the archangel mostly right now. He has some powerful historical healing associations. He was actually a healing angel before he was a warrior angel. Though the association was still with cutting away and or burning away the ailments. I actually have a Hoodoo uncrossing spell in his name I need to adapt and do for myself. I may have crossed myself up with some negative beliefs and practices. So I'd rather be uncrossed and work that to be safe than let it build up.

I do need to get back into my spirit connections more.
I love Michael. We have a very close relationship, but I call on him more for protection, especially while traveling.
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Re: House of Deities

Post by Seraphin »

YanaKhan wrote:I work with different pantheons as well. Ye, I don't work with different gods at the same time. I find it kinda disrespectful. Here's my choice of deities to work with:
Thanks for sharing your Deities YanaKhan !

My standard is also to work with one Deity at a time.
AnaisStar wrote:Buddhist (although not really considered a deity)
Kuan Yin
AnaisStar wrote:
loona wynd wrote:
AnaisStar wrote:
Archangel Michael
Archangel Ralphael
I didn't include the angelic forces I am working with or the Dragons I have worked with in my list. I don't consider those pantheons so to speak. They are sentient beings I work with but I don't consider them pantheons. Does that make sense?
No I dont consider them a pantheon either but I do work with them a lot. I work with the Archangels probably more than some of the other at times. Especially Ralphael as I call him to assist in healing work. But now that Im creating a relationship with Apollo Ive started calling on him as well in healing work.
Sometimes I consider some Encohian angels and Daemons in my pantheon because I believe that spirits can be promoted to Gods out of human worship alone. As described in most ancient mystical philosophy such as Kabbalah, we are "B'nei elohim" (sons of Gods), and whatever thoughts and actions we do could cause existence/creation or destruction to the other realm.

I believe that a group of humans can promote a spirit through sheer force of faith and belief over an extended period of time. Therefore, I do believe that Buddha (Sidharta Gautama) evolved and now exists as a Deity in His own right, as well as other Catholic saints.
loona wynd wrote: That makes sense to me. There are a lot of Dragon spirits in the Dragon craft I have explored. Though I have really only personally worked with two one that was named in the listing and another that wasn't named. I'm going to be trying to change that and develop my dragon relationships a bit more.
I work with three dragon spirits, they are Rahab, Liwyatan and Mushussu. They are all came from Near Eastern tradition and lore. Dagon of Sumerian pantheon wears dragon form sometimes.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
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Re: House of Deities

Post by AnaisStar »

Seraphin wrote:
I believe that a group of humans can promote a spirit through sheer force of faith and belief over an extended period of time. Therefore, I do believe that Buddha (Sidharta Gautama) evolved and now exists as a Deity in His own right, as well as other Catholic saints.
Good point Seraphin, that is Kuan Yin's story basically as well.
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Re: Member's Pantheons

Post by Yex »

Being Christo-Pagan, I worship first and foremost Jesus Christ, whom I put in a category above other deities, viewing Jesus as a panentheistic force that is the unconditional love that contains all of creation. That said, I think it is right and proper to form relationships with the deities/spirits/entities that fill creation, especially those that have formed intimate relationships with humanity in the past. Thus, here is a list of those that I have worked with:

(Entries marked with * represent deities/spirits that I have worked with in the past, but no longer play a primary role in my practice, though some of them I still maintain some level of relationship with)

Jesus Christ
the Virgin Mary
St. Hildegard von Bingen
Archangel Rafael
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Michael
Archangel Uriel

Greek Pantheon:
Hermes *
Hecate *

Roman Pantheon:
Mercury *

Chumash Pantheon:

Celtic Pantheon:
the Morrigan

Shiva * (once played a very central practice, much less so now, but still present)
Ganesha *
Krishna *

Egyptian/Kemetic Pantheon:
Nuit *

Animal Totems:

Various ancestor spirits
spirits of nature, including Whulge (Puget Sound) and various specific trees and places
spirits of various psychedelic realms, eg ayahuasca, mushrooms, lsd

EDIT: I forgot that I've also worked a little, tiny bit with the Voodoo Lwa Papa Legba, and have had a vision of another Lwa whom I think was Baron Samedi
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Re: Members' Pantheons

Post by Dreamingwithwolves »

I know I'm coming in really late to this topic... but I just had to add my own beliefs I guess, because they seem to be prreeetty different to other peoples' here.

I believe that there is simply Mother Earth whose divine energy is the core and force behind life on Earth, and then there is Father Sky who is the divine energy circulating the universe.

I also strongly believe that nature spirits exist (well in the idea that nature is conscious and knowing).

I don't know what that makes me, or whether I will eventually get involved with different pantheons, just they don't seem to encompass my beliefs and feel almost restricting to me. (Please don't feel as if I am attacking anyone else's beliefs.)

I do agree with the Wiccan Rede, although that is a belief I think I set out as a life rule anyway, even before reading about it.
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Re: Members' Pantheons

Post by SnowCat »

I think you expressed yourself and your views quite well. I work with several individual deities from different pantheons, which was their idea, not mine. I also hold the concept of Mother Earth and Father Sky.

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Re: Members' Pantheons

Post by Dreamingwithwolves »

Well at first I researched a lot of different pantheons and the deities within them, but none stood out, and I had this nagging feeling that I was looking in the wrong place. Both Mother Earth and Father Sky showed themselves to me before I had any concept of Witchcraft, and they just feel so right. I no longer question it I guess. :')
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Re: Members' Pantheons

Post by Siona »

Wow, I always felt like I worked with a lot of deities, but some of you all must be real busy! :D Guess I'll add my list to the bunch...

