Gemstones and Jewelry

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
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Gemstones and Jewelry

Post by Seeker »

I have been into Crystals and Gemstones for a couple of years now. My partner and I started a collection for my son before he was born, so he's got quite a few nice pieces. But that's another post.

I recently was given some jewelry wire, a lot of jewelry wire. And so I started looking at how to videos on YouTube for projects and fell in love with gemstone wire jewelry. A lot of the tutorials look easy, and I can't wait to start making my own designs. I found this site ( and they are having a large sale on gemstones, beads, supplies, and tools. Figured I'd post if anyone is interested.

I'll have pictures of some stuff soon, though I probably wont begin making jewelry until Eria is born (I'm 37 weeks). She dropped today, so couple more to go.
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