Abilities and dreaming

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Abilities and dreaming

Post by mysticmoondragon »

hey, ya'll :)

so.. im not very sure of how to explain all of the things ive been dealing with, but im posting because im wanting to know what everyone's opinions are about what all of this might mean for me, and if its something i should try to hone or not. so here goes..

for as long as i can remember, i have always had EXTREMLY vivid and detailed dreams of horriffic things happening to people. mainly dreams of kidnapping, rape, and the periodic fatal car accidents. so when i have these dreams, i live these incidents through the vicim. seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and living everything through their POV, as if i were that person. these dreams dont happen very often, but they have come on and off througout my life, and as of just recently started to be more and more frequent, in nature. about a year ago, i was taking an afternoon nap with my man, when one of these dreams hit me. in this dream, it was as if I was the teen girl in the front passengers seat, i was arguing with the boy in the backseat, while my friend was texting and driving. to make a long story short, i immediately wrote everything down in a note book when i woke up, i had a very strong sense and felt it was gunna happen very soon, and it turned out to happen 3 days later, and to be a very fatal car accident on I95 about 10 minutes from my house, that involved 3 teens that died in a texting related accident that sent their SUV flipping and killing all of them. those 3 teens turned out to be my brother and my cousins' friends from their HS. im also very much an EMPATH...

now what im trying to get at is, dreams like this have happened all my life and im now 26yo. my mom has similar stuff happen to her as well as both of my aunts. one of my aunts is a 'healer'.
so i guess the question im wanting to ask, is... is this an ability that is worthy of strenghthening and honing? opinions please :)
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