Deities I worship/work with on a very frequent basis:
Artemis - Greek, goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, and wild animals, among quite a few other things.
Hestia - Greek, goddess of the hearth fire and the home.
Hekate - Greek, goddess of witchcraft, the crossroads/liminial spaces, the moon, and the wandering dead.
Demeter - Greek, mother goddess of wheat, barley, agriculture and the harvest in general, bringer of the seasons.
Isis - Egyptian/Roman, sun and moon goddess, goddess of magic, motherhood, much more...

Deities who I honor on a less frequent basis (some monthly, some yearly):
Persephone - Greek, daughter of Demeter, Queen of the Underworld
Selene - Greek titan of the moon.
Apollon - Greek God of the sun, healing, prophecy, music.
Zeus - Greek god of the sky, order.
Aphrodite - Greek goddess of love.
Hermaproditus - Greek, child of Aphrodite and Hermes.
Fortuna- Roman goddess of fortune, chance, luck.
Pomona - Roman goddess/nymph of orchards and abundance.
Vertumnus - Roman, husband of Pomona, god of seasons, change, vegetation, orchards.
Heḱwona - Proto-Indo-European reconstructed goddess of horses, mead, sovereignty.
Kolyos - PIE reconstructed goddess of death.
Xáusōs - PIE reconstructed goddess of the dawn.

And not deities, but the spirits (household, ancestral, nature, or others) are also a very large part of my practice.

I do generally prefer a one-on-one experience with my deities, just as a personal preference, but since there are not a lot of different pantheons going on in my practice there's also no trouble with honoring a few deities at same festival, as it would be traditional to do so anyway. :)
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Re: Members' Pantheons

Post by SnowCat »

I currently work with Bast, Sekhmet, Anubis, Loki and Freya.

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Re: Members' Pantheons

Post by Lydia »

I believe in the four deities that have been shown and described to me in visions that were given to me by one of the deities themselves.

Those deities are the four cosmic powers.
They consist of the two greater cosmic powers, which underlie and shape the universe and are very impersonal,
and the two lesser cosmic powers, also called the cosmic spirits, which span across the eternal and infinite universe.

The two greater cosmic powers are the force of truth and the force of all falsehoods, aka the maw of all evils.

The two cosmic spirits are the cosmic spirit of rightness and virtue,
and the cosmic spirit of wrongness and depravity.
It was that first cosmic spirit who taught me these things.
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Re: Members' Pantheons

Post by XVIII »

Let's say first that I believe all the gods, every each one, and I also believe that every one of them is real and true and also just a persofication of The Divinity.

Roman: Venus
Greek: Pallas Athene
Greek: Aradia
Mesopotamian: Ishtar
Christianity: Satan

Venus was the first one. I was maybe 12 years old, reading history book in school and there was the painting - The Birth of Venus by Botticelli. I was never the girl interested of paintings or history, this was different. I was teached at school, everywhere, that it's wrong to worship unholy gods. I became afraid of Hell but I felt strange passion towards Venus and I could not help myself, I fell in love.

When Pallas Athene touched me, I was 12 again. I was sleeping, then woke up because my leg cramped so I was between sleep and wake, and she touched my left hand, said, you will not get out of this. Of cource I didn't know what happened, why, get out of what, anyway I somehow knew it was Athene. I used to wonder why Athene. I used to be the girl in love with nature so why the goddess of cities and war touched me, not Artemis, the goddess of nature? I read that Pallas Athene gives an initation to girls. Now - over ten years after that - I live in the biggest city of my home country. Now that I've seen it and the way I see the future I understand it. Anyway Athene is distant in her own way, I think it's just her personality. Sometimes I feel her like smiling somewhere far.

Then Aradia. Once in the forest I felt kinda like dancing with her, hard to explain. I have not felt her after that, at least not close. But the point is that she gave me the keys to witchcraft.

I S T H A R and then nothing, that was my first connection and the first letters with ouija board. I used google. Before I had not any idea what it means. I was suprised. I don't believe in coincidences, but many coincides lead me to Ishtar, many text and things lead me to her and/or her Sumerian name Inanna or Hellenic Astarte. It is hard to explain, but I feel like she's somewhere inside me. She is inside of me.

I don't believe in pure evil, I only believe that evil is a result of broken-hearted humanity and broken people. I am broken too. I have made harm too. But though how deep in the darkness I go the responsibility is always mine. I was afraid of Lucifer first. My friends warned me, they said the worst things are always the loving ones first. For a long while I was afraid too, then I asked myself: I believe in every deity. Why would Lucifer be different. For example there are lots of common in Hecate and him. Why wouldn't I be afraid of Hecate? Why am I afraid of Satan? I don't believe in prayers but he has been with me when I needed him most - without asking. There is so much power in he and the way he is feared makes him stronger. I'd like to write about my relationship with Satan more, but right now I'm too tired to use English, so maybe later. Now I just check the spelling.
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Re: Members' Pantheons

Post by Raven At Heart »

Loki and Athena are the closest 2 to me, but also, Jupiter, Hades, Ares, Odin, Thor, Venus, Ra, Frigga, Fenris, Midgardsomr, and especially Yggdrassil.
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Re: Members' Pantheons

Post by Firebird »

Raven At Heart wrote:Yggdrassil
are you saying the tree is your god?
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Re: Members' Pantheons

Post by Raven At Heart »

One of them. The main 2 are again, Loki and Athena. yggdrassil is however the 3rd most important and connected to me.
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Re: Members' Pantheons

Post by Firebird »

I love the energy of trees. Wish I could still climb one. :roll:
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